Application due by web submission on February 23, 2007

Cover Page hard copy (with required signatures) and Transcriptdue by fax

no later than February 26, 2007

This is an invitation for proposals for 2007 UndergraduateSummerResearch Support, which is part of a five year grant awarded by the IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE), and the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN).

The Vermont Genetics Network (VGN) is a collaboration among the University of Vermont and other Vermont baccalaureate schools focusing on the broad area of genetics. All areas of science, mathematics, and computer science research are appropriate as long as they are clearly biomedical.

Note that only students from Castleton State College, Johnson State College, MiddleburyCollege, NorwichUniversityand St. Michael’s College are eligible for support for research at their home institutions.

Applicants will be judged on project descriptions, grades (especially in science courses), and faculty research advisor statements. Project descriptions must be written by the undergraduate participant, although a faculty research advisor may help to edit it and help to develop the budget.


Write a 3-4 page single-spaced description of your planned research project, not including the list of literature cited. You should have your research advisor help you to edit the description, but you must write this yourself. Do not copy from a grant application or publication.

The description should include an introduction to the project (abstract) and its importance, your hypothesis, your planned project, short descriptions of the relevant techniques to be used, potential outcomes, and plan for evaluation by the research advisor.

Also include:

  • Budget (1 page)
  • Budget Justification (1 page)
  • Academic Transcript (unofficial copy is allowed)
  • Letter of support from your research advisor



Application cover pagemust be filled in online, and printed out from the VGN website at for signatures. Signed cover page must arrive by fax no later than February 26, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. Fax to (802) 656-0242.

  • Abstract (200 words)
  • Project description (3-4 pg)

Introduction and significance


Research Plan


Potential outcomes

Evaluation Plan (how the research advisor will evaluate the work)

  • References
  • Budget (1 page)
  • Budget Justification (1 page)
  • Transcript (by fax)
  • Advisor’s Statement (Submit online)
  • IRB Approvals for Human or Animal Research (by fax)

Obligations that Come with Funding:

  • Students are expected to conduct their research during Summer, 2007. Award funds will begin June 1, 2007 and must be expended by August 31, 2007.
  • Students are expected to attend VGN Career Day in April, 2008 and present a poster on the research that was conducted. This will be an evening event. Faculty research advisors are expected to attend as well.
  • Student and Research Advisors must respond to an annual VGN survey and an NIH annual progress report (APR).
  • Faculty Research Advisors must agree to respond to questionnaires for longitudinal studies of the students who receive internship awards.

Application Deadlines:

Beginning January 15, 2007 you can access the application site on our VGN website.

To submit your application online () click on the Student SummerResearch Support Application link.

Your application must be submitted on the VGN website by 4 p.m. on

February 23, 2007

Fax the Cover Sheet (with required signatures) and your Transcriptby 4 p.m. on

February 26, 2007to:

Vermont Genetics Network

University of Vermont

(802) 656-0242

Notification of the outcomes of the applications should be available by March 16, 2007.



Or call: (802) 656-4087

Or visit our web site: