St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 3rd September 2012
in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present: Councillors J. Griffiths (Chairman),
S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Hughes, F. Lewis,
T. Pallier, M. Parry, C. Price & J. Pugh.
In Attendance: Clerk D. Barnard
Other 6 Members of the public
Apologies: County Councillor G. Thomas
Police H. Thomas & R. Roberts
250.09.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 6th August 2012
Members approved the minutes of the meeting and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
250.09.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
Minute No. 249.08.08 – Parc Rhydlafar. Cllr. Chedzoy referred to the concerns about dog fouling and advised that there are actually signs on several lamp posts on the estate but they are just in the form of stickers that she did not consider were very effective.
There were no other matters arising.
The Chairman proposed that Agenda Item 4c) be brought forward. Members agreed.
250.09.03 – Other Planning Applications
The Chairman referred to the planning application (12/01320/DCH) in respect of 33, Windsor Clive Drive, that proposes converting the existing garage to living accommodation and constructing a detached double garage with room over to the front of the property. He distributed a number of drawings showing how the detached garage would look and invited comments from Members. Cllr. Lewis said she thought the proposal was inappropriate and out of keeping with the other properties. Cllr. Parry referred to the building line and expressed concerns about parking. The Chairman said he had visited the site and considered that it would dominate the area.
The Chairman invited Mr Jones of 2, Nant-Y-Gwladys to speak to the Council. Mr Jones thanked Members for the opportunity to speak to them. He said the application was opposed by at least seven neighbours. It would be the first detached garage on that part of the estate. The dimensions are 21' X 21' and would take all the existing front garden and turning point. He said that it breaks the building line both horizontally and vertically. The height, estimated at 17'/18', would dominate that area. He added that as it is proposed to be a double garage with a play room above, it had the potential to be divided or converted to become a separate dwelling.
The Chairman invited comments from other attendees and they supported Mr Jones' comments.
Members agreed to oppose the application and requested the Clerk to express the following concerns:
ñ The size of the proposed detached double garage (with a room above) is a cause of concern and in Members' view constitutes an over-development of the site.
ñ The development, if approved, would be the first property on this part of the Parc Rhydlafar estate to have a detached garage, and in that respect would set an undesirable precedent for other similar applications.
ñ The position of the proposed double garage takes up almost the entire front garden of the property, is outside the 'building line' of the other properties, and would appear to reduce the turning space for service vehicles, etc.
ñ The development, if approved, would dominate that area and impact adversely on a number of neighbouring properties.
The Clerk was asked to forward a copy to County Cllr. Graham Thomas.
The Chairman thanked the Members of the public for attending, invited them to stay if they wished or to leave at any time.
250.09.04 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
The Clerk had circulated by email apologies from both PC Thomas and PC Roberts together with short reports of recent crimes and occurrences. Members noted the reports and commented briefly thereon. The Chairman referred to a recent accident at the Crofft-Y-Genau crossroads and assumed it wasn't included in the report because it wasn't classed as a crime.
Cllr. Parry expressed concern at the non-attendance of police at Council meetings, noting that an officer had only attended once in the last seven months. It was agreed the Clerk should write to both Police Inspectors expressing Members' concerns.
Members welcomed the actions by PC Roberts in addressing problems with the traffic lights on the junction of Michaelston Road and Falconwood Drive.
Cllr. Hughes expressed concern at another reported burglary at Great House Farm, where there have been previous incidents. The new development at that location will, he thinks, provide an even easier escape route for criminals. The Clerk was asked to request details from the police of recent incidents at that location.
250.09.05 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP
The Chairman summarised what had been discussed at a meeting of the Sub Committee. The total number of dwellings proposed in and around St Fagans is nearly 11,500. Cardiff Council now has a large Labour majority and a 7/12 majority on the Planning Committee, which suggest they will have little difficulty in getting the LDP approved. The Preferred Strategy for the LDP will go to Council in October for approval and will then be open for formal consultation during November and December. The final agreed LDP will go to the Welsh Government for approval in 2014. The Chairman added that the proposals that concern St Fagans will also impact on Pentyrch and Radyr Community Councils. The Sub Committee propose to have a draft report for submission to this Council in October.
Cllr. Hughes highlighted the sites proposing 500 or more dwellings and said that there are 3 prime sites and a further 9 within a radius of 3 miles. He expressed the view that the infrastructure is never catered for in these developments and pointed out that the approved expansion of the National History Museum will add further pressure on the roads, adding that the Village itself cannot be changed. He said that he thought it would be difficult to stop a large development completely but that we should aim to reduce the numbers together with any proposed industrial development, and draw up a strategy accordingly. Cllr. Hughes also referred to the Charles Church application that had recently been approved, which will add an additional 160 vehicles to the area. He commented that nobody wants these developments on their doorstep so it has to be controlled and the Council needs to be aggressive in its approach.
Cllr. Lewis said that she takes a slightly different view and considers that the Council should start with complete opposition to the development of 7,500 dwellings west of Pentrebane. She referred to a previous plan for development that the Council had successfully opposed.
The Chairman referred to the Village's status as a Conservation Area which should be an important issue in opposing development.
Cllr. Parry suggested that the scope of the planned traffic assessment in relation to the Museum development should be enlarged to encompass these plans. Cllr. Hughes advised that he was due to meet the Traffic Consultant on Friday. Cllr. Pallier commented on the assumption that every dwelling has two cars, pointing out that on Westfield Park some homes have 5, 6 or even 7 vehicles. Cllr. Critcher commented that if the LDP is approved in 2014, the roads within new developments will be suitable, but it is when the vehicles leave the developments that they impact on the surrounding areas.
Cllr. Lewis referred to the Welsh Water sewerage system in the west of Cardiff, which has not been upgraded for some considerable time, whereas the system on the East side of Cardiff has had considerable investment in recent years.
b) National History Museum – Development Plans
Members noted that planning permission for the new developments at the Museum had been granted by Cardiff Council.
c) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk reported that, apart from the application for 33, Windsor Clive Drive considered earlier, there had been no other new planning applications for the St Fagans community area in the four weeks ended 31st August.
He reported that two recent applications had been approved:
12/01151/DCH – 12, Ffordd Gwern: Orangery style conservatory to rear.
12/01075/DCH – 1, St Fagans Drive: Garage conversion and extensions.
250.09.06 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
Cllr. Parry reported that the street lamps are now, after a long campaign, being repainted. His only concern is that it may highlight the poor condition of other street furniture.
The Clerk reported that he had contacted Cooke & Arkwright regarding the land at 1, St Fagans Drive and had been advised that the land had been sold to a Mr Cox and was therefore the responsibility of the current owner. Members commented that visibility when pulling out of St Fagans Drive is still a problem, but no-one had heard of Mr Cox. The Clerk was asked to establish from Cooke & Arkwright whether the land right up to the highway was sold and when the sale had taken place.
The issue with visibility at the top of Michaelston Road appears to have been taken up with Highways by PC Roberts.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
Cllr. Parry reported that a gulley in the lay-by opposite St Mary's Church was blocked. The Clerk was asked to contact Cardiff Council.
Cllr. Chedzoy reported that some furniture had been dumped in the lay-by on Croft-Y-Genau Road just south of the junction with Llantrisant Road. The Clerk was asked to contact CC. Members commented that the Community Council had sought (unsuccessfully) to get that lay-by closed. The Clerk was asked to check why it hadn't been agreed.
Cllr. Pugh reported that some building materials had been dumped on St Bride's Road, but it has subsequently been removed, possibly because it was partly blocking the road.
c) Other environmental issues
No issues were raised.
250.09.07 – Westfield Park Estate
Cllr. Pallier reported that there had been one fire and one attempted fire amongst the trees bordering the estate. The police had attended and arrested some suspects.
On the issue of stickers being put on vehicles that park on the pavement, Cllr. Pallier said that he had walked around the estate and there a great many vehicles doing it. The Chairman pointed out that no-one actually has the right to park anywhere on the Queen's highway. Cllr. Pallier advised that he was due to have a meeting with PC Roberts about this and other issues.
The Clerk reported that he had contacted Cardiff Council and had been informed that, as they were currently in the middle of a new supplier tendering process, they would be unable to supply a litter bin for several months. If the Community Council is willing to purchase one, the options are a post-mounted bin at £50 +VAT or a floor-standing one at £275 + VAT. After a brief discussion, Members agreed that a floor-standing one was the better option and authorised the Clerk to request Cardiff Council to buy and install one by the notice board.
250.09.08 – Parc Rhydlafar
Cllr. Chedzoy reported that one of the pieces of play equipment on the play area had been damaged. The Clerk had reported it to Cardiff Council and repairs or replacement are in hand.
The Clerk reported that he had contacted Cardiff Council again about dog fouling on the estate. Members concerns had been noted and he was awaiting a formal response. Cllr. Hughes referred to reports in the paper as to how the Vale of Glamorgan Council is tackling the problem. He agreed it was a concern and said it also occurred in school playing areas.
Cllr. Parry referred to the footpath between St Fagans Drive and Greenwood Lane and questioned its status – is it a footpath or a bridleway? He expressed concern about horse droppings, that don't seem to raise the same issues as dog fouling. The Clerk agreed to make some enquiries about this.
250.09.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
The Clerk referred to the re-enactment event that had been held at the Museum in August and asked if any problems had arisen. No Members had experienced any problems, though the Chairman commented that there had been some loud explosions.
Members advised the Clerk that the post at the entrance to the Castle had still not been reinstated and asked him to contact the Museum about it.
250.09.10 – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Hughes said there were no issues to report since the last meeting, but referred to the Motions for debate at the AGM in October that the Clerk had circulated for information.
The Clerk had circulated a number of emails including: the August/September external funding newsletter; details of grants from the Big Lottery Fund; and a paper on the Power of Wellbeing that has been issued for consultation (closing date for comments is 23rd November). Noted.
Cllr. Hughes referred to the proposed training on the Code of Conduct and asked the Clerk to enquire as to when this was planned to take place.
250.09.11 – St Fagans Family Fun Day
Cllr. Lewis reported that the plans for the Day are going well, with a good number of attractions confirmed. The success of the Day will probably depend on the weather. Assistance would be welcomed on the Friday from anyone available. The Museum is providing a free stall at the Food Festival on 8th/9th September. A total of 14 banners are due on Thursday which will be displayed in prominent places. The programmes are due this week and the advertisements have paid for the costs of printing. The Clerk reported that he had received a message from PC Thomas implying that the police don't have the 'No Parking' bollards. He agreed to forward the message to Cllr. Lewis.