Stony Point North Stars
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Important News:
As you probably all have heard our playground was set fire on September 4th. The district has been very supportive in getting the old play structure removed and working with us to get a replacement. This was very hard for our children when they learned what happened to our playground. We discussed it related to our zones. We reassured the children that it will be replaced. They did a remarkable job of understanding and are really looking forward to our new play area.
We have had such terrific support from the community. So many have reached out to help in one way or another as we rebuild our playground.
Site Council:
We are forming a site council for SPN. A Site Council consists of staff, parents, and community members. The council serves as a vehicle for communication and partnership between the school, parents,and
thecommunity. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please e-mail me at
We would meet quarterly. Please let me know if you interested. Thanks so much!
Lunch Applications
Lunch is free for all students again this year. However in order to continue to receive these benefits all families must fill out an application. No matter if you feel you would qualify or not an application needs to be on file. Again, all students eat for free. If you have not had the opportunity
to fill out an application you will be receiving one to fill out and return by Sept. 20th. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
School Hours
*School begins at 8:30No child should be at school before 8:00 for safety reasons. We have staff on duty at 8:00. Thank you for your help with this matter.
*As a reminder-ALL car riders must be dismissed from the front door. No car riders will be dismissed from the back door.
Thanks again for your help with the dismissal process and keeping the students safe!
*SPN website and Facebook Page-The SPN website link is
The facebook page is Stony Point North Elementary. Please go to our page and like it so you receive updates.
Breakfast and lunch menus are available through the website as well. All teachers have a newsletter or link to their page on the website for more information as well.
Students are required to wear a uniform to school each day, unless stated by a note sent from school. Dress down days are marked on the calendar for each month.
*This year, your child may wear a Stony Point North spirit shirt on any day as long as they wear uniform pants, skirts or shorts.
*If students wear a sweatshirt in school, they may wear any sweatshirt that is one of the uniform colors. So a solid black, navy blue, royal blue, or white sweatshirt would be fine. If the solid sweatshirt has a hood it is not allowed to be worn in school.
**If a student has a sweatshirt on that is not uniform colors they will be asked to take it off. These sweatshirts are available at walmart and target as well as other stores.
*If a child is out of uniform a note will be sent home notifying parents of the issue with the uniform.
We are sellingtrashbags and chocolate bars beginning through Sept. 16th
**Please join our PTA! We would love to have more volunteers and involvement.
*Monday, Sept. 19th-Picture Day (also a dress down day)
*Thursday, Sept. 22nd-Skating party at Skate City-6:30-8:30
*Friday, Sept. 30th-Dress Down Day
*Friday Oct. 7th-PTA sponsored Family Movie Night at SPN. Concessions will open at 6:30 and movie will begin at 7:00.
*Tuesday, Oct. 10th-PTA meeting @ 6:30
*Friday, Oct. 14th-End of Quarter-No School
*Tuesday, Oct. 18th-Picture Retakes
*Friday, Oct. 21st-Dress Down Day
*Wed. Oct. 26 and Thursday Oct. 27th-Family Advocacy Conferences
Friday, Oct. 28th-No School