Clerk: Mrs Sarah Copley
Telephone: (01296) 613888
Minutes of the meeting of theEnvironment Committee heldat the Community Centre,
Eskdale Road, Stoke Mandeville onTuesday28th May 2013
PRESENT:Cllrs:Duncan, Hunt, Kennedy (Chair), Starr and Wood
Mr J Reed (co opted)and Mr R Jones (co opted)
In the absence of the Clerk on annual leave, the meeting was clerked by Cllr J Hunt
E13/1 / ELECTION OF CHAIRMANOn a proposal from Cllr Starr seconded by Cllr Wood, it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Kennedy be elected as Chairman of the Committee for the forthcoming year
There were no apologies.
Deferred to the next meeting.
Mr Jones declared that he was an allotment holder.
The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19th March 2013, previously circulated, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
From the accompanying Action Sheet it was noted that the litter bin along Risborough Road was still awaited and litter from passing cars was still a problem.
Cllr Hunt reported that Councillors of the Village Ward had arranged a meeting of residents for 21 May to discuss roadside car parking because of the complaints received about commuter car parking. The meeting had been well attended. Cllr Chris Adams BCC, Carole Paternoster AVDC and the PCSO for the village had also been invited to come along.
The meeting had heard from the PCSO of the limited powers of the Police in taking action on parked cars unless an obstruction was being caused usually at night. Cllr Paternoster outlined the role of AVDC as the Civic Car Parking Authority.
A number of potential solutions were suggested during the discussion some of which were ruled out as being impracticable, on grounds of cost or management difficulties. Cllr Duncan had outlined his discussions with Chiltern Rail to date in an effort to reduce station car parking charges. Chiltern Rail were unable to attend the meetingbut had stated they would look at the situation along the route.
Due to the lack of information as to the number of cars parked by commuters and those owned by residents, it had been suggested that an e-survey be attached to the Parish Council website to enable information to be submitted by residents. Cllr Hunt said that she had since received an approach from Cllr Paternoster suggesting that a joint meeting between BCC Cabinet Lead for Transport, the District Council, the Parish Council and Chiltern Rail be convened and this was agreed. Cllr Duncan agreed to approach Chiltern Rail.
In the meantime a report of the meeting should be sent to residents in the form of a letter detailing the outcome of the meeting and action being taken
A meeting had taken place with the Chairman and Sports Coach of the Sports and Social Club, attended by Cllrs Duncan and Tyndall. Officers from the Club had been supportive of the concerns which had been raised and had agreed to angle the lights downwards and obtain lower intensity lighting if needed. A slight improvement had already been noticed by residents. It was agreed that the Clerk write to the Sports and Social Club thanking them for their co operation which was appreciated. / Clerk
The joint Notice Board provided in partnership with the school had been placed. The Clerk had reported that the Notice Board on Dalesford Road had been damaged by the high winds and Mr. Merrison had been asked to stabilise as a matter of urgency.
Cllr Kennedy reported that a seat in the field by Stoke House Farm had rotted. There was some uncertainty as to whether this belonged to the Council. The Clerk was asked to investigate and report to the Council meeting. / Clerk
Cllr Wood said that the litter bin in Lodden Close had disappeared and she understood that this had been reported to the Clerk. / Clerk
The Council’s electrical contractor had been instructed to undertake a review and renumbering of the Council’s street lights
E13/12 / TREES
a) Tree Warden
The Parish Magazine delivered within the last few days had carried an item on the need for a tree warden. In the meantime the Chairman of the Council urged Councillors who walked their dogs to note and report any trees needing attention.
b) Tree - Risborough Road
It was reported that a tree in the front garden of a dwelling along Risborough Road was overhanging the pavement at lower than head height. The Clerk was requested to take this up with the Authority. / Clerk
a) Footpath by Stoke Mandeville Hospital
It was reported that footpath No. 3 by Stoke Mandeville Hospital was litter strewn, the fence was falling down and required attention. It was agreed that clerk take up with the Rights of Way team at Bucks CC.
b) Footpath Maintenance
A report from the Clerk had been circulated concerning the employment by Parishes of somebody to strim or mow public rights of way within the parish for which money would be provided. Details of the scheme were still being worked up by BCC. Parish Councils would be responsible for the management and timing of this work. BCC were only able to pay the value of a grant and could not reimburse any additional costs Parishes might incur. It was noted that there were a total of 4402m of footpaths within in the Parish that were eligible for funding. It was agreed to recommend to Council that the Council take up this offer subject to an appropriate specification from BCC and a contractor being identified. In respect of the latter that an approach be made to Mr. Haines who, it was understood, already trimmed at a stile in Lower Road. / Clerk
a) Survey
Cllr Starr reported on the survey undertaken by Mr Jones and himself on 25th May at the Burial Ground when a number of items requiring attention were observed. It was agreed that this was a longer term piece of work which would need to be undertaken by a contractor.
b) Burial
It was noted that a burial in the Council’s Burial Ground was scheduled to take place on 31 May in an already provided double plot.
c) Future Provision
The question was raised about future provision of burial plots bearing in mind that the current Burial Ground had only a further 25 spaces. The Council as a Burial Authority had responsibility for future provision. It was noted that archived Minutes of the council had recorded earlier discussions and investigations in connection with the searching for a suitable site. One of those investigated had been the Council’s land now let to a tenant Smallholder in Marsh Lane. This had not proceeded due to potential cost. Part of the land in question was now required by HS2 as safeguarding.
a] Access to Land Lower Road
Two quotations had been received for a hardstanding to be provided across the wide grass verge leading to the allotments in Lower Road which was used to park cars. Quotation (a) for the use of terramgeotextile was in the sum of £13,991 and quotation (b) for partial porous paving units and terramgeotextile in the sum of £14,952. Both quotations were from the same contractor being one of those on the list of Approved contractors of BCC who owned the land. Councillors were concerned at the high cost of this work which would take most of the increased precept intended to develop and maintain facilities within the parish. It was noted that the allotments were hardly used between the months of November and March. After discussion it was agreed to recommend to the Council that the quotations received for this work be declined due to the high cost and that an alternative solution be sought. It was further suggested that the Bell PH nearby be asked if allotment tenants could park in the car park at the PH should the access road to the allotments become churned up. Furthermore,that small posts possibly be erected along the verge alongside the drive of the bungalow to prevent car drivers cutting across the green area to reach the main road.
b] Other Issues
It was reported that tenants of allotment nos. 31, 32a and 32b had been advised of the clause in their tenancy agreement relating to the need for allotments to be fully cultivated and unless there were exceptional circumstances as to why this had not been done a Notice to Quit would be served 14 days from the date of the letter.
The date of the next meeting would be 23rd July 2013 at 7.30pm.
Signed:______Date:23rd July2013
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