2016 - 2020
Canadian Provincial Pathway Rules
Provincial 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and National Open
Men’s Artistic Gymnastics Coaches and Judges Manual
September 7, 2017
Table of Contents
2.2LTAD ComplianceRestrictions
4.1Competition and WarmUps
4.2Competition Duties ofGymnast
4.3Spotting andAssistance
4.5Measurement of Equipment, Specifications and SupplementaryMats
5.1Evaluation ofRoutines
6.4Physical TestingRoutines
6.7Categories ofCompetition
Provincial 1 Physical Preparation Program (P3 routine)
Provincial 2 Physical Preparation Program (P3 routine)
Provincial 1 Floor Exercise
Provincial 1 Mushroom
Provincial 1 Rings
Provincial 1 Vault
Provincial 1 Parallel Bars (deleted Straddle V-sit pic and handstand pic)
Provincial 1 High Bar
Provincial 2 Floor Exercise
Provincial 2 Pommel Horse
Provincial 2 Rings
Provincial 2 Vault
Provincial 2 Parallel Bars
Provincial 2 High Bar
These routines are the property of GCG and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express permission of GCG.
Designs: Bato Rafajlović
This document describes the program for the GCG Provincial 1 to 5 and National Open categories. The Provincial Pathway is a modification of the FIG Junior rules. Therefore, all FIG Junior rules apply including the restricted elements, repetition, maximum five counting skills per Element Group, time on floor, three parts of the Pommel Horse, etc. Modifications to the FIG Junior rules include a reduction in the number of EGRs required, and the difficulty requirement of the dismount has been reduced.
i.The Provincial Pathway consists of 6levels.
ii.Provincial 1, 2 and 3 compete within theirProvince
iii.Provincial 4 and 5 compete in Regional competition (Westerns and EasternChampionships)
iv.National Open competes at the CanadianChampionships.
ELITE / RULES AND REGULATIONS / PROVINCIAL / RULES AND REGULATIONSSenior / FIG rules + landing bonus / National Open / Junior FIG rules
(with GCG supplemental rules)
14 – 15
16 - 17 / FIG rules + landing bonus
Physical Testing / Provincial level 5 / Optional Routine Modified Junior FIG rules – 8 skills
(3 required element groups) (with GCG supplemental rules)
Elite level 4 / Optional Routine Modified JR FIG – 7 skills
(3 required element groups) Compulsory routines
Physical Testing / Provincial level 4 / Optional Routine Modified JR Junior FIG rules FIG – 7 skills (3 required element groups) (with GCG supplemental rules)
Elite Level 3 / Compulsory routine Physical Testing / Provincial level 3 / Optional Routine – 6 skills Supplementary rules Required elements
Elite Level 2 / Compulsory routines & Physical preparation routine / Provincial level 2 / Compulsory routines & physical preparation routine
Elite level 1 / Compulsory routines & Physical preparation routine / Provincial level 1 / Compulsory routines & physical preparation routine
The competitor’s age will be based on his age as of September 1st of the competition season (defined as September 1 to August 31). Please refer to Appendix ‘A’ on page 23.
Provincial Pathway
Category / Ages / Age Determining Date / CommentsNational Open / 14 and up / Sept. 1st. / Must turn at least 15 in the competition season
Prov. 5 / 13 to 15 / Sept. 1st. / May turn 16 in the competition season
Prov. 4 / U13 and 13+ / Sept.1st. / Must turn at least 11 years old in the competition season
Prov. 3 / U13 and 13+ / Sept. 1st. / Must turn at least 11 years old in the competition season
Prov. 2 / U10 and U12 / Sept.1st. / 8 turning 9 & 9 turning 10
10 turning 11 & 11 turning 12
Prov. 1 / 7-8, U10, 12+ / Sept.1st. / 7 turning 8, 8 turning 9
9 turning 10 & 10 turning 11
An athlete moving into the junior program will adhere to the January 1st FIG date of birth regulation.
2.2LTAD ComplianceRestrictions
- Under no circumstance will an underage athlete be permitted to compete at Eastern or Western Canadian Championships or CanadianChampionships.
- Under no circumstances should an athlete who is 7 or younger compete in the ProvincialPathway.
- Competitions for the Provincial Pathways Program will be organized and run provincially and / or nationally.
- These regulations must be used for all events. Gymnastics Canada reserves the right to make on-going clarifications to the regulations as needed throughout the season (September to August), but no changes to the rules will be made after September 30th for that competitiveseason.
- Clarifications for the Program may take place several times over the competition year. Any clarifications will be circulated to all PTO’s, Program members and will be posted on the GCGwebsite.
Note: Unless otherwise stated, the current FIG Code of Points will be applied
4.1Competition and WarmUps
- Competition warm-ups may not begin prior to 8:00 am and competitions may not go later than 10:00 pm.
- Athletes will receive a general warm up and apparatus warm-up prior to the start of the competition. The time limit for competition warm ups is recommended to be a minimum 1.0 hour for Provincial 1,2, 3 and 4 and 1.5 hours for Provincial 5 and Open. If the number of athletes in the session is above 36, the warm up time may need to be increased at the discretion of the organizingcommittee.
4.2Competition Duties ofGymnast
- Gymnasts must be attired according to the stipulations of the current FIG Code ofPoints.Competition Singlet, Competition shorts and competition long gymnastics pants with socks. Note: For Canadian Competitions, dark coloured longs (including Black) are not allowed.Gymnasts in Levels 1-3 may compete in shorts on all apparatus with a competition singlet.
- Gymnasts are required to wear a shirt at all times during competition warm ups (in training gym and competitiongym).
- Athletes from the same team or club must wear the same competitionattire.
- Violation of the uniform requirements will result, without warning. (FIG Codepenalty)
4.3Spotting andAssistance
- For all categories, it is recommended that a coach be present on Horizontal Bar to act as aspotter.
- Whenever possible, the coach should stand such that the view of the judges is notobstructed.
- The chart below describes the specific equipment requirements for each category within the Provincial Pathways.
- Unlessnotedinthechartofapparatusrequirements,theuseofadditional20cmsafetymatswillresultin a0.50deductionfromtheFinalScoreonthatapparatus.Asimilardeductionwillbeappliedforuseofany non-permitted supplementaryequipment.
- Supplementary(sting)mats(5cmand10cm)arepermittedforuseonallapparatusexceptPommelHorse.
- A 10cm supplementary mat is mandatory as a minimum on Vault and HorizontalBar.
- Open athletes will follow FIG mat regulations with the following exception: an additional 5cm or 10cm supplementary mat may be added on the Floor andRings.
4.5Measurement of Equipment, Specifications and SupplementaryMats
- Itistheresponsibilityofthelocalorganizingcommittee(LOC)tomakeavailableandsetuptheequipment in accordance to the specifications in the Pathways program. Any change to these guidelines must be communicated to the participating clubs in the workplan.
- It is the responsibility of the Apparatus Head Judge, in conjunction with the LOC to check the equipment before the beginning of the warm up for each competitionsession.
- All landing mats used on Pommel Horse, Vault, Rings, Parallel Bars and Horizontal Bar must conform to FIGspecifications.
- Measurements of the equipment (FIG Standard inBrackets).
Floor Exercise: / 12m x 12m Measured from the outside of the BorderLine
Pommel Horse: / From the surface of the mat to the top of the horsebody (105cm)
Rings: / From the mat to the inside bottom of the ring (260cm)
Vault: / From the floor to the centre top of the Table body (135cm). Markings should be clearly labelled for the range of 110 – 135 cm
Parallel Bars: / From the mat to the top of the rail (180cm)
Horizontal Bar: / From the mat to the top of the bar (260cm)
Provincial 3 / Provincial 4 / Provincial 5
Floor / FIG 12m x 12m
Up to one (1) 5cm to10cm sting mat is permitted. It may be removed following its use.
Pommel Horse / Mushroom or horse without pommels Ultra Dome or Mushroom 40-45 cm /
- Horse withoutpommels
- Horse may be lowered to anyheight
- In the case where the horse can’t be lowered, a beat board may beused
horse can’t be lowered, a beat board may be used
Rings /
- FIG Standard (260cm)
- Up to 40 cm of supplementary mat may beused
- FIG Standard (260cm)
- Up to 20 cm of supplementary mat may beused.
Vault / 110cm to 135cm / 120cm to 135 cm / 125 to 135cm
A supplementary 10 cm mat is mandatory. An additional supplementary 10 cm mat may be used.
Parallel Bars / Bars may be lowered to any height, but may not exceed 180 cm
Up to 20 cm of additional mat may be used. /
- FIG Standard (180cm)
- Up to 20 cm of additional mat may beused.
Horizontal Bar / A supplementary 10 cm mat is mandatory. Up to 40 cm of additional mat may be used on both sides of the bar /
- FIG Standard (260cm)
- A supplementary 10 cm mat is mandatory. Up to 20 cm of additional supplementary mat may be used on both sides of thebar
Provincial 1 / Provincial 2
Floor / 12m x 2m strip / 12m x 2m strip
Pommel Horse / Mushroom / Mushroom & Floor Mushroom
Rings / Up to 60 cm mats may be used / Up to 60 cm mats may be used
Vault / 30cm landing mats with spring board / 30cm or 50cm landing mats with spring board
Parallel Bars / Adjustable Height, and up to 20cm additional mats / Adjustable Height, and up to 20cm additional mats
Horizontal Bar / Safety straps / Safety straps
Physical Preparation / 12m x 2m strip / 12m x 2m strip
5.1Evaluation ofRoutines
- Execution errors for poor technique, poor body position, etc. are evaluated according to the current FIG Code ofPoints.
- The Chair of the Apparatus Jury will be responsible for determining and applying bonus for stuck dismounts to the Final Score. Virtuosity and stick bonus will be included in the bonuscolumn.
- The Chair of the Apparatus Jury takes deductions for line, behaviour and apparatus violations from the Final Score. See Article 4 and the current FIG Code ofPoints.
- For national and regional (Eastern or Western Championships) competitions a minimum of two (2), preferably 4 Judges per panel is required. One FIG or National level judge should be assigned perpanel.
- Chair of the Competition Jury should hold a current FIGBrevet.
- For all categories, the members of the judging panel will be responsible for both D-jury and E-jury unless 4 or more judges are assigned to theevent.
- UnlessassignedseparatelyorprovidedbytheLOC,thejudgesonthejuryforFloorandVaultwillhavethe additional responsibility of Linejudge.
- With two or three judges per event, all scores will count. The average of all scores will be calculated and the score will be calculated to 3 decimal places. The average will be truncated to the third decimal and not rounded.
- Whentherearefourjudgesthehighestandlowestscoresareeliminatedandthetwomiddlescoresare averaged.
- The D score for Optional routines is calculated as per the current FIG Code ofPoints.
- Subtracting points for deficiencies in technical or aesthetic execution determine theE-score.The definitions of those deductions are as per the current FIG Code ofPoints:
Small error: / = 0.1
Medium error: / = 0.3
Large error: / = 0.5
Fall: / = 1.0
- It is the duty of the D-jury to determine how many skills werecredited.
- The Chair of the apparatus jury should give the scorer a deduction for the non-technical deductions prior to the FinalScore.
Short 1 elements / Short 2 elements / Short 3 elements / Short 4 or more elements
Maximum E-score / 9.5 / 9.0 / 8.0 / 5.0
Open athletes will adhere to the FIG junior rules regarding short routines
6.4Physical TestingRoutines
The Physical Testing for the Provincial Pathway is recommended for Provincial 3, 4, 5 and Open. It is not mandatory, but participation in the testing will help provide the tools necessary to transition into the Elite Pathway. It is at the discretion of each Province to utilize the Physical Testing for the Provincial Pathway. Provincial 1 and 2 have a Physical Preparation routine within their competition program. This 7th event is scored out of ten, and is included in all results.
- During the performance of any routine except Vault a gymnast may repeat an element for value following a fall (Major error) or stop except for the dismount (FIGrules). The dismount may only be repeated on Pommel Horse (FIG rules)
- For all categories of the Provincial Pathway Program a bonus will be applied to the Final Score for a stuck landing. A stuck landing is defined as a stable landing position with no movement of thefeet.
+ 0.1 for A (FIG and Supplementary A) and B dismounts as well as Compulsory Floor, Rings, and Parallel Bars, or Vaults below 3.2
+ 0.2 for C or higher dismounts and Vaults 3.2 and higher
Provincial 1 Vault (DIVEROLL) has FIG deductions for landing, but no Bonus for sticking
- The cumulative landing deduction will be maximized at 1.0 for allevents.
6.7Categories ofCompetition
Elite Canada / National Championships / Regional Championships / Provincial ChampionshipsSenior / Senior / Senior
Junior / Junior / Junior
National Open / National Open
Provincial 5 / Provincial 5
Elite 4 / Elite 4
Provincial 4 / Provincial 4
Elite 3 / Elite 3
(Provincial 3) / Provincial 3
Provincial 2, Elite 2
Provincial 1, Elite 1
Team Competition
EVENT / CATEGORY / FORMATCanadian Championships / National Open / 8 – 6 - 4
Regional Championships / Provincial 5 / 8 – 6 - 4
Provincial 4 / 8 - 6 - 4
6.8Competition Regulations for OptionalRoutines
Category / Number Of Skills / FIGRequirements / FIG
Amendments / FIG Element Group Bonus / Virtuosity Bonus
National Open / 8 / FIG / 0.5 – C dismount
0.3 – B dismount / 0.3 bonus for double salto on floor / n/a
Provincial 5 / 8 / 2 FIG
requirements + dismount / 0.5 – B dismount
0.3 – A dismount / 0.5 bonus for each additional FIG element
group / Up to 0.2
Provincial 4 / 7 / 2 FIG
requirements + dismount / 0.5 – B dismount
0.3 – A dismount / 0.5 bonus for each additional FIG element
group / Up to 0.2
Provincial 3 / 6 / 2 FIG
requirements + dismount + special P3 requirement / 0.5 – B dismount
0.3 – A dismount / 0.5 bonus for each additional FIGelement group / Up to 0.2
0.1 -Forvirtuositymaybeawardedforanyelementperformedwithexceptionalamplitude.
0.2 -Forvirtuositymaybeawardedfor3ormoreelementsperformedwithexceptionalamplitude.
The following apply to Optional routines for Provincial 3, 4 and 5
Floor / Salto connection bonus (A+B or C) (B+B or C) =0.1 (C+C) (D+A, B or C) = 0.2Pommel Horse / 2 loops on a single pommel = C(Provincial 5 ONLY)
All dismounts to handstand will receive full credit (FIG deductions apply) Flair or circle to handstand and lower to circle or pendular swing = E
The FIG D-jury deduction for “Non utilization of all 3 parts of the horse.” will apply to Prov 4, Prov 5 and Open only
Rings / All static ‘B’ strength elements or greater = 0.2 bonus
(Swing to B strength hold, press upwards from a B strength hold, or B static hold)
The FIG rule that “an exercise cannot include more than three elements from groups II and/or
III in direct succession” will not apply
The FIG D-jury deduction for “No swing to handstand” will apply to Prov 5 and Open only
Parallel bars / Giant + Giant or Giant element of C value or higher = C, C + 0.2 bonus
Peach to 45° with straight arms = C
Peach to handstand – judges’ maximum deduction is 0.5
Prov.3 & 4 – one layaway or empty swing is permitted
High Bar / Flight elements of C value or higher = 0.2 bonus
Credit will be awarded for all flight elements of C value or higher.
In the case of a fall, the gymnast will receive value for the element and special requirement. He will have a 1.0 deduction and will not receive the 0.2 bonus.
You may repeat any C value or higher Flight element if successful on the first attempt Angle deductions for all elements
0 °- 30° = no deduction
31° - 45° = 0.1
46° - 90° = 0.3
Over 90° = 0.5 and non-recognition
Prov.3 & 4 – one layaway or empty swing is permitted
Dismounts / All events - Bonus for sticking
0.1for A and B dismounts or Vaults below3.2
0.2for C or higher dismounts and Vaults 3.2 andhigher
Supplementary Regulations
The following apply to routines for National Open
Floor / Salto connection bonus (C+C) = 0.1(D+A, Bor C) = 0.2
Pommel Horse / Flair or circle to handstand and lower to circle or pendular swing = E
Rings / All static ‘B’ strength elements or greater = 0.1 bonus
(Swing to strength hold, press upwards from a min. ‘B’ strength hold, or static hold The FIG rule for a max. of 3 strength elements in succession will not apply
Guczoghy elements and Chechi elements are permitted in the Open and Junior category
Bent arm swing to Handstand = A (applies only to Open category)
Vault / FIG
Parallel bars / Giant and Giant with ½ turn will be considered separate elements
Giant + Giant ½ = C, C +0.2 bonus
(or, any Giant plus a variation of D or higher value Giant element) Peach to handstand – judges’ maximum deduction is 0.5
Peach to H.S. + Peach to H.S. = D, D + 0.3 bonus (or Peach to HS + Peach element of D or higher)
Tucked Morisue 1.46, tucked Belle 3.52, Yamawaki to upper arm 2.45, and double front tucked to upper arm 1.106. are permitted in the Open and Junior category
High Bar / Flight elements of C value = 0.1 bonus
Flight elements of D value or higher = 0.3 bonus
Credit will be awarded for all flight elements of C value or higher.
In the case of a fall, the gymnast will receive value for the element and special requirement. He will have a 1.0 deduction and will not receive the bonus.
You may repeat any C value or higher Flight element if successful on the first attempt C + C flight elements = 0.2 bonus
Dismounts / All events - Bonus for sticking
0.1Bonus for C dismounts and Vaults 4.0 andlower
0.2Bonus for D or higher dismounts and Vaults 4.1 andhigher
These apply to Optional routines for Provincial 4 and 5
Supplementary ‘A’ parts (0.1 value)
EGR / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4FX / Non acrobatic elements / Acrobatic elements forward / Acrobatic elements backward & Arabian Elements / Dismount
Back roll to handstand / Round off
PH / Single Leg swings / Circle and flairs, with and/or without spindles & hand- stands,Kehrswings, Russian wendeswings, flops & combinedelements. / Travel type elements, including Krolls, Tong Fei, Wu Guonian, Roth, and Traveling Spindles. / Dismount
Flairs & circles will be considered separate elements
½ Stockli / 1/3 cross supporttravel / forward
SR / Kip & swing elements
& swings through or to handstand (2 sec.). / Strength elements & hold elements
(2 sec.). / Swing to Strength hold elements (2 sec.). / Dismount
Bent arm swing to handstand / Straddle back lever or front lever Muscle up to support / Any salto tucked
PB / Elements in support or through support on 2 bars. / Elements starting in upper arm position. / Long swings in hang on 1 or 2 bars & underswings. / Dismount
Stutzkehre to 45° / Back uprise to support (Heels at horizontal) / Moy to upper arm / Salto tucked off the side or end
HB / Long hang swings with & without turns. / Flight elements / In bar & Adler elements. / Dismount
Back uprise with heels above bar Swing ½ turn above horizontal / Straddle cut from long hang swing / Stoop or straddle on & off backwards or forwards
Stoop in dislocate to horizontal Kip, cast to 45° / Any salto tucked
Gymnasts may perform a straddle lever and a lever with legs together for two ‘A” parts. However, these skills can’t be performed in succession.
In the provincial Pathway, all Supplementary ‘A’ parts will fulfil FIG requirements as would a regular FIG ‘A’ part.
Provincial 3 Supplementary Parts (Provincial 3 Gymnasts only)
Element Group / 1 / 2 / 3 / REQUIRED ELEMENTS0.5 value / 5 Dismount
FloorFFf / Floor / Non acrobatic elements / Acrobatic elements forward / Acrobatic elements backwards & sideways / Front Handspring
A parts 0.1 / Back roll to handstand / Round off Cartwheel
B parts 0.2
PommelHorse Or Mushroo / Pommel Horse / Single Leg swings N/A / Circle and flairs, with and/or without spindles & hand- stands, Kehrswings, Russian wendeswings, flops & combined elements. / Travel type elements, including Krolls, Tong Fei, Wu Guonian,Roth and Traveling Spindles.
(Only on long horse) / Flair element / Dismount
A parts 0.1 / Flair and circle will be considered separate elements
Half Stockli / 1/3 cross support travel forward / Wende dismount from side support
B parts 0.2 / ½ Spindle (uninterrupted)
180° Russian
C parts 0.3 / Full spindle (Max 4 circles) / Handstand dismount
Rings / Rings / Kip and swing elements Swing to Handstand / Strength and hold elements / Swing to strength hold / Dismount
Element Group / 1 / 2 / 3 / REQUIRED ELEMENTS
0.5 value / 5 Dismount
A parts 0.1 / Straddle back lever or front lever
Press to shoulder stand
Muscle up to support / Must achieve support position above the Rings
Without assistance / Any salto tucked
B parts 0.2 / Kip to support
Felge to support / Bent arm, pike press to Handstand
C parts 0.3 / Bent arm swing to handstand / Straight arm press to handstand
D parts 0.4
Gymnasts may perform a straddle lever and a lever with legs together for two ‘A” parts. However, these skills can’t be performed in succession.
ParallelBars / P. Bars / Elements in support / Elements in upper arm / Long hang swings Under swings / REQUIRED ELEMENTS
0.5 value / Dismount
A parts 0.1 / Back up rise to support (Heels athorizontal) / Moy to upper arm
Long hang swing back uprise to support / 2 second Handstand / Salto tucked off the side or end
Stutz dismount (hips horizontal for no ded.)
Wende dismount through or from handstand
B parts 0.2 / Stutzkehre to 45°
V-sit (2 sec)
Straddle Planche (2sec) / Giant swing to support
C parts 0.3 / Manna (2 sec) / Peach basket to 45°
One layaway or empty swing is permitted on Parallel Bars and High Bar
HighBar / High Bar / Long hang swing and turns / Flight elements / In bar elements &
Elgrip/ dorsal hang / REQUIRED ELEMENTS
0.5 value / Dismount
A parts 0.1 / Back uprise with heels above bar
Swing ½ turn above horizontal
Swinging pull over (baby giant) / Straddle cut from long hang swing / Straight body Back hip circle
Piked front hip circle
Straight body Under bar shoot (Hips and shoulders abovebar)
Piked or straddle under bar shoot (with or without ½ turn) (Hips and shoulders above bar) / GIANT / Any salto tucked
Element Group / 1 / 2 / 3 / REQUIRED ELEMENTS
0.5 value / 5 Dismount
Kip to support
B parts 0.2 / Swing ½ turn to under grip (blind change) / Stoop or straddle on & off backwards or forwards
Stoop in dislocate to horizontal
C parts 0.3 / Stalder
Angle deductions for all elements on High bar As per FIG code of points