Mt. Hope United Church of Christ
Office: 336-697-1561 - Fax: 336-697-1449
Rev. Kristin Gerner Vaughn & Rev. Lynne Hinton, Co-Pastors
Phone: Pastor Kristin, 336-402-2897
Pastor Lynne, 505-220-4594
E-mails: ;
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Church Website:
Mt. Hope United Church of Christ at Worship
Second Sunday of Advent 11:00 a.m. December 10, 2017
Holy Hello’s and Passing of the Peace: “Share the peace of Christ with one another”
Ringing of the Hour
The Light and Sacred Word Enter Acolyte Emma Vaughn
Presenter Addison Clark
Welcome and Announcements
Choral Call to Worship “The Advent Song”
Open my heart, let there be room.
Let there be room for peace.
For if Christ is to come, he must have a home.
Let me make room for peace.
Lighting of the Advent Candle: Peace James and Laurie Baker
*Advent Hymn
Verse 1: Open my heart, let there be room
Let there be room for hope.
For if Christ is to come, he must have a home.
Let me make room for hope.
Verse 2: Open my heart, let there be room
Let there be room for peace.
For if Christ is to come, he must have a home.
Let me make room for peace.
*Worshipping Prayer
One: God of the prophet Isaiah and the prophet John the Baptist,
All: Come now and be with us.
One: Let our hearts be open as your glory is revealed.
All: On this day of worship, may we be prepared for your way, the way of peace, the way of justice.
One: In the name of the God who loves us enough to send us Jesus, we pray,
All: Amen.
*Opening Hymn #193 (GH) “O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Children’s Time (Children ages 0-4 years old are welcome in the nursery.)
Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer
(In unison) Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and glory forever and ever, Amen.
Anthem “Amen!”
Scripture Reading Isaiah 40:1-11
Mark 1:1-8
Response to the Word“Angels We Have Heard on High”(1st verse only)
Sermon “John the Baptist, Prophet of Peace?” Pastor Lynne
Musical Reflection “Make Me A Channel of Your Peace” Rev. Gary Owen
Sharing of our Gifts
Musical Offering
*Song of Thanksgiving “Give Thanks”
Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One;
Give thanks because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son.
And now let the weak say, “I am strong,” let the poor say, “I am rich,”
Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.
*Prayer of Thanksgiving
*Sending Forth #575 (BH) “O For A World”
*Choral Benediction “Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing”
Lord, dismiss us with Your blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace;
Let us each, Your love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace.
O refresh us, O refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness. Amen.
*Indicates “please stand” for those who are able.
The Poinsettia that graces the altar today is given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Jerry Branson, W.A. & Ruby Branson, and Lindsay & Hattie Stafford by Pat Branson
Announcements: We welcome all of you into worship today and we are particularly happy to welcome any visitors that are joining us this morning. Please fill out a visitor’s card found in the small pew racks and place them in the offering plate. If you have questions about Mt. Hope, please contact one of the pastors. We’re glad you are here!
December Greeters: December 10Linda Ayers
December 17Pat Huizinga
December 24Barbara Greeson
December 31Stanley Buff
Consistory officers for 2018 are: President-Elizabeth Craft, Vice-President-Bennie Gerner, Secretary-Linda Shue, Assistant Secretary-Lauren Moser, Treasurer-Joe Hughes, Assistant Treasurers-Simon Clark and Jeff Holt.Newly elected deacons are:David Blakesley, Bob Hamlett, Lauren Moser and Cheryl Royal.Bennie Gerner was re-elected for a second two-year term.Also serving are:Noral Belvin, and Dee Greeson.Trustees are:Freddie Gossett, Wesley Reece and Steve Shue.A big "thank you" to those willing to serve for 2018 and to those who have completed their terms of service:Gloria Apple, Dallas Belvin, Todd Chapmon, Dora Moore, and Randy Underwood (trustee).Installation of new Consistory members and officers will be Sunday January 7th
Angel Tree: Last year was our first year to participate in an Angel Tree for the families of the Meals4kids Program. We only had a week’s notice but as always, our church members stepped up. All the angels were removed from the tree the first day and you went above and beyond buying gifts for the children. We will be doing this again this year so look for the angels to appear on our Christmas Tree.
Blue Christmas Service is a worship service for those who find the holidays a difficult time, especially those who have suffered a loss in the past year, and will be held in the sanctuary December 14, at 6:30 PM. Please let others know who might benefit from this worship experience.
Christmas Caroling: December 17, 3:00 PM Caroling to our homebound and facility bound members. Join us as we visit with some of our most precious members and share in Christmas music. We will carol in groups and then meet at Linda Miller's house for refreshments after we are finished. (Hopefully by 5 PM). Please let Pastor Lynne know if you can bring a dessert to share!
Open Office: Join Shirley, Brenda, Kristin and Lynne as we celebrate the holidays with you, our church family. Wednesday, December 20 from 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM. There will be goodies and music and the opportunity to be in community together. Come see us!!
Christmas Eve: Our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will take place on Sunday, December 24th at 7:00 p.m. Please take note that the time has changed this year. Please be sure to take a few moments out of your busy Holiday schedule and join us for this meaningful event!!
Parking Lot Prayers: The Christmas season can present many distractions to the holy message of Christmas. We must constantly pay attention and put ourselves in places to remember Advent is a time to prepare to see God. On Wednesdays in Advent Mt. Hope will be hosting parking lot prayers. From 7:30-8:00 AM. Pastor Kristin will meet you in the parking lot (Mt. Hope Ch. Rd. side) for a drive-thru style prayer on your way to work. Stop by, stay in your warm car and get a spiritual boost for hump day before you even start you day!
The Christmas Fund: Our joy at Christmas is a response to God's promise of new life through the birth of Jesus. It is a joy we are called to share widely, through our witness and gifts, both to loved ones and to distant neighbors.You have the opportunity to be a part of this ministry that cares for the active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ through your participation in this year's Christmas Fund Offering.
Your gift to the Christmas Fund will not only assist pastors but also provide for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks next December to lower-income retirees.
Please know that your gift is truly appreciated and that it will brighten the life of one of God’s servants who is facing a moment of personal need. We will be collecting this special offering on Sunday, December 17th.
Mt Hope Church - Christmas Card Exchange: Would you love to exchange more Christmas Cards with family, friends and neighbors, attending Mt Hope?We have the solution for you. Bring your completed Christmas Cards and place in the designated box, located in the Education Building.Members of our church will sort and have them available for you to pick-up after worship, from the A-Z mail boxes.Begins- Sunday, November 26Ends- Sunday, December 31.
Poinsettia Fund: Due to the overwhelming success of our change in tradition in 2013, we are not going to order poinsettias again this year but are going to give you an opportunity to donate money in memory or in honor of your loved ones. The funds collected and placed in the Poinsettia Fund will be divided between Urban Ministry and the Meals4Kids Mission. An insert will be placed in the bulletin on Sunday, December17th, listing the names of the memorials and honorees. Instead of purchasing a poinsettia, we hope you will donate $10 towards this worthy cause. Please turn in your donations and completed forms to the office or place in the offering plate by Today, December 10th. The formsare placed in the Narthex, the Breezeway and in the Carport Entryway.
Attention Ladies: Anyone who brought items for the November Bazaar needs to check the bazaar area in the Old Fellowship Hall for unsold items. If your items are still there, please take them home!!
Unto Us A Sonis an original, evening length ballet of the birth of Christ.Performances will be Wednesday, 12/20 & Thursday, 12/21 @ 7PM.Tickets available at the door: $14 reserved seating & $12 general admission.You will be uplifted by an evening celebration of Emmanuel– God with us!Tickets available Monday-Thursday 3:30-7:00 through December 18 at Burlington Academy of Dance & Arts,3382 S. Church St. Burlington336-584-6727Tickets also available at the door on performance evenings at Elon University's McCrary Theatre.
Opportunities for Worship and Service
Today, December 10 – Collecting for Urban Ministry
9:30 a.m., Fellowship in the Hallway
10:00 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m., Worship, Pastor Lynne
12:00 p.m., Soup & Sandwich meal, Christmas Play and Visit from Santa
Monday, December 11
9:00 a.m., Quilters meet
Tuesday, December 12
6:00 p.m., Combined Women’s Dinner – Home of Linda Miller
Wednesday, December 13
7:30 a.m., Parking Lot Prayers
6:30 p.m., Bible Study – NFH
6:30 p.m., Handbell Choir Rehearsal – CR
7:30 p.m., Choir Rehearsal – SAN
Thursday, December 14
2:00 p.m., Classic Fit – NFH
3:00 p.m., Peacehaven Fiber Arts – OFH
6:30 p.m., Blue Christmas – SAN
Saturday, December 16
9:00 a.m., Youth Pack Blessing Bags – OFH
10:00 a.m., Centering Prayer – SAN
10:30 a.m., Advent Writing Class – CR
Sunday, December 17 – Christmas Fund Offering
9:30 a.m., Youth Deliver Blessing Bags
9:30 a.m. Fellowship in the Hallway
10:00 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m., Worship, Pastor Kristin
3:00 p.m., Christmas Caroling
Monday, December 18
9:00 a.m., Quilters Meet
Tuesday, December 19
10:30 a.m., Friends & Neighbors – NFH
Wednesday, December 20
7:30 a.m., Parking Lot Prayers
10:00 a.m., Open Office – Church Offices
6:30 p.m., Bible Study – NFH
6:30 p.m., Handbell Choir Rehearsal – CR
7:30 p.m., Choir Rehearsal – SAN
Thursday, December 21
2:00 p.m., Classic Fit – NFH
3:00 p.m., Peacehaven Fiber Arts – OFH
Saturday, December 23
10:00 a.m., Centering Prayer – SAN
10:30 a.m., Advent Writing Class - CR
Coming Events:
December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018- 6:00 pm,Children’s Program Meeting – CR
Sunday, January 28, 2018- Noon – Lunch and Trampoline Park
Health Care CenterAlamance House Bill Starr (#305)
Ashton Place J.H.Neese (#104)
Blakey Hall Helen Whitesell
Clapps Nursing Center Coy Amick (# 703-B)
Clapps Nursing Center Robert Ingold (#311-A)
Clapps Nursing Center Irene Sharpe (106-A)
Fisher Park Rehab. Melvin May
Alpha Concord Greens. Denny Ingold(#106)
Murdoch Center Dreama Greeson
Ralph Scott Homes Betty Kim Settlemyre
Woodhaven (Albemarle) Annie Lee Apple
Mt. Hope Military Connections
Scott Amick Josh Ellis
Christopher Bahleda Kyle Gerner
David Blakesley, Jr. Grant Harden
Michael Clapp Megan Moore
Mikayla Stevens
Junie Clapp Sharon Nance Lillian Clapp Diane Neese
Patty Coble Mary Neese
Dottie Deeter Diz & Doris Reece
Hoy & Lorene Greeson Elizabeth Shoe Ruth Harris Dana Singletary
Bertie Hart Helen Smith
Clarine Ingold (palliative care) Tyler Stewart J.W. Johnson Jeff Tucker
Betty Kime Bill & Peggy Welker
Karen Kirkman Jim & Nancy Wimbish
Priscilla Lowe
/ Friends & Relatives
Danny Andrews - brother-in-law of Peggy Levens
Will Brame – friend of Betty Tucker
Alexandria Branson – UNC-W, granddaughter
of Pat Branson
Dick Cherry – father of Tammy Holt
Joanne Danley – neighbor of Jaynee & Linda
Bobby Ervin – brother of Pat Huizinga
Billy Farmer
Logan Forbis
Jim Gallagher
Jack Gerner
Francis Glover
Prue Griffin – friend of the Crafts
Tommy Hayden – friend of Lisa Moser
Samantha Hancock
Donna Horney – friend of Connie Blakesley
Family of Claude King – brother of Peggy
Alan Lambert
Linda Leftwich- friend of Cleo & Virginia Barker
Jean Livesay – friend of Barbara Greeson
Marge – sister of Marcia Cham
Gary Pegram, husband of Karen GreesonPegram
Emma Reddig, baby cousin of Shannon Levens
Tracy Farmer Snider-friend of Freddie Gossett
Sunny Staley – wife of Travis Staley
Bud Stokley – son-in-law of Mary Moser
Joe Tickle – friend of Junie Clapp
Those in flooded areas here and abroad -
Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico
Sound Bennie Gerner/Byron Greeson
Conner Chapmon
Please contact the church office if you would like to add someone to the prayer list.