Stohlgren, Thomas J. Complete Publication List as of January 13, 2013

200Stohlgren TJ and M Rejmánek. 2013. No universal scale-dependent impacts of invasive species on native plant species richness Biol. Lett. (In Press).

199Jarnevich, CS, WE Esais, PLA Ma, TR Holcombe, JT Morrisette, JM Nightingale, JE Nickeson, TJ Stohlgren, B Tan, & R Wolfe. 2013. Regional distribution models with lack of proximate predictors: Africanized Honey Bees Expanding North. Diversity and Distributions (In Press).

198Graham, J, N Young, CS Jarnevich, G Newman, P Evangelista, and TJ Stohlgren. 2013. The Hyper-Envelope Modeling Interface (HEMI): A novel approach to habitat suitability modelling.Environmental Management 52,: 929-938.

197Stohlgren TJ, JR Resnik, and G. Plumb. 2014. Climate Change and ‘Alien Species in National Parks’: Revisited. Chapter 9 In: Invasive Species and Climate Change, Lewis H. Ziska; Jeffrey S. Dukes, Editors. CABI Publishing. Geneva, Switzerland. (In Press).

196 Xu, X., Chen, Z., and Stohlgren, T.J. 2013. Tree ring based Pb and Zn contamination history reconstruction in East China: a case study of Kalopanax septemlobus. Environmental Earth Sciences (In Press)

195Barnett DT, GW Chong, TJ Stohlgren, C Jarnevich, S Kumar, and T Holcombe. 2013. Mapping harmful invasive species. Pages xx-xx. In: S. Brunn. Mapping Across the Academia. Springer., New York, NY. (In Press).

194Stohlgren T.J., L.L. Loope, L.J. Makarick. 2013. Plant Species Invasions in the United States National Parks. Pages xx-xx. In: Alien Plant Invasions in Protected Areas: A Global Assessment L. Foxcroft, D. Richardson, P. Pysek, L. Genovesi (eds). Springer. New York.

193Morain SA, S. Kumar & T.J. Stohlgren (Auth./eds.) with O. Selinus, E. Steinnes, M. Rosenberg & M. Lo. 2013. Chapter 7: Environmental and health science modeling. Pages xx-xx In S. Morain (editor), In Taylor & Francis (eds). Ecological Niche Modeling. Springer. New York. (In Press).

192Stohlgren, T.J.; and Holcombe, T. 2013. Impacts of land use change to ecosystem services. Pages xx-xx. In T. Seadstead (ed) Ecosystem Services. Springer. New York, NY. (In Press).*

191Flory AR, Kumar S, Stohlgren TJ, and Cryan P. 2012. Environmental Conditions Associated With Bat White-Nose Syndrome in the Northeastern United States. Journal of Applied Ecology 2012, 49, 680–689*

190Simberloff, D. et al. Non-natives: 141 scientists object. Nature 475:36-36.

189Graham, J.; Jarnevich, C.; Young, N.; Newman, G.; and T. Stohlgren. 2011. How will climate change affect the potential distribution of Eurasian Tree Sparrows Passer montanus in North America? Current Zoology 57(5): 648-654.

188Crall, A.W.; Newman, G.J.; Stohlgren, T.J.; Holfelder, K.A.; Graham, J.; and D.M. Waller. 2011. Assessing citizen science data quality: an invasive species case study. Conservation Letters 4(6): 433-442.

187 Jarnevich, CS; Evangelista, P ; Stohlgren, TJ ; Morisette, J . 2011. Improving National-Scale Invasion Maps: Tamarisk In The Western United States. Western North American Naturalist 71:164-175 .

186Stohlgren, TJ, P Pysek, J Kartesz, M Nashino, A Pauchard, M Winter, J Pino, D Richardson, JR Wilson, B Murray, M-L Li, L Celesti, and X Font. 2011. Widespread Plant Species: Natives vs. Aliens in our Changing World. Biological Invasions 13(9):1931-1994.*

185York, P., P. Evangelista, S. Kumar, J. Graham, C. Flather, and T. Stohlgren. 2011. A Habitat Overlap Analysis derived from Maxent for Tamarisk and the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Frontiers of Earth Science 5(2): 120-129.*

184Young, N.; Stohlgren, T.; Kumar, S.; Evangelista, P.; Graham, J.; Newman, G. 2012. Regional data refine local predictions: modeling the distribution of plant species abundance on a portion of the central plains. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 5439-5451 Online First: DOI 10.1007/s10661-011-2351-91-13.*

183Stohlgren, T. J., D.T. Barnett, S. Kumar, and P. H. Evangelista. 2011. Using maximum entropy modeling for optimal selection of sampling sites for monitoring networks. Diversity. 3(2)252-261.*

182Bromberg, J.E.; Kumar, S.; and T.J. Stohlgren. 2011. Distributional changes and range predictions of downy brome (Bromus tectorum) in RockyMountainNational Park. Invasive Plant Science and Management 4(2): 173-182.

181Evangelista, P.H.; Kumar, S.; Stohlgren, T.J.; and N.E. Young. 2011. Assessing forest vulnerability and the potential distribution of pine beetles under current and future climate scenarios in the Interior West of the US. Forest Ecology and Management 262(3): 307-316.*

180Graham, J, CS Jarnevich, A Simpson, G Newman, TJ Stohlgren. 2011. Federated or cached searches: providing expected performance from multiple invasive species databases: Frontiers of Earth Science 5(2)111-119.*

179Stohlgren, T.J., 2012. Native-alien species relationships. Page 95. In: Observation and Ecology: Broadening the Scope of Science to Understand a Complex World. A. Pauchard and R. Sagarin (eds). Island Press. NY, NY.

178Stohlgren Thomas J., Pyšek Petr, Kartesz John, Nishino Misako, Pauchard Aníbal, Winter Marten, Pino Joan, Richardson David M., Wilson John, Murray Brad R., Phillips Megan L., Celesti-Grapow Laura, and Graham Jim (2013) Globalization Effects on Common Plant Species. In: Levin S.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 3, pp. 700-706. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

177Stohlgren Thomas J., and Kumar Sunil (2013) Endangered Plants. In: Levin S.A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, Volume 3, pp. 205-215. Waltham, MA: Academic Press.

176Stohlgren, T.J., C. Jarnevich, W. Esaias, and J.T. Morisette. 2011. Bounding Species-Environmental Matching Models. Current Zoology 57(5):642-647.*

175Liang, C.T.; and T.J. Stohlgren. 2011. Habitat suitability of patch types: A case study of the Yosemite toad. Frontiers of Earth Science 5(2): 217-228.*

174Newman, G.; Crall, A.; Laituri, M.; Graham, J.; Stohlgren, T.; Moore, J.C.; Kodrich, K.; and K. Holfelder. 2010. Teaching citizen science skills online: Implications for invasive species training programs. Applied Environmental Education & Communication 9(4): 276-286 (December 2010).*

173Stohlgren T. 2011. Landscape patterns of plant invasions. Pages 422-427. In: Simberloff, D. and Rejmanek M. (eds). Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA.

172Crall, A., G. Newman, C. Jarnevich, T. Stohlgren, D. Waller, and J. Graham. 2010. Improving and integrating data on invasive species collected by citizen scientists. Biological Invasions, 12: 3419-3428.*

171Fornwalt, P.J., M.R. Kaufmann, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2010. Impacts of mixed severity wildfire on exotic plants in a Colorado ponderosa pine-Douglas-fir forest. Biological Invasions 12:2683-2695.*

170Graham J, G Newman1, S Kumar, C Jarnevich, N Young, A Crall, TJ Stohlgren, P Evangelista. 2010. Bringing modeling to the masses: a web based system to predict species distributions. Future Internet 2, 624-634; doi:10.3390/fi2040624.*

169Holcombe, T.R., T.J. Stohlgren, and C.S. Jarnevich. 2010. From Points to Forecasts: Predicting Invasive Species Habitat Suitability in the Near Term. Diversity 2(5):738-767.*

168Jarnevich, C.S., Holcombe, T., Barnett, D.T., Stohlgren, T.J., and Kartesz, J., 2010, Forecasting weed distributions using climate data: a GIS early warning tool. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 3(4) 365-375.*

167Stohlgren T.J., P. Ma, S. Kumar, M. Rocca, J.T. Morisette, C.S. Jarnevich, and N. Benson. 2010. Ensemble habitat mapping of invasive plant species. Risk Analysis 30(2): 224-235.*

166Stohlgren, T.J., Jarnevich, C.S., and Giri, C.P., 2010. Modeling the spread of the human invader: Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 4: 1-18 Feb 2010.*

165Allen, J.A., Brown, C.S., and T.J. Stohlgren. 2009. Non-native plant invasions of the United States National Parks. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-008-9376-1.

164Esaias, W., Nightingale, J., Morisette, J., Ma, P., Nickeson, J., Wolfe, R., Jarnevich, C., Holcombe, T., and Stohlgren, T., 2009, NASA and USGS invest in invasive species modeling to evaluate habitat for Africanized Honey Bees: The Earth Observer, 21 (6) 4-8.

163Evangelista, P., T.J. Stohlgren, J.T. Morisette and S. Kumar. (2009). Mapping invasive tamarisk (Tamarix): a comparison of single-scene and time-series analyses of remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing, Ecological Status and Change by Remote Sensing special issue 1:519-533.*

162Fornwalt, PJ, M.K. Kaufmann, L.S. Huckaby, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2009. Effects of past logging and grazing on understory plant communities in a montane Colorado Forest. Plant Ecology 2003:99-109.*

161Holcombe, T., and Stohlgren, T.J., 2009, Detection and early warning of invasive species, in Williams, P.A., and Clout, M.N., eds., Invasive Species Management: A Handbook of Principles and Techniques: New York, Oxford University Press, p. 36-46.*

160Jarnevich, C.S. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2009. Near term climate projections for invasive species distributions. Biological Invasions: 11: 1373-1379.*

159Jarnevich, C.S., and Stohlgren, T.J., 2009, Temporal management of invasive species, in Inderjit, ed., Management of invasive species: Springer-Verlag, p. 103-122.*

158Kumar, S. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2009. Maxent modeling for predicting suitable habitat for threatened and endangered tree Canacomyrica monticola in New Caledonia. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment. 1(4):094-98.*

157Kumar, S., S.E. Simonson, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2009. Effects of spatial heterogeneity on butterfly species richness in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, USA. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18:739-763.*

156Kumar, S., Spaulding, S.A., Stohlgren, T.J., Hermann, K.A., Schmidt, T. S., and L.L. Bahls. 2009. Potential habitat distribution for the freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata in the continental US. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7(8)415-420.*

155Stohlgren, T. J. and C. S. Jarnevich. 2009. Risk Assessment. Pages 19-35 in M. N. Clout and P. A. Williams, editors. Invasive Species Management: A Handbook of Principles and Techniques. Oxford University Press, New York.*

154Crall, A.W., T.J. Stohlgren, P. Evangelista, and D. Guenther. 2008. Natural variation in diversity and invasion patterns of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. In: van Riper III, C., M.K. Sogge, editors. The Colorado Plateau III: Integrating Research and Resources Management for Effective Conservation. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. p 287-305.*

153Del Grosso, S., W. Parton, T. Stohlgren, D. Zheng, D. Bachelet, S. Prince, K. Hibbard, and R. Olson. 2008. Global potential net primary production predicted from vegetation class, precipitation, and temperature. Ecology 89(8): 2117-2126.*

152Drucker, H.R., C.S. Brown, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2008. Developing Regional Invasive Species Watch Lists: Colorado as a Case Study. Invasive Plant Science and Management 1(4) 390-398.*

151Evangelista, P.H., S. Kumar, T.J. Stohlgren, C.S. Jarnevich, A.W. Crall, J.B. Norman III, and D.T. Barnett. 2008. Modelling invasion for a habitat generalist and a specialist plant species. Diversity and Distributions 14:808-817.*

150Graham, J., A. Simpson, A. Crall, C. Jarnevich, G. Newman, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2008. Vision of a cyberinfrastructure for nonnative, invasive species management. Bioscience 58(3): 263-268.*

149Li, M.Y., Y.W. Ju, S. Kumar, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2008. Modeling potential habitats for alien species Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra mussel) in the Continental USA. Acta Ecologica Sinica (Chinese ecology journal) 28(9): 4253-4258.*

148Stohlgren, T. J., Jarnevich, C., and S. Kumar. 2008. Forest legacies, climate change, altered disturbance regimes, invasive species, and water. Unasylva 229(58): 44-49.*

147Stohlgren, T.J., C. Flather, C.S. Jarnevich, D.T. Barnett, and J. Kartesz. 2008. Rejoinder to Harrison (2008): "The Myth of Plant Species Saturation". Ecology Letters 11(4): 324-326.*

146Stohlgren, T.J., D.T. Barnett, C.S. Jarnevich, C. Flather, and J. Kartesz. 2008. The myth of plant species saturation. Ecology Letters 11:313 -326.*

145Bergquist, E., P. Evangelista, T.J. Stohlgren, and N. Alley. 2007. Invasive species and coal bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 128(1-3): 381-394.*

144Chong, G.W. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2007. Species-area curves indicate habitats' contributions to regional biodiversity. Ecological Indicators 7:387-395.*

143Evangelista, P., S. Kumar, T. Stohlgren, A.Crall and G. Newman. (2007). Modeling above-ground biomass of Tamarisk ramosissima in the Arkansas River Basin of Southeastern Colorado, USA. Western North American Naturalist. 67(4):503-509.*

142Freeman, J.P., T.J. Stohlgren, M.E. Hunter, P.N. Omi, E.J. Martinson, G.W. Chong, and C.S. Brown. 2007. Rapid assessment of post-fire plant invasions in coniferous forests of the western U.S. Ecological Applications 17(6):1656-1665.*

141Holcombe, T.R., T.J. Stohlgren, and C.S. Jarnevich. 2007. GIS Applications in Invasive Species Management and Research. Pages 108-114 In: Managing Vertebrate Invasive Species: Proceedings of an International Symposium (G.W. Witmer, W.C. Pitt, K.A. Fagerstone, Eds). USDA/APHIS/WS, National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO. p. 108-115.*

140Jarnevich, C.S., J.J. Graham, G.J. Newman, A.W. Crall, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2007. Balancing data sharing requirements for analyses with data sensitivity. Biological Invasions 9:597-599.*

139Kalkhan, M.A., E.J. Stafford, P.J. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2007. Rapid plant diversity assessment using a pixel nested plot design: a case study in Beaver Meadows, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Diversity and Distributions DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-4642.2007.00333.x *

138Fridley, J.D., Stachowicz, J.J., Naeem, S., Sax, D.F., Seabloom, E.W., Smith, M.D., Stohlgren, T.J., Tilman, D., and Von Holle, B. 2007. The invasion paradox: reconciling pattern and process in species invasions. Ecology 88:(1): 1-17.*

137Stohlgren, T.J. 2007. Measuring Plant Diversity: Lessons from the Field. Oxford University Press, New York, New York. 390 pp.*

136Sutton, JR, Stohlgren, T.J., and KG Beck. 2007. Predicting yellow toadflax infestations in the Flat Tops Wilderness of Colorado. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-006-9075-8.*

135Kalkhan, M.A., E.J. Stafford, P.J. Whirly, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2007. Assessing exotic plant invasions and associated soil characteristics: A case study in eastern Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA using the pixel nested plot design. Applied Soil Ecology 35:622-634.*

134Barnett, D. T., T. J. Stohlgren, C. S. Jarnevich, G. W. Chong, J. A. Ericson, T. R. Davern, and S. A. Simonson. 2007. The art and science of weed mapping. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-006-9530-0.*

133Chong, GW, and TJ Stohlgren. 2006. Species-area curves indicate the importance of habitats' contributions to regional biodiversity. Ecological Indicators 7: 387-395, and online doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.03.002.

132Jarnevich, CS, D Barnett, TJ Stohlgren and J Kartesz 2006. Filling in the gaps: from native diversity to invasion patterns in the United States. Diversity and Distribution 12 (5): 511-520.*

131Bergquist, E., P. Evangelista, TJ Stohlgren, and N. Alley, 2006. Invasive species and coal bed methane development in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 10.1007/s10661-006-9321-7. 14 p.

130Kumar, S., Stohlgren, T. J., and Chong, G. W. 2006. Spatial heterogeneity influences native and nonnative plant species richness. Ecology 87: 3186-3199.*

129Flather, C., Stohlgren, T.J., D. Barnett, C. Jarnevich, and J. Kartesz. 2006. Plant species invasions along the latitudinal gradient in the United States: a reply to Fridley et al. Ecology 87:3213-3217.*

128Crall, A.W., L. Meyerson, T.J. Stohlgren, C.S. Jarnevich, G.J. Newman, J. Graham. 2006. Show Me the Numbers: What data currently exist for non-native species in the U.S. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (8): 414-418.*

127Stohlgren, T.J., C.S. Jarnevich, G. Chong, and P. Evangelista. 2006. Scale and plant invasions: A theory of biotic acceptance. Preslia 78: 405-426.*

126Morisette, J.T., C.S. Jarnevich, J.A. Pedelty, A. Ullah, W. Cai, T. Stohlgren, J. Gentle, J.L. Schnase. 2006. A tamarisk habitat suitability map for the continental USA. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4: 11-17.*

125Stohlgren, T.J., D. Barnett, C. Flather, P. Fuller, B. Peterjohn, J. Kartesz, and L.L. Master. 2006. Species richness and patterns of invasion in plants, birds, and fishes in the United States. Biological Invasions 8: 427-457.*

124Stohlgren, T.J., and J. Schnase. 2006. Biological Hazards: What we need to know about invasive species. Risk Assessment Journal. 26: 163-173.*

123Crall, A.W., G.J. Newman, T.J. Stohlgren, P.H. Evangelista, and D. Guenther. 2006. Evaluating dominance as a component of non-native species invasions. Diversity and Distributions. 12:195-204.*

122Chong, G.W., Y. Otsuki, T.J. Stohlgren, D. Guenther, C. Villa, and M.A. Waters. 2006. Evaluating plant invasions from both habitat and species perspectives. Western North American Naturalist 66:92-105.*

121Stohlgren, T.J., C. Crosier, G. Chong, D. Guenther, and P. Evangelista. 2005. Life-history habitat matching in invading non-native plant species. Plant and Soil 277: 7-18.*

120Kaye, M., D. Binkley, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2005. Effects of conifers and elk browsing on quaking aspen forests in the central Rocky Mountains, USA. Ecological Applications 15:1284-1295.

119Stohlgren, T.J., D. Barnett, C. Flather, J. Kartesz, and B. Peterjohn. 2005. Plant species invasions along the latitudinal gradient in the United States. Ecology 86: 2298-2309.*

118Stohlgren, T.J., D. Guenther, P. Evangelista, and N. Alley. 2005. Patterns of plant rarity, endemism, and uniqueness in an arid landscape. Ecological Applications 15:715-725.*

117Crosier, C.S. and T.J. Stohlgren. 2004. Improving biodiversity knowledge through dataset synergy: a case study of non-native vascular plants in Colorado. Weed Technology. 18: 1441-1444.

116Omi, P. N., E. J. Martinson, Kalkhan, M. A, , G. W. Chong, and T. J. Stohlgren. 2004. Spatial interactions among fuels, wildfire, and invasive plants. Pages 141-148 in R.T. Engstrom, K.E.M. Galley, and W.J. de Groot (eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Temperate, Boreal, and Montane Ecosystems. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.*

115Kalkhan, M.A., E. J. Martinson, P.N. Omi, T.J. Stohlgren, G.W. Chong, and M.A. Hunter. (2004). Integration of spatial information and spatial statistics: a case study of invasive plants and wildfire on the Cerro Grande fire, Los Alamos, New Mexico. Pages 191-199 in R.T. Engstrom, K.E.M. Galley, and W.J. de Groot (eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Temperate, Boreal, and Montane Ecosystems. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL.*

114Evangelista, P., T.J. Stohlgren, D. Guenther, and S. Stewart. 2004. Vegetation response to fire and post-burn seeding treatments in juniper woodlands of the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. Western North American Naturalist 64(3): 293-305.*

113Alley, N.W., T.J. Stohlgren, P.H. Evangelista, and D.A. Guenther. 2004. Iterative model development for natural resource managers: a case example in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. Geographic Information Sciences. 10(1): 1-9.*

112Burger, O., L.C. Todd, P. Burnett, T.J. Stohlgren, and D. Stephens. 2004. Multi-scale and nested-intensity sampling techniques for archaeological survey. Journal of Field Archaeology 2002-2004. 29 (3&4): 409-423.*

111Guenther, D., T.J. Stohlgren, P. Evangelista. 2004. A comparison of a near-relict site and a grazed site in a pinyon-juniper community in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. In: van Riper III, C., K.L. Cole, editors. The Colorado Plateau: cultural, biological, and physical research. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press. p 153-162.*

110Evangelista, P., D. Guenther, T.J. Stohlgren, S. Stewart. 2004. Fire effects on cryptobiotic soil crusts in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah. In: van Riper III, C., K.L. Cole, editors. The Colorado Plateau: cultural, biological, and physical research. Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona Press. p 121-128.*

109Stohlgren, T.J. (2003), Climatologists' workshop on scenarios, pp. 38-58 in Wagner, F.H., 2003. Preparing for a changing climate-potential consequences of climatic variability and change. A Report of The Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Assessment Team for the U.S. Global Change Research Program. Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 239 pp.

108Kaye MW, Stohlgren TJ, Binkley D. Aspen structure and variability in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. Landscape Ecology 18 (6): 591-603 2003.

107Fornwalt, P.J., M. Kaufmann, L.S. Huckaby, J.M. Stoker, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2003. Non-native plant invasions in managed and protected ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests of the Colorado Front Range. Forest Ecology and Management 117: 515-527.*

106Integration of spatial information and spatial statistics: a case study of invasive plants and wildfire on the Cerro Grande Fire, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. Proceedings of the Tall Timber Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee FL. *

106Stohlgren, T.J., D. Barnett, and J. Kartesz. 2003. The rich get richer: Patterns of plant invasions in the United States. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1 (1): 11-14. *

105Kalkhan, M.A., E.J. Martinson, P.N. Omi, T.J. Stohlgren, G.W. Chong, and M.A. Hunter. 2003.

104Omi, P.N., E.J. Martinson, M. Kalkhan, G.W. Chong, M. Hunter, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2003. Fuels, fire severity, and invasive plants within the Cerro Grange Fire, Los Alamos, NM. Proceedings of the Tall Timber Fire Ecology Conference, Tallahassee FL.*

103Barnett, D., and T.J. Stohlgren. 2003. A nested intensity sampling design for plant diversity. For Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 255-278. *

102Stohlgren, T. J., 2003. An example of the vulnerability approach: Ecosystem vulnerability. Pages 538-548. In: Biosphere Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (BAHC) Synthesis, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), Geneva, Switzerland. Springer-Verlag, New York. *

101Pielke Jr., R. and Stohlgren, T. J., 2003. Contrast between predictive and vulnerability approaches. Pages 510-517. In: Biosphere Aspects of the Hydrological Cycle (BAHC) Synthesis, International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), Geneva, Switzerland. Springer-Verlag, New York. *

100Stohlgren, T.J., G. W. Chong, L.D. Schell, K.A. Rimar, Y. Otsuki, M. Lee, M.A. Kalkhan, and C.A. Villa. 2002. Assessing vulnerability to invasion by non-native plant species at multiple scales. Environmental Management 29:566-577. *

99Bashkin, M., T.J. Stohlgren, Y. Otsuki, M. Lee, P. Evangelista, and J. Belnap. 2002. Soil characteristics and plant exotic species invasions in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA. Applied Soil Ecology 22: 67-77. *

98Binkley, D., U. Olsson, R. Rochelle, T. Stohlgren, and N. Nikolov. 2003. Structure, production and resource use in old-growth spruce/fir forests in the central Rocky Mountains, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 172:271-279. *

97Stohlgren, T. J., T. T. Veblen, K. Kendall, W. L. Baker, C. Allen, A. Logan, and M. Ryan. 2002. Pages 203-218. Montane and subalpine ecosystems. In: Rocky Mountain Futures: an Ecological Perspective. J. Baron (ed). Island Press, Washington DC. *

96Stohlgren, T.J. 2002. Beyond Theory of Plant Invasions: lessons from the field. Comments on Theoretical Biology 7: 355-379.*

95Schnase, J., T.J. Stohlgren, and J. A. Smith. 2002. The national invasive species forecasting system: A strategic NASA/USGS Partnership to manage Biological Invasions. Earth Observation Magazine 11:46-49.

94Barnett, D. and T. J. Stohlgren. 2001. Aspen persistence near the National Elk Refuge and Gros Ventre Valley elk feedgrounds of Wyoming. Landscape Ecology 16: 569-580. *

93Pielke, R.A., T. Stohlgren, L. Schell, W. Parton, N. Doesken, K. Redmond, J. Moeny, T. McKee, and T.G.F. Kittel. 2001. Problems in evaluating regional and local trends in temperature: An example from eastern Colorado. International Journal of Climatology 22:421-434. *

92Grace, J.B., M. Smith, S.L. Grace, S. Collins, and T.J. Stohlgren. 2001. Interactions between fire and invasive plants in temperate grasslands in North America. Pages 40-65. In K. Galley and T. Wilson (Eds.), Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire, Ecology, Prevention and Management. Invasive Species Workshop: The Role of Fire in the Control and Spread of Invasive Species. Tall Timbers Research Station, Miscellaneous Publication No. 11.*