STOCKPORT SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN BOARD Quality Assurance, Learning and Improvement Framework

Ownership / Safeguarding Head of Service
Initial Date / V 1 1.10.2013
Version / V2 Dec 2015
V3 1.2.2016



Background 2

Purpose of the Framework 2

Our Approach to Quality Assurance 2

Governance 3

Quality Assurance Activity of the SSCB 4

Monitoring Priorities Against Outcomes 12

1.0 Background

Stockport Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) has a commitment to developing safeguarding in the services for children and their families within Stockport. This has driven a culture of collaboration, challenge, learning and improvement across all organisations which work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

This framework has been developed in conjunction with the recent Working Together (2015), which states:

“LSCBs should maintain a local learning and improvement framework which is shared across local organisations that work with children and families. The framework should enable organisations to be clear about their responsibilities to learn from experience and improve services as a result’

2.0 The purpose of the framework is to:

  • Ensure that services are achieving consistently high standards in relation to safeguarding, and that this is sustained;
  • Ensure services are regularly evaluated;
  • Engender an organisational culture that is committed to learning and continual development; and
  • Support the continuous improvement and development of the children’s workforce.

The framework will seek to measure the following:

  • How does the SSCB encourage and facilitate learning across the partnership and demonstrate the impact of learning on service improvement? How does learning impact on service development, improved practice and outcomes?
  • Is there a shared and accurate understanding of how the partnership is performing? What are the critical success factors and costs, and how is the partnership comparing to others?
  • How effective is the SSCB in holding children’s services and other agencies to account? How does the SSCB offer challenge and monitor safeguarding practice locally?
  • Is there a regular self-assessment of safeguarding, child protection and the broader partnership, with a focus on achieving outcomes?

3.0 Our approach to QA will be:

  • Child-centred – We will follow the journey of the child through our services.
  • Outcome based – We will continually seek to improve performance and demonstrate the impact of help for children and their families in improving their outcomes. It is not enough to carry out quality assurance activity; the findings from all activity will drive service improvement and create better outcomes for our clients and workforce.
  • Fair – We will take equality and diversity issues into account when developing and undertaking quality assurance activity. We will use the results to promote equality of access.
  • Participative – Our quality assurance activity will be carried out in partnership with service users and professionals; from the student social workers to senior managers. Measuring quality is something done with, and by, service users and professionals rather than an exercise done to them. Everybody has a responsibility to quality assurance and everyone’s views and feedback will be incorporated into service improvement.
  • Consultative – We will use a consultative approach which will encourage an awareness of quality issues and ownership of the findings.
  • Transparent – We will deliver clear messages about the purpose of the quality assurance and how it benefits the organisation and individuals to encourage openness and willingness to participate.
  • Ethical – We will always endeavour to:
  • Respect participants privacy and confidentiality;
  • Extend and develop our knowledge;
  • Use public resources in the most effective way possible; and
  • Use the findings to create change, which leads to improved outcomes.

4.0 Governance

The SSCB and Independent Chair of the Board own this document within their accountable capacity for monitoring the quality of safeguarding practice in the local area.

The quality assurance of safeguarding practice will be maintained and driven by the SSCB Quality Assurance sub-group. This sub-group is responsible for scrutinising and monitoring the work of the all services in accordance with current legislation, performance indicators, practice standards and national andlocal priorities. Thissub-group will provide quarterly headlines; trends, key learning, and exception reports to the SSCB so it can be assured work around the Boards priorities is delivering improved safeguarding outcomes for children and families in Stockport.

The quality assurance of multi-agency training will remain with the SSCB Training sub-group. This group will provide exception reports to the Quality Assurance sub-group on request, and will produce an annual Training report.

The quality assurance of the effectiveness and governance of the SSCBwith regards to meeting its statutory requirements and locally agreed priorities as set out within the SSCB Business Plan will remain with the SSCB Implementation sub-group. This group will provide headline and exception reports to the SSCB.

A relationship of mutual accountability and shared priorities has been agreed with the Children’s Trust Board and Safer Stockport Partnership in respect of safeguarding. The SSCB is clear about its areas of safeguarding leadership and its areas of safeguarding influence where safeguarding work is being progressed through other Boards. Accountability arrangements with the Children’s Trust Board and the Health and Wellbeing Board have been agreed through a Memorandum of Understanding, in order to ensure there is clear communication, that safeguarding arrangements are clear within all service development and provision, and that the SSCB is able to ensure the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements. For more information see:

5.0 Quality Assurance Activity of the SSCB:

The SSCB will undertake the following quality assurance activity, as set out within the table below. In addition to the exercises outlined, learning will be extracted from the range of existing quality assurance activity in the Authority This will contribute to the SSCB assessment of local safeguarding practice and monitoring of services in line with local priorities.


Summary of SSCB Quality Assurance (QA) Learning and Improvement Activity 2016-8
QA Activity / Methodology / Who participates / Lead / Frequency / Intended Outcomes
SSCB Learning and Improvement Panel / The SSCB Learning Improvement Panel will sit bi-monthly to consider referrals that have been made in relation to case review. It will be chaired by the Head of Safeguarding. / L&I Panel members / Head of Safeguarding / Bi monthly / The purpose is to have a dedicated time to consider referrals where any agency considers that there is learning to be achieved in a multi-agency setting.
Trends are identified and responded to - to provide direction the Multi agency audit programme
Serious Case Reviews / SCR Panels will be convened when a case meets the statutory threshold for such reviews. These cases may emerge through the Learning and Improvement Panel or be arranged directly where the threshold is clearly met.
Learning from SCR’s to be disseminated across Children’s workforce:
-Communication strategy to be established / Panel members and agency representatives / Service Director / As required / Case Review will be carried out using a methodology which matches the required outcome.Sources of guidance used are the NW Learning and Improvement Policy , Greater Manchester Safeguarding Policy and Sequeli training materials . Each case will be supported by a Review Framework.
Multi-agency learning reviews / SSCB conduct reviews of cases, which do not meet the criteria for an SCR, but where there is some learning to be gained. Although not required by statute these reviews are important for identifying improvements, which need to be made to local services.
Action Plans to be drawn up and monitored through Audit and Monitoring sub Group - aim to have these completed within 6 months
Key messages to be disseminated via Safeguarding Learning events / Senior Managers
Chairs of MAL Reviews / Head of Safeguarding,SSCB Business Manager
SSCB Training manager / Identified need
Termly / The purpose of these reviews is to swiftly identify improvements, which are needed. LSCBs and their partner organisations should translate the findings from reviews into programmes of action, which lead to sustainable improvements, and the prevention of death, serious injury or harm to children.
Multi-agency audit / Journey of the Child Audit will be replaced by an audit programme to embed the learning from recent years multi agency audits , SCR’s and MALRS
Audit programme to be established from April 2016:
  • Locality based multi-agency auditing will be established. 4 cases per quarter for each locality - led by Principle lead and supported by Business Intelligence and Improvement officer and supported by Audit and Monitoring group .
  • QA&PM to have oversight of audit findings .
/ Stockport Family Locality Lead officers
Audit and Monitoring Sub Group
Business Intelligence and Improvement officer . / SSCB Business Manager / Audit programme / Learning has been identified over the past few years and effort needs to be made to embed learning rather than re-learn the same issues. SSCB needs to measure a marked improvement in particular areas such as assessment, planning and hidden males. Audit provides the evidence for challenge and benchmark for change
Sub Group Reports to Implementation/SSCB / Each Sub Group to report to Implementation Sub on bi-monthly basis.
Additionally regular reports made to the Board
  • SSCB Business Plan
  • CSE Strategic Plan
  • Children At Risk Sub
  • E Safety and Anti bullying Report
  • QA & PM Sub
/ Sub Group chairs / Bi monthly
6 monthly
6 monthly
6 monthly
Bi-monthly / Assurance is provided that the Strategic Action Plan is being carried out.
Actions against Sub Group plans are monitored.
Section 11 self-assessments / Partner agencies completed S11 self-assessment audit forms as part of the remit to monitor and challenge safeguarding practice within the Local Authority and their Partners ability to reflect on their safeguarding practice
The S11 is presented to Quality Assurance Sub Group. The group moderate the assessment, provide challenge as appropriate, and requires further evidence if necessary.
SSCB is asking services not previously included to complete Sec 11.
Sec 11 assessment tool being refined on GM basis to manage cross boundary agencies in particular. / QA and PM Sub group, Partner agency leads / SSCB Business Manager / Rolling programme on 2 year cycle
March 2016 / Monitor and challenge safeguarding practice within the Local Authority andPartners.
Agencies such as NPS CRC’s Police have one consistent tool to provide their information.
Education Section 175/157 / An audit tool has been re-designed to better suit the needs of schools and colleges across the authority. The tool is shared with schools bi-annually to allow them to evidence safeguarding activity in line with section 11 audits completed by other agencies.
Returns moderated by the Senior Advisor for Education and shared with the Education Partnership Board then SSCB QA Sub -group
Tool incorporated the Prevent duty / Head teachers / Safeguarding leads schools / Senior Adviser Safeguarding in Education ( / Next completion dates academic year 2015/16 / To provide SSCB with assurance that schools are meeting safeguarding standards.
To provide Education establishments a checklist relating to their safeguarding responsibilities
To provide assurance Prevent duty is being carried out
Education Section 175 / A Section 11 style audit tool has been re-designed to better suit the needs of schools and colleges across the authority. It is incorporated into the Checklist completed by schools.
Returns moderated by the Senior Advisor for Education and reported to the Education Partnership for inclusion in annual report to SSCB.
Tool will include checklist in relation to the Prevent duty - introduced Feb 2016 / Head teachers / Safeguarding leads schools / Senior Adviser Safeguarding in Education (Vacant) / Roll out Feb 2016
Annual Report to SSCB in November / To provide SSCB with assurance that schools are meeting safeguarding standards.
To provide Education establishments a checklist relating to their safeguarding responsibilities, including the Prevent Duty
Private Voluntary SectorSafeguarding Checklist / A Section 11 style checklist and self-assessment has been created for medium to small third sector groups operating within Stockport.

Demise of Anchorpoint willaffect take – up Included in training to PVI sector.
To explore opportunities to disseminate this information. / Third Sector
Organisations / SSCB Business Manger / To provide Third Sector organisations with a checklist relating to their safeguarding responsibilities
Multi-agency thematic audits / Multi agency audits will be completed from time to time on a review theme identified by the SSCB arising from reviews or data trends.
E.g Pre-birth assessments, case conferences plans
Action Plans on cases to be completed within 6 months from final completion. / QA and PM audit and monitoring group / SSCB Business Manager / Annual / Thematic audit to consider how practice has supported good outcomes and to identify learning for improvement.
Single agency audits / Safeguarding Audits to be presented to SSCB. These include single agency quarterly audit s from Children social Care , the Integrated Children service and CAF TAC audit.
Individual audits will also be received on completion to support the safeguarding agenda / QA&PM Sub / SSCB Business Manager / As available / Oversight of assurance re safeguarding activity.
Participation / The Participation team will link to SSCB projects to reflect information from key groups
  • Stockport Youth Partnership (SYP) support SSCB to directly incorporate the voice of children and young people within the work of the Board and drive key priorities.
  • Children in Care Council
There will be collaboration on key projects such as conferences , campaigns and website development
Key themes from MFH interviews will feed into the Children at Risk Group / Children and Young People / SSCB Business Manager / On-going / Incorporate the views of children and young people in developing the work of the Board and evaluating the quality of local safeguarding practice.
SSCB Dataset / The data set will be scrutinised by the QA and pm Sub group and Highlight and Exception reports reported to SSCB on a bi monthly basis.
Work is ongoing to refine the data information coming to SSCB to increase information from partners which illuminates the safeguarding overview / QA and PM Sub / Service Improvement Manager / Quarterly / Monitor the quality of safeguarding practice through quantitative measures
Monitor the risk posed by new areas of safeguarding eg FGM, child trafficking,
Member updates on the impact of Govt changes and financial decisions on safeguarding children / Standing item in relation to risk within individual agencies / Partner agencies / Independent chair / Bi-monthly / Highlight areas of risk as a result of reorganization or reduced budgets staffing etc
Challenge Log replaced by Risk Log / Risk Log to be completed at each SSCB to highlight risk and actions to Safeguarding children Network / Partner agencies / Independent chair / Bi Monthly
SSCB Training report / Annual Trainingreport to an overview of themes and trends linked to activity against SSCB strategic objectives and detailed information provided by partner organisations/sectors re safeguarding training.
Training Activity monitored via Training sub. / Partner agencies / SSCB Training manager / Annual / Evidence of multi-agency safeguarding training take-up demonstrating competent and knowledgeable workforce.
Evidence of Impact on training included
Annual Reports from services / Agency reports will scrutinise performance for the previous year and highlight development for the coming year in relation to Safeguarding. Reporting includes :
  • Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group
  • NHS England
  • Pennine Care Foundation Trust
  • Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
  • Education Partnership Board
  • Integrated LAC Board
  • IRO Annual Report
  • LADO report
  • Private Fostering report
  • Complaints
  • MOSAIC Annual Report
  • Young Carers Safeguarding report
  • CDOP
  • Greater Manchester CDOP overview
/ Partner agencies/services / SSCB Panel / Annual / Overview of partner agency or strategic group activity in relation to safeguarding to provide SSCB assurances about effectiveness or risks in the safeguarding system.
SSCB Annual Report / Annual report will report on effectiveness of the safeguarding activity in Stockport to identify gaps in services and challenges ahead. Statement included from Independent chair in relation to Safeguarding children in Stockport
Share report with chief Executive, Leader of the Council,
Health and Well- being board , Police commissioner for GMP, and with the public through the SSCB website / SSCB Business manager / SSCB Independent Chair / Annual / Provide open and transparent picture of the effectiveness of safeguarding in Stockport and the means by which the SSCB can be held to account by partner agencies