ADA is requesting proposals for technical assistance with regard to the site clearing, fencing, equipping of two boreholes and the construction of the Ophondweni Feedlot (including all the materials required).
- Definitions of Acronyms / Glossary
ADA:Agribusiness Development Agency
DRDLR:Department of Rural Development and Land Reform
SCM:Supply Chain Management
DARD: Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
SP:Service Provider
COOP: Cooperative
2.Ophondweni Feedlot
2.1Background and context
The ADA is assisting Mr.Dlamini to construct a beef feedlot. The feedlot is to be constructed near Jozini in an area called Ophondweni (see attached map). The area communal land and is unfenced at present. The co-ordinates for the farm are as follows:
- 27º 17’ 53.58” S
- 32º 8’ 52.65” E
A site map is also attached. Mr Dlamini intends to construct a 400 head feedlot.The feedlot will support 3 annual cycles of 400 head per cycle (1200 head per annum). The feedlot design is attached as is the layout of the property. It is intended that the feedlot will supply the Bhambanana Abattoir that is being completed. The abattoir is within the catchment area of the feedlot.
The area is a green fields site and is heavily wooded.
3.The Agribusiness Development Agency
The vision of the Agribusiness Development Agency (ADA) is a vibrant and sustainable agribusiness sector in KwaZulu Natal Province
To lead and manage the delivery of appropriate services to enable the agribusiness sector to achieve sustainable success through partnerships and innovative knowledge
The ADA is a client-centered agency. It identifies clients through a process of participation and consultation with government, the private sector, and stakeholders. It leads the development of plans to support black commercial farmers, including those who have fallen into distress, and manages the delivery of a comprehensive range of services to farmers when and where they are needed. The ADA is responsive to client needs, flexible and efficient.
The core values include:
- Focused commitment
- Excellence through innovation
- Accountability
- Drive and enthusiasm
- Ethical and honest
- Batho Pele principles
The core principles include:
- Holistic approach
- Success through partnerships
- Value for money
- Participatory development
- Results based orientation
ADA is undertaking the following activities:
- Bush clearing : 2ha of land
- Supply, delivery material and erection of a 6 strands barbed wire feedlot boundary fence, total height 1.4m for 1.2km length
- Supply, delivery of materialand equipping oftwo (2) boreholes with submersible pump, 100 000litres water storage reservoir.
- Supply, delivery of materialand installation of solar system, connect to the two boreholes and test for commissioning.
- Supply, deliveryof material and construction of a covered feedlot area for 300 cattle equipped with:
Crush pen with a weighing scale and neck clamp
Loading ramp
Water reticulation system from the water storage reservoir to the drinking troughs.
The contractor must also supply all the materials required.
The assignment should be completed within a two (2) month period from the date of signing of the contract. The service provider proposal must elaborate the project plan against deliverables and timeframes.
The service provider will report to the DARD Engineer, ADA Project Manager and the client. The frequency will be guided by the phases and workplan; and deliverable as set out in the Technical Proposal and Inception Report.
Bidders are to note that the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Engineering Services will carry out monitoring and evaluation of construction. It is expected that the project be visited regularly and that official progress meetings be held on a bi-weekly basis. All payment claims are to be certified by the Departmental engineer before payment can be effected.
Payments will be made against the achievement of identified milestones, deliverables and the submission of invoices.
- Construction Manager must possess experience of at least 3 or more Projects valued at least R 1 million per project
- Foreman must possess experience of at least 3 or more Projects, valued at least
R 750 000 per project
7.1Technical Proposal Requirements
A Relevant CIDB Grading registration: Minimum of 3CE or higher is required.
Compulsory completion of Standard Bidding Documents (SBD)
Bidders should complete and sign all other Standard Bidding Documents. Failure to complete and sign the indicated SBD documents shall invalidate the bid.
Other than the specifications included in the Bill and Drawings herewith, the following standardised specifications shall apply on this contract:
SABS 1200 AA:General (Small Works)
SABS 1200 C :Site Clearance
SABS 1200 DA :Earthworks (Small Works)
SABS 1200 DB:Pipe Trenches
SABS 1200 GA:Concrete (Small Works)
SABS 1200 L:Medium Pressure Pipelines
SABS 1200 LB:Bedding (Pipes)
A bidder should get his own copies of the above mentioned documentation.
In addition to the standard bid documents the following must be indicated:
- Company profile including track record (related work done, commissioned and contact details of Clients).
- List of available resources/machinery to be used for the work.
- Work plan with clear time frames and number of labourers to be used.
- Priced BOQ, completed according to the attached format.
- Additions and alterations to the BOQ shall be priced.
- Copy of Workmen’s Compensation registration certificate (or proof of payment of contributions in terms of the compensation for occupational injuries and diseases Act No 130 of 1993).
- CIBD certificate 3CE or higher
7.2Financial proposal
The financial offer must contain two separate elements:
- Budget breakdown
- Cash flow forecast
The budget breakdown must include the estimated number of days for the personneland the fee rate. The incidental and disbursement costs per output. The equipment costs must be at a wet rate.
The closing date for submissions is 19 January 2017.
A site briefing will be held on site on the 15th December 2017 at 11:00am.
Interested bidders are requested to submit a detailed proposal either by post or hand delivered to:
Agribusiness Development Agency
5 Cascades Crescent
Emailed or faxed proposals will not be accepted.
ADA does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any of the bids and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid proposal.
CURRICULUM VITAE (max 3 pages)
Proposed role in the project:
- Family name:
- First name:
- Date of birth:
- Nationality:
- Civil status:
- Education:
Institution [Date from-Date to] / Degree(s) of Diploma(s) obtained
- Language skills: indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 excellent; 5 basic)
Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
- Membership of professional bodies:
- Other skills: (e.g. Computer literacy, etc)
- Present position:
- Years within the firm:
- Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project)
- Professional Experience
Date from- date to / Location / Company / Position / Description of projects/ responsibilities etc
- Other relevant information (e.g. Publications)
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate in the tender <tender name> in the above mentioned service tender procedure. I further declare that I am able and willing to work for the period(s) foreseen for the position for which my CV has been included.
From / To<start of period 1> / <end of period 1>
<start of period 1> / <end of period 1>
Furthermore, should this tender be successful, I am fully aware that if I am not available at the expected start date of my services for reasons other than ill-health or force majeure, I may be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts funded by the The Agribusiness Development Agency and that the notification of award of contract to the tenderer may be rendered null and void.
ADAB 25/2017: Contracting of a service provider for the construction of a feedlot, supply, delivery & erection of fencing and equipping of two (2) boreholes for Bhambanana Abattoir, Jozini.
No. / Evaluation Criterion / Max Score / TotalScore
1 / Construction
-List of specific completed projects with contactable references / 15 / 3 or more Projects of at least R 1 million for each project=
15 / 1- 2 Projects of at least R 1 million for each project = 7 / No project of at least R 1 million for each project=0
2. / Company
-Completion Certificates and/ or Referral Letters of specific works / 15 / 4 or more specific projects
=15 / 2 -3 projects =7 / 1 project = 3 / No projects=
3. / Cumulative Value of
specific projects
(company) / 10 / ≥ R 3.5 million =10 / Between R 2million and R 3.4 million= 7 / Between R 1 million and R 1.9 million= 3 / Less than R1m =0
4. / Foreman
-List of specific completed projects with contactable references / 10 / 3 or more Projects of at least R 750 000 for each project=
10 / 1- 2 Projects of at least R 750 000 for each project =
6 / No project of at least R 750 000 for each project=0
Minimum Passing Score / 30
Name of Service Provider/Bidder
Name of Panel Member