Stillwater Girls Traveling Basketball
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2004
Board Members in Attendance: Jolene Buberl, Jon Kroschel, Jan Marko, Scott Meyer, Rick Nichols
Additional Attendance: Jeff Fosse, Roger Stippel
Agenda Items: Gym Time, Tryouts/Evaluators, Coach Van Klei’s Ideas, Practicing Procedures, Playing Time, Equal/Coaches Discretion, Treasure’s Report, Equipment, New Business, Old Business, Action Items
Correction to 8/25/04 Meeting Minutes: Add Grade Level Board Contacts: 3rd – 5th Janet Marko, 6th Scott Meyer, 7th Jon Kroschel, 8th Jolene Buberl, 9th Rick Nichols.
Practice Time. 5th – 9th grade program: Monday and Thursday practices (standard schedule), to be held at the junior highs. The times will be 6:30pm – 8pm and 8pm – 9:30pm, except holidays. Targeted start date is 10/7, end date 3/5/05. The 3rd – 4th program practices will be held on Fridays from 6pm – 7:30pm, starting 11/19.
Gym Scheduling. Roger asked we consider combined practices to help with gym scheduling all or part with skill development as the focus. 6th grade joint at Rutherford, using all teams. Roger has agreed to be the lead practice coach for the 6th grade level. 7th grade two practices per week, do a combined practice for skills building and separate for plays. Check into possibility of having nonparent lead coach to be lead with joint practices. 8th grade -- two practices a week. Joint practices for skills. Will check with Tom Ober to see if interested in 8th grade lead practice coach, Roger as second option. 9th grade -- two joint practices a week at the coaches discretion. Tabled until Rick contacts those who have expressed an interest in coaching. Sue Cadwell’s name was brought up as will to coach again this year.
Insurance. Insurance is due by the first tryout date. Last year’s coverage continues through the month of September.
Tryouts. Deb will provide the basketballs to be used. Due to other commitments, Roger and Jolene will not be able to attend the first tryout. Rick will put a tryout notice in the Gazette. Will also have a notice added to Cable, to air starting next week.
3rd/4th Grade Program. Discussed the possibility of passing off of the 3rd/4th program to VAA and start traveling at 5th grade level as VAA now uses the same program (East Metro). Will reevaluate once enrollment numbers are determined.
Treasure’s Report. Jolene provided the current balance. A full report will not be available until after tryouts.
Tryouts. Forms have been printed in color coded order. Sign in sheets will be made available. Next step is to obtain tryout shirts (Jon & Jolene) and set up numbers. Jolene will have a check off list available. Discussion on approaching bubble kids parents on whether they would be put on the A or B team (example ranked as player number 9).
Friday Folder Report. 2500 fliers were printed to distribute to the 3rd through 6th grade girls. Due to a change in policy of fliers going home to all this year, fliers were given to 3rd & 5th grade only. All fliers were distributed.
Playing Time Guidelines – Deb recommends 5th – 8th be the same as last year. 9th grade 60/40 at coaches’ discretion change to 100% coaches discretion. Discussion on board stepping in if a coach is abusing or if it is even feasible to have this rule. Final result tabled: There will be equal play at 5th – 7th grade levels. 40% play at 8th & 9th grade level, per tournament.
Coaches’ Manual – Policies need to be updated, playtime added in, team numbers, and other guidelines. Spoke of coach, player, and parent expectations. Recommendation to add to coaches book in addition to add on website. A recommendation was made to expand on the coaches’ handbook and add the program purpose. Manuals should contain copies of emergency cards and birth certificates. (Coaches from last year may have certificates where we will not need to pursue copies this year.)
Equipment – Jolene processed all of the uniform orders utilizing surplus uniforms, where possible. Next meeting Jon will bring in an example of all of the equipment. The practice jerseys in stock are not the right numbers or sizes. Jon ordered 250 bottle huggers: 125 red with black print & 125 black with red print. The basketball logo was strategically left off to make the huggers marketable by any of the Stillwater sports teams. Decision to buy coaches notebooks, whiteboards, and scorebooks.
9/8/04 Meeting Minutes
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Service Hours – The following will count towards service hours: Coaching, concessions (cleanup and setup), gym scheduling, tournament scheduling. The following will not count: Coaching (will allow team parents to donate extra hours towards coaches hours worked), team parent.
9th Grade Tip-off Dinner – Decided it was too late to pursue a dinner this year.
Web Site – Susan did a fantastic job of recent updates. Currently team page access provides updating privileges to the whole site. Janet to find out the contingency plan for site crashing and if there a way to limit team access to team page only. Jeff Fosse agreed to be a backup for the webpage updates.
/ Motion / Passed (Yes or No)None made / N/A / N/A
Action Items:
Action Item/Person Responsible / Action Item /Deadline
Coaching Applications/Jolene / Jolene will distribute applications to those who indicated an interest on the registration paperwork.Coaching notebooks, white boards, scorebooks/Not assigned / Purchase
Medical Consent Forms/Not assigned / Blank forms will be needed at tryouts for those who have not yet completed one. / First Tryout
Practice/Jolene / Provide Roger with the number of practices per grade level or team & 3rd/4th grade program schedule
Practice/Rick / Contact Don/Keith to obtain his interest as 7th grade lead practice coach. / Tuesday, 9/14
Practice/Rick / Contact Tim to obtain his interest as lead & coaching 8th grade level. If necessary, contact Roger to find his interest as lead practice coach.
Tryouts/Jolene / Provide pencils, clipboards, color-coordinated evaluation sheets, check list / Tryouts
Tryouts/Scott / Contact Mark Luby to obtain evaluator report and to invite Mark to the next meeting.
Uniforms/Jon / Bring in surplus samples. / Next Meeting
Website/Janet & Susan / Add service hours credit information. Find out contingency plan for site crashing. Find out if there is a way for teams to access their team page without access to whole site.
Tabled Items:
3rd & 4th grade league – turning over to VAA (after we see the registration numbers).
Combined practices.
Evaluators/Tryout process.
Mandatory parents meeting.
Playing time guidelines.
Next Meeting:
September 22nd 6pm, at Holiday Inn Express, Stillwater. (The conference room inside the lobby.)