Stewart Middle School
Physical Education
Course Syllabus
Coach Henry: (770)651-5481
My mission is to facilitate students in improving their quality of life through regular physical activity. This will be accomplished by using a student-centered approach while teaching the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of physical fitness and demonstrating personal responsibility in all areas of the curriculum.
· To develop coordination, endurance, flexibility, physical fitness, and strength.
· To improve the cardiovascular system. This means running and getting better.
· To develop and improve the skills to participate in various activities.
· To understand the rules and strategies of the activities.
· To develop and enforce good sportsmanship, respect for others, and ones-self through active
· To introduce activities that can be used as lifetime activities.
· To have fun staying in shape, to have fun being challenged and to have fun working hard.
Each student will be graded upon the following areas:
Dress out & Attendance…………………...30%
Skill development/participation……….20%
Fitness development…………………….…..20%
Written tests…………………………………..…20%
SLOs (Students Learning Objectives)…..5%
Written assignments/EQ’s……………….….5%
Dressing out is MANDANTORY! The student will lose 2 points for everyday he/she does not dress out and will be expected to complete an alternate assignment that corresponds to the unit that is being taught. This assignment will be turned in at the end of class to receive a participation grade for the day (additional points will be deducted if the assignment is not complete or not turned in at the end of class). Dress out attire consists of a t-shirt, shorts/sweat pants, socks and tennis shoes. (NO cut off shirts, spaghetti straps, tights, short shorts, spandex) Please stick to the dress code policy within student handbook.
Only written excuses will be accepted to be exempt from dressing out; after three days, a written doctor’s excuse is required. The student is responsible for getting any missed assignments/information for days he or she is absent.
The student will lose 2 points if he or she is late reporting to his/her gym spot. In trying to increase the maximum amount of physical activity for each student, it is imperative that we begin class prepared and on time.
Lockers are available in each locker room for students for storage of each student’s
personal property during class time. Student must provide their own personal lock (key or combination) Please keep all valuables and money at home or stored in the school locker.
ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A SCHOOL LOCKER. Personal items such as… books, sports bags, shoes, electronics, money or anything of value, CAN NOT BE STORED IN COACH’S OFFICE (THOSE ITEMS MUST BE KEPT IN SCHOOL LOCKER)
Teachers will NOT be responsible for ANY lost or stolen items!!!!
The student will be evaluated on his/her skill level for each unit using the criteria on the skill level rubric.
In addition to the rubric criterion, the following areas will also be considered for the Skill Development and Participation grade:
· Efforts and improvements in ALL physical activities
· Behavior and Attitude
Written tests will be given at the end of most units. The grades will be averaged together for the final written test grade.
Course Content
At Stewart Middle School, we follow a curriculum based on seasonal sports. Each student will be introduced to and participate in a variety of team sports, team cooperation activities, fitness related activities and will increase his or her fitness endurance levels to improve his/her one-mile run.
Parent/Teacher communication
Each student will be issued an agenda book by the school. It is a requirement that each
student bring his/her agenda book to class every day. Parents are asked to review the book
daily for messages from teachers.
I can be reached at school by calling the gym (770.651.5481) and leaving a voice
message. I will check voice mail twice each day. It is my goal to respond to
your message within 24 hours.
Please sign and return. Signing this document means that you have a full understanding of Stewart Middle School’s Physical Education Department’s expectations.
Parent Name (print) ______
Student Name (print)______
Parent signature ______Date ______
Student signature ______Date______