STEWARDS SCHOOL – Science Specialist

Member of West Essex VIth Form College

“Stewards School is a good school with outstanding features where every child matters a great deal”

(OFSTED Report, April 2007)

Stewards School is a vibrant and dynamic place in which to work. We are at the forefront of many educational developments and have achieved a reputation in Essex and beyond as an innovative and exciting school, totally committed to high quality teaching that encourages pupils in their learning.

The staff of Stewards School are committed to raising standards of pupil achievement and to school improvement, within an atmosphere that is both friendly and supportive. The School has been awarded several School Achievement Awards for improving examination results and is regularly in the top 10% of schools nationally for the average progress made by pupils from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4.

Stewards School is an 11 – 16 mixed comprehensive situated on the southern edge of Harlow, a town of over 80,000 inhabitants. The school was opened in 1963 on a fifteen acre site. In 2003 Stewards was designated as a Science Specialist School and achieved re-designation in 2007. Stewards is a genuine comprehensive school with a full ability range and social mix. We enjoy a very good reputation in the town.

There are currently 1,020 students and 70 teaching staff. We have an excellent teaching and associate staff who support all aspects of school life. At the age of 16 the majority of our students go on to further education at West Essex VIth form College and local 6th forms. Stewards is a founder member of the West Essex VIth form College Partnership which enables our teachers to teach AS and A2 level at the College. We are a member of the Harlow Education Consortium and we work in close collaboration with other local schools to promote educational achievement.


Stewards School is committed to excellence for all. We are committed to the ideals of comprehensive education and we believe that all our pupils are of equal value. We offer a curriculum that is broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated; one which can respond to the individual and his or her needs. Successful learning takes place in an atmosphere built on good relationships, high standards and the awareness that each individual is valued. We provide creative and imaginative teaching through which young people can enjoy learning, work co-operatively and seek to extend themselves. The core curriculum includes:

Year 7 and 8 (2 year KS3)

Modern Languages / Technology
Geography / Religious Education
Physical Education / Music
Personal Learning and Thinking Skills
Year 9, 10 and 11 (3 year KS4)
Mathematics / Science
Information Technology / Physical Education
Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education / Religious Education. In Year 9, Work Skills.

Pupils in the Upper School also choose three options from: Technology (Product Design, Food Technology and Resistant Materials), Triple Science, French, Spanish, Art, Photography, Music, Drama, Dance, PE, History, Geography, RE, Sociology, Business Studies, Media Studies, Psychology, Vocational Qualifications and a range of BTEC courses (Sports, Hospitality and Catering, Travel and Tourism, Health and Social Care).


The school has a strong commitment to Learning Support and to Young, Gifted and Talented provision. Pupils who have learning difficulties are provided with in-class support, or are withdrawn for part of the week to follow a specialist Literacy programme. The School has its own Learning Support Unit (the ACE Centre) which is recognised as a model of good practice in Essex. For higher attaining pupils we have an “Aimhigher” enhancement programme as well as extension activities and university summer schools.


The school is organised into year groups and regular meetings take place with the Head of Year and tutors in a year group. Successful tutoring is a cornerstone of our school organisation. Tutors are expected to monitor the academic progress and welfare of pupils in their tutor group on a regular basis. A “Target-Setting” day in the spring is calendared for individual progress reviews between the tutor and each pupil in their form. The school has an active and well established School Council. In our OFSTED Report (April 2007) the overall personal development and well-being of learners is described as “outstanding.”


Stewards has a strong commitment to the professional development of all staff. We organise regular CPD sessions in school which are rated very highly by staff as giving excellent practical training. Each year every teacher is involved in Performance Management Reviews where priorities and training needs are established. The CPD Co-ordinator oversees the process to ensure that those needs are met. We have a successful induction programme for NQT’s, new staff and graduate trainees. This is supported by Local Authority professional development courses and the advisory service.


We have high expectations of both staff and pupils. All teachers belong to a departmental team and a tutor team. We have a participatory management style, based on openness and integrity. The school has a clear identity and a sense of purpose. The staff are fully involved in the school planning process and our School Plan begins with a clear statement of intent as follows:-

Stewards School will provide an enriching and high quality education for all students. We believe that, by working in an effective partnership between home and school, we will promote student learning. This will encourage our students to become individuals who are confident, considerate to others and able to contribute positively to their communities. We intend this to form the foundation for life-long learning.”

We have embraced the Workload Agreement, indeed many of the changes were already in place. In recent years we have appointed pastoral support managers, curriculum development technicians, personnel officers, administrative support to departments, exam invigilators, cover supervisors, a data manager and an attendance officer.

The School Plan focuses on classroom practice and raising pupil achievement. Important School Priorities for 2009 – 2010 are:-

-Skills for Independence – Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

-Attitude to Learning

-Assessment for Learning

Special features of our school include:-

  • School Council of 50 pupils
  • Implementation of our Science Specialist School Plans.
  • The School has achieved School Achievement Awards in recognition of the school’s ongoing improvement in GCSE exams.
  • Regular Professional Development staff meetings to share and disseminate good practice.
  • An extensive programme of extra-curricular activities. OFSTED described this provision as “outstanding”.
  • Curriculum days (suspension of the timetable each term in order to enrich the curriculum).
  • International links with school in China, Australia and Ghana.
  • Creative Partnership School enhancing the school environment
  • Cultural Diversity Quality Standard Gold Award and the development of ethnic minority pupil voice
  • Study Support and a regular programme for young, gifted and talented pupils.
  • The Virtual Learning Environment (in collaboration with Oslo University).
  • A range of educational visits and ‘Adventure’ trips in this country and abroad, including recent trips to France, Spain and the United States.
  • An annual Sports Tour.
  • A reward scheme for successful pupils (Stewards Challenge) which recognises combined excellence in attendance, punctuality, academic achievement and good general behaviour. Pupils are rewarded with a free day trip every term.
  • Implementation of our collaborative plans with other schools.
  • Community use of the school including use of the swimming pool.


Links with our local community are excellent and we seek to expand them further. In addition, links with local industry and commerce continue to grow. We run an Insight into Industry programme in year 9 and all year 10 students undertake two weeks Work Experience. Several departments have developed links with local companies to enhance the curriculum. We run a Harlow Business Mentoring Programme for years 9 to 11.

We have a loyal and hard-working PTA. The Governing Body actively supports the school.

We have established very strong links with our neighbourhood primary schools; for example, primary pupils take part in Science lessons at Stewards and, as part of our School Sports Co-ordinator programme, PE staff are involved in working in the local primary schools every week. OFSTED Inspectors described the extent to which learners make a positive contribution to the community as “outstanding.”


We have an attractive and pleasant environment in which to work. It is a non-smoking site. We place a high priority on providing excellent facilities for teaching and learning. The facilities include:-

New Science laboratories / All classrooms and offices are computer networked
A new Performing Arts suite for Music, Dance and Drama / Conference Room
Library & Resources Centre
Excellent Staffroom with ICT facilities / New PE centre and new multi-use games area
Suites of rooms for subject areas / Indoor Heated Swimming Pool
ICT suite with 5 superb ICT rooms / Extensive Playing Fields
Technology Centre including 2 new Food rooms and new ICT suite


The OFSTED Inspection of Stewards School in April 2007 was full of praise for the work of the School. It states:-

“Pupils achieve well as a result of excellent care, guidance and support, allied to good teaching”
“Pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school, reflecting their outstanding personal and social development … they are considerate and supportive of each other; are exceptionally courteous and helpful to visitors and they have good relationships with their teachers and other adults in the School … their enjoyment of school is exceptional”
“The majority of lessons are good or outstanding”
“School leaders have created excellent support systems. The school wholeheartedly believes that every child matters and several pupils told the Inspection team that they feel part of a large family when at school”
The full OFSTED Report is available as a link on the Stewards School website:

In 2009 80% of year 11 students gained 5 or more A* - C grades. This represents an outstanding achievement, the best ever within the town.

Stewards is a place characterised by teamwork, good inter-personal relations, staff committed to a wide range of initiatives and a genuine concern for the welfare and achievement of pupils. Whenever new staff join the school, they invariably say how friendly and supportive they find it. Inspectors said “None of the Inspectors could remember a school where the pupils were so keen to tell them how good it was.”

I appreciate the time and effort that goes into writing an application. I hope that after reading the details of the post you will feel that Stewards School is a place in which you would like to work. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your interest. If you would like to discuss the post or require further information, please contact me at the school.

Prospective candidates are welcome to visit the school.

Rhonda Murthar
