Developing Positive School Culture

Title: Developing Positive School Culture
Description: This workshop focuses on establishing and maintaining a positive school culture. Participants will understand the components embedded within school culture. In addition, participants will evaluate their current school culture and become aware of toxic factors that impact school culture. Participants will also understand the responsibilities of principals, teachers, and students in rooting elements of a positive school culture.
·  PD hrs: If you are interested in facilitating this workshop for “Professional Development Hours” through ASU, please contact us at for details (including an Attendance Roster Form and a Participant Feedback Form)
·  FEEDBACK: We would appreciate feedback regarding the quality of this PD Facilitator Kit and/or suggestions for improvement (including participant feedback and/or recommended changes to the Facilitator PowerPoint and/or Facilitator Guide). Please email feedback, comments, or suggestions for improvements to (be sure to include the exact name of the workshop).
1.)  Define school culture
2.)  Identify the 5 elements that are encompassed within school culture
3.)  Understand how to establish a positive school culture
4.)  Identify toxic school culture factors
5.)  Examine the positive impact of a healthy school culture
6.)  Understand the responsibilities principals, teachers, and students have in establishing/maintaining a positive school culture
Content Expert: Maria Ramirez
·  Facilitator Guide for Developing Positive School Culture
·  Facilitator PPT
·  Agenda (made by facilitator on chart paper
·  chart paper, tape, markers, 3x5 index cards, sticky name tags, art supplies (construction paper, scissors, glue, etc.)
Readings Included
·  Center for Social and Emotional Education. (2009). School climate research summary. New York, NY: CSEE.
·  Peterson, K. D., (2002). Positive or negative. National Staff Development Council.
Video Clips:
Segment 2
·  Charlie Brown cartoon clip (1 min. 30 sec.)
·  Education Leader from Australia video clip (6 minutes)
·  Principal’s perspective of school culture video clip (3 min. 52 sec.)
Segment 4
·  Goofy Video Clip (6 min. 19 sec.)
·  Video clip of Dr. Kris Bosworth
Other Items
Segment 1-
·  Descriptive Positive Adjective Sheet (word document)
Segment 2-
·  Article by Peterson (2002) titled Positive or Negative (PDF document)
Segment 3-
·  Totem Pole Characteristics document (word document)
Segment 4
·  Article by Center for Social and Emotional Education (2009) titled, School Climate Research Summary (pdf document)
·  Protective School’s (2000) list of responsibilities for principals, teachers, and students (word document)
·  Alphabet Summary Sheet (word document)
Agenda & Segment Titles / Time in Minutes / Notes
1.)Defining school culture / 120 minutes
2.) Putting together the pieces of school culture / 60 minutes
3.) Toxic School Cultures / 60 minutes
4.) Impact of positive school cultures; Responsibilities of principals, teachers, students in establishing a positive school culture / 120 minutes
1st Segment Title Defining School Culture
Time Allotment 2 hours
Targeted Objective(s)
·  To define school culture
·  Identify the 5 elements of school culture
·  Evaluate current practices related to 5 elements of school culture
Face-to-Face Format
Structure / Management Considerations/
5 minutes
As participants enter the room up-beat, energetic music will be playing as the presenter greets participants as they enter. The presenter will hand each participant a sticky name tag as well as a positive adjective list to spark ideas and then record an adjective before their first or last name off the given list to form their “Positive Name.” For example: Maria Ramirez- Positive Name- Radiant Ramirez / ·  Means to play up-beat, energetic music
·  Sticky name tags
·  Markers
·  Copies of Descriptive Positive Adjective Sheet
·  Small prize
·  Piece of chart paper
·  Markers
Presentation/Participant Engagement
10 minutes
ICE Breaker- Participants will each stand up and state their Positive Name. Volunteers will then see how many they can remember (does not have to be in order) for a chance to win a small prize. Reflection will be done after the ICE Breaker- reflective questions: (1) How could everyone on campus having a “Positive Name” influence a school’s culture and impact student/staff behavior and (2) what else could a person’s “Positive Name” tell you about the person.
75 minutes
Go through slides and devote 15 minutes to each of the 5 components of school culture. At the end of each of the five components there will be questions. Once slide 4 has been presented put participants in small groups/table groups and give each group a set of markers and chart paper. Have each group fold their chart paper in half twice to equal 8 sections and label their chart paper as instructed on slide 5. As each of the 5 five components of school culture are presented, have participants write their responses in the designated area of their chart paper and then choose a couple groups to share what they wrote to the whole group after each component.
20 minutes
Refer to slide 17 to do “Reading your School’s Culture Activity.” Participants will write their responses to the activity in section 7 of their prefabricated chart paper and remain in their small group. Leave 5 minutes to have each group share one response with the whole group.
10 minutes
Closure/Formative Assessment- Participants will participate in a 3-2-1 activity and share their responses to the activity for closure. Refer to slide 18.
Formative Assessment
3-2-1 Activity- Have each group in section 8 of their chart paper write down three important terms they remember, two ideas/thoughts, and one question they have regarding the content covered.
2nd Segment Title Putting together the pieces of school culture Time Allotment 1 hour
Targeted Objective(s)
·  Participants will examine school culture experts to find common themes that positively impact school culture
·  Participants will identify factors in schools who have been recognized for implementing/maintaining a positive school culture
Face-to-Face Format
Structure / Management Considerations/
7 minutes
As participants enter the room, up beat, energetic music will be playing. Participants will be given a name tag to rewrite their “Positive Name.” Volunteers will then see how many they can remember (does not have to be in order) for in chance to win a small prize. / ·  PowerPoint Slide 19 begins segment 2
·  Music
·  Name tags
·  Small prize
·  Copies of Positive Descriptive Adjective Sheet (if needed due to participants already using the list to create their Positive Name during segment 1)
·  Charlie Brown cartoon clip (1 min. 30 sec.)
·  Education Leader from Australia video clip (6 minutes)
·  Chart paper/markers
·  Principal’s perspective of school culture video clip (3 min. 52 sec.)
·  Article by Peterson (2002) titled Positive or Negative
(PDF document)
·  Chart paper
·  Markers
Presentation/Participant Engagement
3 minutes
ICE Breaker- Watch Charlie Brown cartoon clip. Have a group discussion on the importance of students feeling important and connected to the teacher/school? How does student connection impact student achievement? Refer to slide 21.
10 minutes
Watch movie clip of Educational Leader from Australia speak on School Culture. During the movie clip have participants write down one point/thought that stuck out to them. Have a group discussion and create a group list based on common themes that were recognized as an important point/thought for the group. Refer to slide 22.
7 minutes
Watch movie clip of a principal’s perspective of impacting a school’s culture. During the movie clip have participants write down one point/though that stuck out to them. Have a group discussion and create a group list based on common themes that were recognized as an important point/thought for the group. Refer to slide 22.
25 minutes
Put participants in small groups/table groups. Give each group a piece of chart paper and have them divide the chart paper into 4 parts and label based on slide 23 “Window Notes Activity.” Also give each person in the group a copy of the article by Peterson (2002). Once participants are in groups with materials have participants read the article independently and then complete the “Window Notes Activity” as a group. Have a couple groups share what they wrote with the whole group.
8 minutes
Closure/Formative Assessment- Participants will share their “Summarization” with the whole group for closure. Refer to slide 24.
Formative Assessment
Summarize- Participants will use the information covered in segment 2 and condense it into one complete thought or sentence that has 10 words or less
3rd Segment Title Toxic School Cultures Time Allotment 1 hour
Targeted Objective(s)
·  Define toxic school culture
·  Identify the various roles that contribute to toxic cultures
·  Identify the roles of school leaders in shaping school cultures.
·  Self-evaluate individual strengths and weaknesses as a school leader
·  Establish a plan for working with staff to begin to re-shape the culture of their school
Face-to-Face Format
Structure / Management Considerations/
Set - 5 minutes
As participants enter the room up-beat, energetic music will be playing as the presenter greets participants as they enter. The presenter will hand each participant a sticky name tag as well as a positive adjective list to spark ideas and then record an adjective before their first or last name off the given list to form their “Positive Name.” For example: Maria Ramirez- Positive Name- Radiant Ramirez / ·  Means to play up-beat, energetic music
·  Sticky name tags
·  Markers
·  Copies of Descriptive Positive Adjective Sheet
·  Small prize
·  PowerPoint Slide 25 begins segment 3
·  Post it notes
·  Chart Paper
·  Markers
·  Tape
·  Self-Rating Sheet for Culture Shaping Roles” One copy per participant.
·  Blank paper for recording plan
Presentation/Participant Engagement
10 minutes
The participants will complete a Rally Robin activity to arrive at a definition on of a toxic school culture. Once they have arrived at their definition have them record it on chart paper. Select a couple of groups share out their definitions. Post around the room. Have Refer to slides 27-28.
5 minutes
The participants will view the video clip of Anthony Muhammad’s Transforming School Culture Workshop and formalize definition. Refer to slides ?-?
10 minutes
Go over slides 29-30. As the presenter is presenting the Toxic Culture Roles, have participants mentally identify those staff members they work with that may fit into each category.
15 minutes
Go over slides 31-32. As the presenter is presenting Roles of School Leaders that Shape School Culture, have participants rate themselves in each area to determine their own strengths and weaknesses using the handout, “Self-Rating Sheet for Culture Shaping Roles”.
Closure/Formative Assessment-
15 minutes
Have each participant use their self-rating sheet to identify a role which is a strength of theirs and match that to a staff member that exhibits toxic practices. Once that is done have them reflect on how they might use their strength to help encourage the individual to be more positive in their environment. Have them outline the plan. Share with a partner.
3rd Segment Title Toxic School Cultures Time Allotment 1 hour
Targeted Objective(s)
·  Define toxic school culture
Face-to-Face Format
Structure / Management Considerations/
Set - 10 minutes
As participants enter the room, up beat, energetic music will be playing. Participants will be given a name tag to rewrite their “Positive Name.” Volunteers will then see how many they can remember (does not have to be in order) for in chance to win a small prize. / ·  PowerPoint Slide 25 begins segment 3
·  Music
·  Name tags
·  Small prize
·  Copies of Positive Descriptive Adjective Sheet (if needed due to participants already using the list to create their Positive Name during segment 1)
·  Totem Pole Characteristics document
(word document)-one for each participant
·  Colored construction paper
·  Markers/crayons
·  Glue
·  Scissors
·  If possible- googly eyes, and any other art supplies such as pipe cleaners, feathers,
·  Lined paper (multiple pieces per each participant may be needed)
Presentation/Participant Engagement
15 minutes
ICE Breaker- Participants will create an animal from the provided list of animal characteristics to contribute to their groups’ totem pole. The purpose is to discover their staff’s personality strengths/weaknesses that can impact their school’s culture. Refer to slides 27-28.
15 minutes
Go over slides 29-30. As the presenter is presenting the Toxic Culture Roles, have participants write down the number of individuals that fit into each role to assess the number of current toxic staff. Have a group discussion of individual numbers.
15 minutes
Go over slides 31-32. As the presenter is presenting Roles of School Leaders that Shape School Culture, have participants write down each of the roles and rate each of their school leaders (which may be themselves) on a (0-4) scale 0 representing poor and 4 representing excellent. Participants might want to use different pieces of paper so the evaluation can be given to their leaders at the end of the workshop as constructive feedback.
10 minutes
Closure/Formative Assessment- Half of the participants will grab their animal from the group totem pole and one other person’s to form groups of two. Once each group has shared with their partner the two things they learned from the development, the presenter will choose a few groups to share their responses to the whole group. Refer to slide 33.
Formative Assessment
Each person will share two things they learned from the development with their partner.
4th Segment Title
Impact of positive school cultures; responsibilities of principals, teachers, and students in establishing a positive school culture
Time Allotment 2 hours
Targeted Objective(s)
·  Understand the benefits of establishing/maintaining a positive school culture
·  Identify the responsibilities of principals, teachers, and students in establishing/maintaining a positive school culture
Face-to-Face Format
Structure / Management Considerations/
Set - 10 minutes
As participants enter the room, up beat, energetic music will be playing. Participants will be given a name tag to rewrite their “Positive Name.” Volunteers will then see how many they can remember (does not have to be in order) for in chance to win a small prize. / ·  PowerPoint Slide 34 begins segment 4