EdS School Psychology
Course Plan for 2017-2018 Bulletin
Name: / ID:Degree Requirements / Student Credits
Acro/Num / Title / Credits / AU
Credits / Transfer
Credits / Waived
Credits / Transfer School / Attached
Petition () / Semester Taken / Grade
GDPC514 / Psychology of Learning
Or an undergraduate or graduate-level learning course.
Psychological Foundations
GDPC614 / Human Development / 3
Subtotal / 3
Professional Core
GDPC525 / Psych and Educ of Exceptional Children / 3
GDPC540 / Behavioral & Emotional Problems of Children / 3
GDPC555 / Early Childhood Issues and Assessment / 2
GDPC617 / Seminar in Professional School Psychology: Ethical, Professional, and Legal Issues / 3
GDPC627 / Instructional Design for Special Ed / 3
GDPC634 / Cognitive & Biological Psychology / 3
GDPC635 / Theories and Techniques of Counseling / 3
GDPC641 / Education of Students with Math Disabilities / 3
GDPC644 / Psychological Testing / 3
GDPC649 / Crisis Intervention / 1
GDPC651 / Behavioral and Educational Assessment / 3
GDPC652 / Cognitive Assessment Across the Lifespan / 3
GDPC654 / Practicum in School Psychology / 6
GDPC656 / Reading and Writing Assess & Intervention / 3
GDPC672 / Psychoeducational Consultation / 3
GDPC686 / Interventions and Diagnosis with Children and Adolescents / 3
GDPC753 / Psychological Decision Making / 3
GDPC810 / Internship in School Psychology / 6
Subtotal / 57
Educational Foundations
EDFN500 / Philosophical Foundations for Professionals / 2
Subtotal / 2
Research & Statistics
EDRM505 / Research Methods / 3
Subtotal / 3
Comprehensive Exams & Portfolio
EDUC770 / EdS Comprehensive Exams / 0
GDPC795 / Professional Portfolio / 0
Yes / No / N/A
Did you transfer in any coursework? / / /
Did you receive an appropriate approval?
(You must receive Dr. Grajales or Dr Kijai’s approval to transfer in research courses) / / /
Did you use any other course to substitute for a required course? / / /
If you substituted a required course, did you submit a petition? / / /
Are you planning on taking any relevant coursework outside of AU? / / /
If you are planning it, did you submit a petition for permission to do so? / / /
Will you have a minimum of 52 semester credits at AU? / / /
Will your total credits meet the minimum 65 semester credits at time of graduation? / / /
Will any of your coursework be older than 6 years from the time of graduation? / / /
Student’s SignatureDate
Academic AdvisorDate
Pg. 1 2017-2018 Courseplan for School Psychology