August 19, 2009
Conference Call
Steve Breckon Phil Gerik Jay McAdams
Jimmy Cunningham John Hill Bob Newhouse
Boyb Dressler Mary Kusler Don Rogers Jerry White
Noelle Ellerson Bill LeTarte Brian Talbott Barb Havlichek
APPROPRIATIONS: The FY10 Appropriations (money released to states July 10, 2010 for the 2010-11 school year) are not looking good this year.
· HOUSE: The House bill rejects the President’s proposal to cut Title I, and level funds Title I and IDEA. It eliminates Safe/Drug Free Schools and includes rather significant cuts to the Ed Tech program.
· SENATE: Some of the Senate version mirrors the House version: level funding of IDEA, elimination of Safe/Drug Free Schools, and cuts to Ed Tech. It includes a $700m cut to Title I. The entire cut will come from basic grants, which will disproportionately hurt rural districts. There is a new program, funded at $700m, for school construction. It is a competitive grant program.
o We don’t expect a vote in the full Senate until after Labor Day. Use the remainder of the Senate Recess to urge your Senate Delegation to oppose cuts to the education bill. Don’t let them use stimulus funds as an excuse! There are significant limitations to the stimulus monies, and the Title I cuts are to basic grants, which didn’t receive stimulus money.
REAP: REAP was level funded for FY10.
· Here are the REAP Reauthorization Bill numbers: H2446 and S1052. We need co-sponsors for both bills. We currently have NO cosponsors for the House bill. Senators Conrad, Collins, Lincoln, Roberts, Begich and Tester are currently co-sponsors to the Senate bill.
· Encourage both your Senators and your Representatives to sign on as co-sponsors.
Race to the Top Guidance/Regulations: Earlier this month, USED released regulations for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund and the Race to the Top. Both are open to comment and comments are due August 28.
· Race to the Top: Our biggest concern with the proposed application is the amazing amount of ambiguity it contains. What schools will have access to the funds? All schools, only those that apply, or those chosen by the state?
o We are also deeply concerned by the administrative barriers/obstacles this presents for rural schools.
· State Fiscal Stabilization Fund: The regulations include specifics around the metrics by which USED will evaluate schools. A full copy of the regulations can be found here. AASA is concerned by the amount of data collection that will be required and its associated costs. Many districts (especially small/rural) may not be able to comply without hiring additional staff. This is a cost and employment concern.
o We will put together set of comments, on behalf of NREAC, more centered on the general concerns of rural schools (administrative/data capacity issues and unfunded mandates as passed-down costs).
· USED also released guidance around the Ed Tech money. While these funds have typically been split 50/50 formula vs. competitive grant, USED is pushing all states to push ALL the funding out through competitive grants. A mindset of ‘don’t waste time on small grants awarded through formula).
Request from White House: Specific Strategies for Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Rural Areas
· Noelle will be sending out a quick online survey to solicit your input/suggestions/insight around the issues of recruiting and retaining teachers. Specifically, we are looking at the unique realities, obstacles and considerations that rural schools have to deal with when it comes to maintaining a high quality teaching force.
· Please make sure to complete the survey and share it with your members!
· The NREA Conference will be held October 9-11 in Cincinnati, OH. The NREAC will meet on Saturday October 10 at 3:30, in the hotel. Mary will present on Sunday, October 11.
· NREAC will hold its annual DC meeting/legislative agenda conference on February 2-3, 2010 in Washington DC/Arlington, Va.
· Our next conference call will be Monday, September 21 at 3 pm EST.