School Direct Start Link Instructions
District primary contacts now have access to direct start links via the admin portal under the option “Obtain direct links”. These survey links allow your participants to bypass school look up and survey selection and instead start right at the beginning of their appropriate survey. This feature is only available to district contacts at this time.
*Please note that there are a set of unique links for each school and each survey type.
Steps to pulling your school(s) direct start links
- Log into your admin portal at: using the email address and admin password on file for your district.
- Under District Administrator Options, click on “Obtain Direct Links” (last option)
- Select Schools and Surveys to build survey groups
- A survey group is a set of schools that are taking the same set of surveys. For example, choose all of your elementary schools and the appropriate grade level surveys. You may also choose Teacher, Administrator and Parent surveys if you wish to provide them direct links.
- Repeat this step as many times needed or to receive one generated direct links report for all your schools with all audiences use the “select all” options.
We recommend opting to receive one generated direct links report for all your schools with all audiences by using the “select all” options. Once you have the generated report, copy into an excel spreadsheet. Create an additional column for school and assign each link its appropriate school name. Once you’ve added the school column in you can filter by school and select your links that way (removing any unnecessary surveys from the school list as needed).
You can then send out this master spreadsheet of direct links to your schools contacts. We recommend accompanying the link spreadsheet with these email/webpage templates:
Please note, direct links work in addition to the regular survey login page. Even if you use direct links, no one is prevented from going to the Speak Up site and taking a survey by selecting their school and the survey to take.
If you have any questions or concerns on how to utilize the direct start links please contact the Speak Up Team at .