Hi Ladies,

Each year we end up with many girls with overuse injuries during our first few weeks of the pre-season in August. The main reason for this is the fact that overall we are not doing what is required to get in shape prior to coming in to tryouts. We start the August tryouts with the assumption that you have done your part in taking time to get fit and maintain your fitness over the summer months.

This requires a commitment from each of you to devote 30 – 60 minutes a day on some type of fitness and ball work. Playing a high school sport is a commitment. The effort you put in is what you will get out of the season. You cannot expect to walk into tryouts and be fit if you have not first put the effort in during the summer.

I expect each of you to do your part to be ready for this fall season. I have provided suggested workouts in the month of June and July. These are suggestions for activities that will help you, however, if you cannot do a specified activity on a certain day you should still do something. Maintaining your fitness and increasing your fitness takes effort and determination. Take this part of your season seriously. Your teammates are counting on you! We are all in this together! There is no time for procrastination when it comes to fitness. Don’t settle for less than your best! Strive to be the best you can be…push yourself to your limit and you will see great results!

Remember, your body will do more than your mind thinks it can!

GO BULLDOGS! Strive for Excellence in everything you do!

Descriptions for Fitness on your Own:

Warm up –

Jog for at least 3-5 minutes and stretch before doing any day’s activities. Add in Active Warmup (see ppt slides for ideas). This is VERY important. We do not need overuse injuries this early in the summer/season. Be sure to stretch adequately to help prevent shinsplints, pulled muscles, etc.

Cooldowns –

On each sprinting day you should jog 1 mile following the sprint set and then stretch. On mile days take time following to stretch adequately.

Timed Runs:

Make sure to send me your times for the following on the dates specified on the calendar (or as close to those dates as possible).

Timed Mile –

If possible use the track to time your mile. You need to send me your time through email on the dates listed on the calendar (June 1st and July 1st or as close to these dates as possible).

Timed 10x100’s

This is best done on the turf or track as you have easily defined markers for the 100 yards. Time yourself running the 100 yards 10 times continuously. Down is 1 and back is 2 (so a set of 5 equals 10 100’s). Send me your times on the dates specified on the calendar (or as close to that day as possible).

Field Run –

Use the 18 marks, midfield marks and endline marks. Jog the sideline to the 18 mark and sprint across the 18 to other sideline. Jog the sideline up to the midfield line and sprint across to other sideline. Continue this pattern with the opposite 18 and the endline. Jog the full sideline to the start point. (This will look like a zig zag pattern around the field).

Shuttle Runs –

Set up cones (or markers or use the football field lines) at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 yards. Sprint to all distances. Sets are listed on the day you are to run this. Take 3-5 minute breaks between sets.

30 Minute Interval Run

This can be in the neighborhood, track, or treadmill. Run 3 minutes at a 50-60% pace. For 1 minute increase to 80-90% pace. For example, run 3 minutes at an 8:00 minute pace and 1 minute at a 6 minute pace and continue this for 30 minutes. This is a very good cardio workout.

Change of Pace Run

Use landmarks in your neighborhood or wherever you may run or use time on your watch. If timing, (after warmup jog) jog for 3 minutes – sprint for 1 minute, jog for 2 minutes – sprint for 45 seconds, jog for 1 minute – sprint for 30 seconds, repeat the cycle for approximately 2 miles. If you are using landmarks you can use driveways, mailboxes, lightposts as a guide for sprinting and jogging (ex: jog for 20 driveways – sprint for 10 driveways).

Stadium –

Run the full home side of the stadium (up a set of stairs across the top and down the next set of stairs across the bottom to the next set of stairs). If you have knee pain or shin pain do not do this activity…replace with a different activity.

Track Sprints –

Sets are given on the calendar for the day listed. Plan to time yourself on each sprint. Work on maintaining the same time each sprint. Between 400’s take a 3 minute break; 200’s take a 2 minute break; 100’s take a 1:30 minute break. (If you need longer breaks that is fine…Importance should be placed on making sure you are getting all you can out of your sprints…throughout the summer you should notice that you can decrease your break time).

Steady Pace Run –

Run 2-3 miles at a steady pace. Your pace should be one where you could talk comfortably.

Commit yourself to working with the ball each day as well! This is vital to our success as a team!

Ball Work

**Should be done on your own daily and if you get a chance to play / practice with others do so. Some examples of things to do are listed below.

  1. Juggle – with all surfaces…you should be able to get at least 50 juggles with your feet.
  2. Controlling the ball out of the air. Juggle the ball up and bring the ball down, carry into space. Use all surfaces of the foot to bring the ball down. Practice running through the ball … get to it before it hits the ground.
  3. Dribbling. At speed and with moves. Work on all kinds of moves…all surfaces of the foot and change of speed and direction. Figure 8’s.
  4. Shooting. Work on driving through the ball. Staying over it. Shooting from all over and shooting with accuracy.
  5. Passing…long passes, short passes. Moving into space.
  6. Free kick situations. Work on being able to take free kicks, corner kicks, goalkicks with accuracy.
  7. Goalkeepers: Work on quick hands, reaction, catching balls thrown or kicked at you. Quick decisions, etc. and punting.

Remember Ladies…we will get out of this season what you put into it. I often talk about living without regret. If you give 100% you can live knowing you have done all you can…and be happy with yourself. Too often I see players come into tryouts disappointed with mile times and fitness level. Every day is an opportunity to be the best you can be!




GIVE 100%



Strive for progress, notperfection. –Unknown

Motivation will almost always beat mere talent. -Norman R. Augustine

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -Lou Holtz

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. -Mark Twain

It's not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. –Anonymous

Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. -Oprah Winfrey