Before the Conference:
- Complete the paperwork for conference
- Identify your room with your name
- Place chairs outside the conference area for waiting parents
- Arrange the room in an attractive and neat manner
- Arrange conferencing area in a conversation grouping. Do not plan to sit behind your desk.
- Wear badge
Greeting the Parent(s)/Guardians(s)
- Make sure that you know the parent’s or guardian’s correct name
- Greet parent by name
- Introduce yourself
- Indicate your appreciation of their attendance at the conference
Conducting the Conference:
- Set the tone by saying: “Mr./Mrs. ______, for the next twenty minutes, we will be discussing ______’s school progress in terms of strengths and weaknesses. I am one of a team of teachers working with your child. Our time is limited, so I might re-direct our conversation in case we get off the subject.”
- Share progress reports. Begin with positive information, if possible.
- Obtain parents’ input by saying: “Do you have any questions or comments? Is there anything that you would like to share which would help us understand your child better? I may take notes as we talk.”
- If time permits, you might wish to share information on one or all of the following:
- Connections classes
- Intramural programs
- Team behavior management plan
- Counseling services
- Media services
- Testing programs and schedules for the year (CRCT, ITBS, Writing Test, etc.)
- Distribute any forms (conference evaluation form, ALP information, local school information, etc.)
Closing the Conference:
- Always try to close the conference on a positive note.
- Use comments such as “I am glad that we had the opportunity to discuss ______’s progress. We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year” or “Please feel free to contact the school if the need arises for any further conferences”.
- If you wish, provide the grade level counselor’s phone number.
- Walk parents to the door
- RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCCESS: Remember that the success or failure of the conference depends primarily upon the skills of the teacher.
- BACKGROUND: Become familiar, prior to the conference, with all available information regarding the child.
- GREETING: Give a friendly, relaxed greeting. Remember that the parent is generally far more ill at ease than is the teacher.
- PURPOSE: Let the parent know what you would like to accomplish during the conference.
- WORKING RELATIONSHIP: Establish a working relationship with the parent. Cultivate a relationship of equality. Respect the contribution of the parent. Point out the need for cooperation in order to serve the best interests of the student.
- CHILD BEHAVIOR: Be thoroughly familiar with the growth and development characteristics of middle school students. Know what to expect from a given child at a given age. Do help parents see growth and emerging interests.
- RESPECT FOR PERSONALITY: Be considerate of individual personality characteristics.
- PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE: Be professional. Never repeat any matter of a personal nature about a child or family to other persons, even to team members, except when professionally necessary.
- EMOTIONAL ATTITUDE: Remember that parents are subjective and emotional about their children and their needs.
- EXPECTATION: Approach every conference expecting it to be interesting, pleasant and informative.
- APPRECIATION: Begin each conference by indicating an appreciation of the positive qualities of the student and the cooperation of the parent in attending the conference.
- INDIVIDUALITY: Show that the student is seen as an individual, not merely as a group member of the classroom.
- HONESTY: Be honest in matters of fact, but be diplomatic.
- ANALYSIS: Encourage a cooperative analysis of the causes of lack of progress.
- DRESS: Dress and groom professionally.
- ACCEPTANCE OF PARENT OPINION: Accept the parent’s reason for the child’s behavior without showing signs of surprise or disapproval. If necessary, lead the discussion into additional possible causes of action or attitude.
- REASONS FOR BEHAVIOR: Suggest alternative causes for the child’s behavior for joint consideration when the parent is unable to suggest reasons.
- PARENT INITIATIVE: Try to encourage the parent to take the initiative in solving problems. Accept parent’s suggested plan of action if at all possible to do so.
- PARENT CRITICISM: Do hear criticism fully. Obtain parent suggestions for improvement or adjustments. Let the parent know that his/her opinions are appreciated and that they will receive consideration.
- LISTEN: Listen, and then listen some more. Encourage the parent to talk and try to understand the parent’s point of view.
- NOTES: Make notes of any parent comments during the conference (both positive and negative) that should be kept in mind while working with the student throughout the school year.
- Do not sit behind your desk during the conference.
- Do not have interruptions during the conference if they can be avoided.
- Do not use technical language or “talk down” to the parent.
- Do not try to out-talk the parent. Take particular care when disagreements arise.
- Do not get into an argument with a teacher.
- Do not place blame on anyone (i.e. parent, counselor, other teachers, other students, etc.) for a student’s problems.
- Do not make inquiries regarding personal or family matters.
- Do not indicate a lack of student adjustment without encouraging an analysis of the
causes and an exploration of possible remedies.