Step-by-Step Instructions for the Administration of the Survey Instruments

Table of Contents

Introduction and Overview

Contact (Initial)

Contact (Entry)

Background Questions

Filter Booklet

Main Booklet

Locator Booklet

Reading Exercises

PPVT Exercise

General Instructions for Administering Reading Exercises using the tape recorder


RAN 1 Exercise

RAN 2 Exercise

TOWRE Real Words Exercise

TOWRE Pseudo Words Exercise

TOWRE Pseudo Words Exercise, Continued

Digit Span Forward Exercise

Digit Span Backward Exercise

Spelling Exercise


Introduction and Overview

Introduction / You will need to use this Document in each interview. Always remember to bring it into the selected household.
This document contains instructions for you, the interviewer, to use in administering the following tasks: Contact/Entry (Household Questionnaire), Background Questionnaire (BQ), Filter Booklet, Locator Booklet or Main Booklet, Reading Exercises and the Exit. It is important that you follow these instructions so that the administration of the tasks is standardized
Overview / This document is arranged in six sections.
The first section, the Contract/Entry, contains instructions for administering the Initial Contact at the selected household, as well as instructions for administering the Entry with the selected respondent.
The second section, the Background Questionnaire (BQ), provides you with general information about administering the Background Questionnaire (BQ).
The third section, the Filter Booklet, contains instructions for administering and scoring the Filter Booklet.
The fourth section, the Locator Booklet or Main Booklet, provides instructions for administering the Locator or Main Booklet.
The fifth section, the Reading Exercises, contains the instructions for administering the reading exercises. The reading exercises consist of:
  • the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) – Shortened Version,
  • Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN),
  • Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE),
  • Digit Span Forward and Backward, and
  • Spelling.
The sixth section, the Exit, contains information about completing the survey.

Introduction and Overview, Continued

General Formatting Guidelines
/ All text that the Interviewer will read to the respondent will appear in bold. Instructional text for the Interviewer is written in regular text.
Several graphics are used throughout the document to illustrate instructions for you. The table below explains the use of these graphics.
Graphic / Instructions
/ Text to be read to the Respondent.
/ Interviewer will record information on paper.
/ Tape recorder will be used during exercise.
/ Timer will be used during exercise.
Important! / Note: It is mandatory that you use the 2B pencils supplied by the <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> when you or the respondents are completing forms.

Introduction and Overview, Continued

Flow of the Survey / The tasks you will perform during the interview are:
Step / Action
1. / Administer the Contact/Entry. You will administer the Contact/Entry to all respondents by orally asking questions and recording the respondent’s answers in the space provided in the Household Questionnaire. Refer to the Interviewer’s Manual for information pertaining to concepts and definitions.
2. / Administer the Background Questionnaire (BQ). You will administer the Background Questionnaire (BQ) to all respondents by orally asking each question and recording the respondent’s answers in the space provided in the Background Questionnaire (BQ). Refer to the Interviewer’s Manual for information pertaining to concepts and definitions.
3. / Administer the Filter Booklet. You will administer the Filter Booklet to all respondents. While the respondent is completing the Filter Booklet, you will score the exercise on the Filter Scoring Sheet.
4. / Administer the Locator or Main Booklet.
You will administer the Locator Booklet to respondents who score 06 to 15 in the Filter Booklet.
You will administer the Main Booklet to respondents who score 16 or more in the Filter Booklet.
The Locator and Main Booklets will not be administered to respondents who score 05 or less in the Filter Booklet.
You do not score the Locator or Main Booklet.
5. / Administer the Reading Exercises.
You will administer the Reading Exercises to respondent who score 05 or less in the Filter Booklet, and 06 to 15 in the Filter Booklet.
The Reading Exercises will not be administered to respondents who score 16 or more in the Filter Booklet.
6. / Administer the Exit. You will administer the Exit to all respondents.

Introduction and Overview, Continued

Flow of the Survey, continued / During the interview all of the exercises will be administered by you. You will need to administer and record responses during some of the exercises; the respondent will be writing responses during some exercises; and you will be using a tape recorder and timer during some of the exercises. This variety is illustrated in the following table.
Instrument / Responses Recorded by: / Scored by:
Contact/Entry (Household Questionnaire) / Interviewer / n/a
Background Questionnaire (BQ) / Interviewer / n/a
Filter Booklet / Respondent / n/a
Locator or Main Booklet / Respondent / n/a
Reading Exercises
PPVT – Shortened Version / Interviewer / Interviewer
RAN / Tape Recorded / <Survey Executing Agency>
TOWRE / Tape Recorded / <Survey Executing Agency>
Digit Span Forward / Tape Recorded and Interviewer / Interviewer
Digit Span Backward / Tape Recorded and Interviewer / Interviewer
Spelling Exercise / Respondent / <Survey Executing Agency>
Exit / Interviewer / n/a
Note: n/a- not applicable

Introduction and Overview, Continued

Survey Flow, continued / The flowchart below illustrates the flow for this survey.
All respondents will be administered the Contact/Entry (Household Questionnaire), Background Questionnaire (BQ), Filter Booklet and Exit.
The Locator Booklet will be administered to respondents who have scored 06 to 15 in the Filter Booklet. The Main Booklet will be administered to respondents who have scored 16 and more in the Filter Booklet. The Locator and Main Booklet will not be administered to respondents who have scored 05 or less in the Filter Booklet.
The Reading Exercises will be administered to respondents who have scored 05 or less in the Filter Booklet, and 06 to 15 in the Filter Booklet. The Reading Exercises will not be administered to respondents who have scored 16 or more in the Filter Booklet.

Contact (Initial)

Materials Needed / The following materials are needed for the interview
  • The <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> Identification Card

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for the Administration of the Survey Equipment

  • Assignment Control List (ACL)

  • Background Questionnaire (BQ) Response Card

  • Calendar

  • Introductory Letter

  • Interviewer Bag

  • Numeracy Toolkit – Calculator, Photo, Ruler

  • Personal Selection Grid

  • PPVT Notebook – Shortened Version

  • Reading Exercise Cards (6)

  • Reference Card

  • Respondent Envelope containing the following documents:

  • Respondent Envelope Checklist

  • Household Questionnaire

  • Background Questionnaire (BQ)

  • Filter Booklet

  • Filter Scoring Sheet

  • Locator or Main Booklet

  • PPVT – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Digit Span Forward – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Digit Span Backward – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Spelling Answer Sheet

  • Interview Observation Note

  • Non-Interview Report

  • Change of Address Form

  • Tape recorder, cassettes, labels for cassettes, spare batteries, timer

  • 2B pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners

Interviewer / Record the Respondent ID (ED NUMBER, HOUSEHOLD NUMBER, PERSON NUMBER), Address and Telephone number of the selected household on the Assignment Control List (ACL)
Record the Respondent ID (ED NUMBER, HOUSEHOLD NUMBER, PERSON NUMBER), on the Respondent Envelope in the upper right hand corner.

Contact (Initial), Continued

Procedures for Interviewers
/ Step / Action
1. / Record the Respondent ID (ED NUMBER, HOUSEHOLD NUMBER, PERSON NUMBER) <this will vary by country>, address and telephone number of the selected household on the Household Questionnaire, page 1.
2. / Record your Interviewer Assignment Number on the Household Questionnaire – Box C02, page 1.
3. / Record the Date, Start Time, Finish Time and Contact Outcome Code for each visit/call on the Household Questionnaire, page 1. Make notes as required.
4. / Record the Interviewer and Supervisor’s name at the bottom of the Household Questionnaire, page 1.
5. / Record the Total Number of Visits/Calls in Box C01, page 1 at the end of the interview.
Read to the Respondent

Introduction to Selected Household / Hello, I am <Interviewer name> from the <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name>.
The <Survey Executing Agency> in partnership with <Partner> is currently conducting a national literacy survey in <Country Name>.
Read to the Respondent
/ S1 / I would like to select one person from your household for an interview.
Starting with the oldest, what is the first name and last name of each person who is now living or staying here and has no usual place of residence elsewhere?
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Enter the last name then the first name on the Household Questionnaire – page 3, column S4.

Contact (Initial), Continued

Read to the Respondent
/ S2 / Are there any persons away from this household attending school, visiting, travelling or in a hospital who usually live here?
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Enter the last name then the first name in the table on page 3, column S4 of the Household Questionnaire. Repeat S2 until a No response is obtained
Read to the Respondent
/ S3 / Does anyone else live at this dwelling such as other relatives, roomers, boarders or employees?
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Enter the last name then the first name in the table on page 3, column S4 of the Household Questionnaire. Repeat S3 until a No response is obtained
Read to the Respondent
/ S5 / What was <name’s> age at his/her last birthday?
S6 / What is <name’s> marital status?
S7 / What is <name’s> relationship to the head of the household?
S8a / Assign a listing number if age is 16-65 years
S8b / Did <name>complete Secondary School?
What is <name’s > sex?

Contact (Initial), Continued

Read to the Respondent
/ S9 / Now I am going to select the person to interview.
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Select person according to procedures outlined in the Interviewer’s Manual. Record Listing number of selected person in the Box in Question S9.
Read to the Respondent
/ S10 / If someone other than the household respondent is selected, inform him/her that the <selected respondent> has been chosen.
Is <selected respondent> available?
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Step / Action
1. / If the selected respondent is available re-introduce the survey and go to question AA1 of the Background Questionnaire (BQ).
2. / If the selected respondent is not available, set-up an appointment to proceed at another time. Record the appointment on the Record of Visits/Calls Table on Page 1 of the Household Questionnaire.

Contact (Initial), Continued

Procedures for Interviewers
/ Complete Question S5 through S8b for all household members.
Remember: Age is a mandatory field.
Read to the Respondent
/ I am now going to ask you some general household questions.
The household questions are optional. Countries should decide whether or not to include in their survey
Procedures for Interviewers
/ The household questions (H1 to H5) can be asked of any responsible household member. Refer to the Interviewer’s Manual for further instruction or information.
The household questions are optional. Countries should decide whether or not to include in their survey

Contact (Entry)

Materials Needed / The following materials are needed for the interview.
  • The <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> Identification Card

  • Assignment Control List (ACL)

  • Sample Quota Sheet

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for the Administration of the Survey Equipment

  • PPVT Notebook – Shortened Version

  • Reading Exercise Cards (6)

  • Reference Card

  • Background Questionnaire (BQ) Response Card

  • Calendar

  • Introductory Letter

  • Respondent Envelope containing the following documents:

  • Respondent Envelope Checklist

  • Household Questionnaire

  • Background Questionnaire (BQ)

  • Filter Booklet

  • Filter Scoring Sheet

  • Locator or Main Booklet

  • PPVT – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Digit Span Forward – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Digit Span Backward – Interviewer’s Recording Sheet

  • Spelling Answer Sheet

  • Interview Observation Note

  • Non-Interview Report

  • Change of Address Form

  • Interviewer Bag

  • 2B pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners

  • Tape recorder, cassettes, labels for cassettes, spare batteries, timer

  • Numeracy Toolkit – Calculator, Photo, Ruler

Procedures for Interviewers
/ Step / Action
1. / Record the Date of the Interview (ddmmyy)
2. / Record the Start Time for the Entry on the Household Questionnaire, on <cover page/page 2>.

Contact (Entry), Continued

Read to the Respondent
/ When the respondent is present:
Hello, I am <interviewer name> from the <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name>.
The <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> is conducting a Literacy Survey in partnership with <Insert name of Ministry/Agency/Partner>.
Results from the survey will be used to plan reading programmes suited to the needs of <Country Name>. Your answers will be kept confidential and combined with those of others to produce statistics. While your participation is voluntary, your assistance is essential if the results of the survey are to be accurate.
Collected under the authority of the Statistics Act <Chapter>.
The survey has several parts. We will begin with Background Questionnaire (BQ). It should take about 15 minutes to complete. Then I will give you a series of reading exercises to complete.
Parts of the survey will involve some reading. Therefore, if you normally wear glasses, you will need them to complete the survey.
We will also need to use a tape recorder for part of the survey.
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Record the End Time and Outcome Code for the Entry/Contact on the Household Questionnaire, page 2.
Room Requirements / You will need a quiet room with adequate light for reading, a desk or table with clear workspace on it, and two chairs. Make sure the respondent is seated opposite you across a table or desk.

Background Questionnaire (BQ)

Materials Needed /
  • Background Questionnaire (BQ)
  • Background Questionnaire (BQ) Response card
  • Calendar
  • 2B pencil for Interviewer to record the respondent’s answers.

Important! / Note: It is mandatory that you use the 2B pencils supplied by the <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> when you are completing forms.
Interviewer Guidelines for Completing the Background Questionnaire (BQ) / Read the questions to the respondent as instructed and be sure to follow the question skip patterns as directed.
  • Many questions list ‘Other, specify’ as a response option. When the respondent’s answer does not fit any of the listed options, mark an ‘X’ besides ‘Other specify’, and record the respondent’s response in the space provided. Please record the response verbatim.
  • For questions with a list of response categories to choose from, mark an ‘X’ in the box or boxes that are beside the selected response categories.
  • If you make an error and put an ‘X’ in the wrong box, use your pencil to completely fill in the wrong box and put an ‘X’ in the correct box.
  • For all questions which require you to record the respondent’s verbatim response, please be clear, concise, and neat. Pay particular attention to questions that need detailed answers.
  • For a few questions, you will use a numbered Response Card that lists the response options for several questions. You may show the card to the respondent when you read the question.
  • The ‘don’t know’ and ‘refused’ options should be recorded only when further probing does not elicit desired responses. Most respondents will remember dates, years, etc. with gentle no direct probing.
  • Select only one answer per question, unless otherwise indicated by the direction, i.e. code all that apply.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, answer categories appearing in bold should be read to the respondent.

Background Questions, Continued

Procedures for Interviewers
/ Step / Action
1. / Record the Start Time for the Background Questionnaire (BQ) on the Household Questionnaire, <cover page/page 2>.
2. / Record the <month> on the INTERVIEWER CHECK ITEM box on <coverpage/page 1> of the Background Questionnaire (BQ).
Read to the Respondent
/ I am now going to ask you some questions about your education, language experience, work, and health. Please answer the questions as accurately and completely as possible.
Important! / Administer the Background Questionnaire (BQ).
Procedures for Interviewers
/ When you have finished administering the Background Questionnaire (BQ):
Step / Action
1. / Record the End Time and Outcome Code on the Household Questionnaire, <cover page/page 2>.
2. / Record the Outcome Code on the cover of the Background Questionnaire (BQ).
3. / Place the completed Background Questionnaire (BQ) back in the Respondent Envelope.
Read to the Respondent
/ Thank you.

Filter Booklet

Materials Needed /
  • Household Questionnaire
  • Filter Booklet
  • Filter Scoring Sheet
  • Filter Scoring Guide (below in this document)
  • 2B pencil for Interviewer to score the respondent’s answers
  • 2B pencil for the respondent to write his/her answers
  • Calculator

Important! / Note: It is mandatory that you use the 2B pencils supplied by the <Survey Executing Agency> of <Country Name> when the respondents are completing forms.
Filter Scoring Guidelines / 1. / Each Filter task in this document is followed by the corresponding scoring rule. Record the respondent’s score on the Filter Scoring Sheet as each question is answered. Score each question using the scoring rule to determine whether or not the respondent has correctly answered the question.
2. / In addition, after the respondent completes the entire booklet (21 questions) review your scoring to ensure accuracy.
Question ‘nn’ Scoring Guide
1: / Correct answer
7: / Any other response
0: / Question refused/not done
Procedures for Interviewers
/ Step / Action
1. / Record the Respondent ID # on the cover of the Filter Booklet in the space provided.
2. / Record the Respondent ID # on the Filter Scoring Sheet in the space provided.
3. / Record the Start Time on the cover page on the BQ Questionnaire.
Filter Booklet Scoring Guidelines / Interviewer: Record the respondent’s score on the Filter Scoring Sheet as each question is answered. A scoring guide for each question is provided.

Filter Booklet, Continued