Finding the Powers of Magnification
Step #1: Look at the eyepiece. Record the number you see.
Eyepiece Number: ______
Step #2: Look at the microscopic objectives. Record the number for each.
ShortFirst Objective Number= ______
MediumSecond Objective Number= ______
LongThird Objective Number= ______
Step #3:To find the powers of magnification of your microscope, take the number on the eyepiece and multiply it by the number on each of the objectives.
______x______= ______
Eyepiece Number First Objective Number Power of Magnification
______x______= ______
Eyepiece Number Second Objective Number Power of Magnification
______x______= ______
Eyepiece Number Third Objective Number Power of Magnification
Put notes from the PowerPoint presentation here:
Microscope Introduction – Lab Drawings
Name ______
Directions: Look at a premade slide using a magnification of 50X. Draw that in the first circle. Then look at the same slide using a magnification of 200X. Draw that in the second circle. Repeat this one more time so you’ve looked at a total of two premade slides and drawn a total of four circles.
Magnification: ______Magnification: ______
Specimen: ______Specimen: ______
Magnification: ______Magnification: ______
Specimen: ______Specimen: ______
Wet MountSlide Lab
Directions: Using the title of each circle as a guide, view the necessary items with a microscope and draw what you see. You must use a magnification of at least 100X.
the letter e at 100X Cheek cell of ______Cheek cell of ______
(dry) at 50X(wet) at 100X (wet)
Cheek Cell of ______Hair Cell of ______Hair Cell of ______
at 400X (wet) at 100X(dry) at 400X (dry)
Microbe Introduction – Lab Drawings
Name ______
Directions: Obtain microbes from one of the buckets on the demonstration table. Create one wet mount. Use the circles below to draw your microbes at 100X and 400X magnification.
Germ Theory of Disease Scientist Poster Guide
Directions: Use this worksheet to make notes about your poster that you will be creating tomorrow. If you need more room, use the back.
1. Write your team members’ names here (include yourself):
2. What is the scientist(s) you were assigned?
3. What setting (place) does your scientist is from?
4. What time period is it? When did your scientist make their contribution?
5. What important contribution did your scientist(s) make?
6. What process did your scientist go through to make his/her contribution?
7. How does your scientist(s)’ contribution affect us today?
8. On the poster, make sure you add all information you collected. You will also need at least 3 pictures. Any missing part will be a loss of points.
Germ Theory of Disease Scientist Rubric
Poor –1 point / Needs Improvement –
2 points / Good –
3 points / Excellent –
4 points
Includes Required Items / Missing more than 2 required items / Missing 2 required items / Missing 1 required item / No required items are missing from poster
Accurate Information / Poster has more than 3 incorrect or missing pieces of information according to lab workbook / Poster has 3 incorrect or missing pieces of information according to lab workbook / Poster has 1 or 2 incorrect or missing pieces of information according to lab workbook / Poster’s information is correct and is included in its entirety according to lab workbook
Pictures / Does not include any pictures that help audience understand scientists’ contribution to science and how the contribution affects us today / Includes only one picture that helpsthe audience understand scientists’ contribution to science or how the contribution affects us today (not both) / Includes two pictures that helps the audience understand scientists’ contribution to science and how the contribution affects us today; could benefit from more / Includes three pictures that helps the audience understand scientists’ contribution to science and how the contribution affects us today
Required items in your poster:
- Scientists’ names
- Important dates in scientists’ lives
- Important contribution made by scientists
- Process by which scientists made important contribution
- How scientists’ contributions affects us today