Meeting of Blaby Parish Council, 9th September 2014
Held at Blaby Civic Centre, 22-24 Leicester Road at 7.30pm on
Tuesday,9thSeptember 2014
PRESENT: Mrs M Broomhead (Chairman),
Mrs J Blackwell, Mrs S Coe,Mr B Duggan, Mr B Fear, Mrs L Gutteridge, Mr G Harding,
Mr D Statham, Mrs E Statham, Mrs A Tailby-Bates,Mr R Toon,Mr G Willcox,
Mrs V Jepson (Manager) &Mrs J Brooks (Admin Clerk).
A minutes silence was held for Mr Michael Northan ex-member of Blaby Parish Council, who died on Friday 15th August 2014.
534 /- Apologies for Absence.
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- To Receive Members Disclosures of Interest & Requests for Dispensations in Accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Mrs M Broomhead Burial Rights Personal
Mrs E Statham Allotments Personal
Mr D Statham Allotments Personal
Mrs L Gutteridge Burial Rights Personal
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- Police Matters Including Monthly Update.
- Sgt Phil Hurst - Collar number: 2049
- PC Kirti Chauhan (Beacon Officer) - Collar number: 4214
- PC Sam Hall - Collar number: 2067
- PC Aaron Biggs - Collar number: 917
- PC Jodie Neal - Collar number: 4706
- PCSO Emma Bailey - Collar number: 6087
- PCSO Simon Stevenson - Collar number: 6073
- PCSO Zahid Malik - Collar number: 6577
- PC Paul Warren – Collar number: 679
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12thAugust 2014.
The following amendments are added:
a) Minute 529 – Replace the words “tree roots” with “leaves” and add “Mrs Blackwell to” chase LCC Highways for an answer to this matter.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 12thAugust 2014 were considered for accuracy and agreed to be a true record. Proposed by Cllr. JBlackwell seconded by Cllr. BDuggan and passed unanimously.
RESOLVED: The Chairman signed the minutes of the 12thAugust 2014, as approved, as a true and correct record.
b)To Receive & Approve Committee Minutes with Questions & Answers Where Possible:-
All Members were issued with a copy of the following minutes:
Planning – 12thAugust 2014
Planning – 26thAugust 2014
Staff, Policy & Finance – 19th August 2014
Estates & Community – 26thAugust 2014
The minutes of the committee meetings held during August 2014 were considered for accuracy and agreed to be a true record. Proposed by Cllr. RToon, seconded by Cllr. SCoe and passed unanimously.
a)To Consider the Layout of the Oakfield Meeting Room.
Members are asked if they have any issues with the room layout, one member felt turning to look at the screen was uncomfortable but no other members had any issues with this nor did they envisage how the room could be laid out differently.
AGREED: Leave the room layout as it is.
One member reported having difficulty opening word documents on the parish councils’ web site and emails.
AGREED: All documents are to be attached in a PDF format in future.
One member has requested paper documents for all correspondence from tonight’s meeting which has added up to 89 pages. Members are asked if they have any issues with being a ‘paperless’ council as reverting back to paper copies would incur photocopying fees plus staff time and material charges.
AGREED: Members agreed not to revert back to printing off all paperwork for meetings.
AGREED: Any Councillor wishing to receive paper copies of correspondence is to advise the office staff once they have received the agenda which documents they would like as a hard copy.
b)To Consider Casual Vacancies
We currently have 3 casual vacancies. No applications have been received.
c)To Consider Civic Centre Phase Two Drawings.
All members have been issued with a copy of the suggested drawings for the first floor renovation works.
The architect has suggested a couple of amendments to our original plan layout, which are:-
Rooms 7 – Make this into a room to be rented out and move the parish councils server to room number 8.
Room 8 – This room is to be the Parish Councils store room as it needs to be reduced to fit in a small kitchen area.
Reception Area –Install a single security door which will give access to rooms 3 – 7, as these are to be the main rooms which are to be hired out.
AGREED: Members are happy with the proposed layout and they are happy to proceed with this scheme.
d)To Consider CCTV Requirements and Costings.
All members have been issued with a copy of the Blaby Partnership CCTV proposal for consideration.
The whole proposal is-:- 4 Prime sites:
1: Parish Council Office. (Blaby1)
Due to the location as the entrance to the village.
New 16 Channel D1 DVR with Remote Access.
New pole installed at the front left hand corner with 3 cameras. (Possible to add additional cameras in the future)
Cameras are to point towards:-
a)Park / roundabout.
b)Up the village towards Cross Street.
c)Point at the Civic Centre Office itself.
5 Cameras around the building
2: McColl’s (Blaby2)
Due to the location in the centre of the village.
The 4 cameras there to be replaced with new D1 Cameras and 2 more added to cover Enderby Road and Cross Street.
New 16 Channel D1 DVR with Remote Access.
3: Waitrose (Blaby3)
Due to the location at the top of the village and car park.
3 Cameras replaced at the entrance from the top end to new D1 Cameras.
1 Camera replaced on the back end of the car park with D1 Cameras
3 Cameras replaced in the square with D1 Cameras.
New 16 Channel D1 DVR with Remote Access
4: Sedgleys (Blaby4)
Due to the exit of the village past ALDI.
1 added D1 camera toward Sycamore Street
Total Cost £8,400.00 plus vat. (£10,080.00)
The reason a new pole is to be installed at the Civic Centre is because after enquiring with Leicestershire County Council if CCTV could be installed on one of their lampposts they said “We are unsure as to whether you
would need planning permission or not, but from a lighting column point of view, the Parish Council would need permission from LCC to mount a camera onto a street light.
Street Lighting columns are only designed to withstand minimal additional weight attached to them, therefore attaching 3 CCTV cameras to one lighting column is not possible. Additional columns would have to be used to mount the other cameras.
Any column that you would want to attach a CCTV camera to would first need structurally testing to ensure it could withstand the additional weight, and it would also require an electrical connection for the CCTV camera.
LCC can structurally test the columns on behalf of the Parish Council, as well as install the electrical connections should we wish them to do so”.
At previous Blaby Town Centre Partnership meetings the following organisations were contacted to enquire if they had any funds available to help towards this project and their reply is:-
- Blaby District Council have kindly agreed to contribute £5,000 towards this project.
- Police Commissioners Fund - The police confirmed “Enquires into funding have been made with the Police commissions funds and sadly there is no financial support available”.
- Waitrose – ‘Having checked we have no funds to support the upgrade. We are happy to keep the kit on site but if there is a desire to relocate them when upgraded that would not be an issue’.
Members agreed in principle but wished to make further enquiries about donations from some of the larger businesses in Blaby before committing to a financial contribution.
AGREED: Write to the larger businesses for a contribution to the project.
e)To Consider Information Technology (IT) Quotation Received.
It has previously been ageed that the councils current server & internet will not be adaquate once the renovation works have been completed. An estimated quotation has been received as follows:-
- Server - £3,000
- Maintenance Contract - £3,000
- Small Business Software - £1,000
AGREED: Seek a further two quotations and add this item to a future Staff, Policy & Finance committee agenda for further consideration.
f)To Consider Remembrance Day Services & Parade
We have received a copy of the suggested Order of Service and a quotation of £125.00 to print with an outside company organised by the Churches Together.
RESOLVED: Pay up to a maximum of £125.00 on receipt of two further quotations. Funds to be taken from Grants to Other Bodies - Local Government Act 1972 S.137.
All members have been issued with a copy of the last meeting notes along with a letter addressed to the Chair of the Council from Mr R Johnson.
Members considered the report and agreed no amendments are necessary,
Mrs Broomhead reported that Mr Johnson had apologised for his behaviour at the last council meeting and therefore no further comments are necessary and it was agreed no letter of response is to be sent to Mr Johnson.
Tuesday, 11th November 2014 Remembrance Day Service
Members are asked if any plans need to be made for the Tuesday Service.
AGREED: Mrs Broomhead is to lay the wreath on behalf of the council and this service is to be added to the current edition of the Blaby Topic but no further organisation is required.
Wreath Laying
- Sunday, 9th November – Mrs Tailby-Bates
- Tuesday, 11th November – Mrs Broomhead
All members have been issued with a copy of the Neighbourhood Plan Report from the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd September 2014.
Members discussed the refusal of the recent Hospital Lane planning application submitted by Gladman’s. Mr Whittemore is concerned that Gladman’s may reapply for a smaller development in an attempt to restore their company reputation. He stressed he felt there should be an action plan for a way forward agreed as a matter of urgency to curtail any such applications. Mr and Mrs Statham reassured him that the matter would be dealt with swiftly and an action plan prepared after the public meeting which is being held on the 9th September. The group agreed it is imperative to tackle the issue quickly before the next general elections. A meeting will be arranged between Blaby Parish Council and Blaby District Council by the end of October to discuss a joint strategy/action plan.
AGREED: A meeting is to be arranged with the parish and district councils before the end of October.
Members were issued with a copy of the briefing document ‘Community Asset Transfer’. In principle it would appear this route may be the quickest and most appropriate way forward to engage with Leicestershire County Council to protect the land. However, there is some uncertainty as to whether the parish council can be the applicant for this process or whether a community based organisation such as Land For Life need to apply. The possibility of forming a joint working group will be considered if this way forward is agreed at the public meeting on Tuesday, 9th September.
AGREED: Community asset transfer to be proposed at the public meeting being held on the 9th September.
AGREED: Mr Whittemore is to discuss the possibility of land for life applying for a community asset transfer.
ACTION: The manager is to invite Cllr. Mr Jennings to the public meeting which is being held on the 9th September.
If a Community Asset Transfer is considered the best way forward, Mrs Broomhead will liaise with Mr Andrew Robathan M.P regarding his personal support with our application.
AGREED: Mrs Broomhead is to liaise with Mr A Robathan M.P.
Mr Statham stated that no replies had been received from the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaires sent to local business owners. For this reason it was agreed if the Neighbourhood Plan is progressed, the village centre and green spaces will be addressed separately with green spaces taking priority.
Members agreed the main priority is working to protect Hospital Lane from future development by the quickest and most efficient means possible. The second area to be considered is the green wedge between Blaby and Whetstone.
Research what agreements are in place between local farmers and Leicestershire County Council regarding land adjacent to the cycle path that runs along the long walk. Once this is established the group will decide the perimeters for the land that the committee would like to protect from development.
AGREED: To research local land agreements adjacent to the long walk/cemetery.
AGREED: The minutes are approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
It is suggested looking into diverting the bridleway between the two cemeteries.
AGREED: This matter to be put forward for further discussion at the next Neighbourhood Plan meeting.
h)To Consider the Contents of the September 2014 Edition of the Blaby Topic
All members have been issued with a copy of the suggested September edition of the Blaby Topic.
Members are happy with the Topic butthe following amendments are required:
- Remove Mrs Dunkley from the councillors list and add Mr Harding.
- Add details of the Remembrance Services.
a)Parishioners Time: For Information Only – Matters will be forwarded to the relevant committee.
i) Red Hedge, Lutterworth Road
This hedge has become very overgrown and the weeds beneath it make it look very untidy
AGREED: Cut the hedge right back in November but remove the weeds underneath as soon as possible.
ii) Speed Humps, Grove Road
The speed humps are breaking up and look unsightly.
AGREED:Report this matter to Leicestershire County Council highways.
iii) Singers for Christmas Lights Switch On.
Mrs Tailby-Bates reported she had received two enquiries about singers wanting to perform at this event.
AGREED: Mrs Tailby-Bates is to supply the office with their contact details.
b)Cheque Rota.
RESOLVED: Cheques are to be signed at the end of the Council session by
MrG Willcox Mr B Duggan.
c)Reports of Representatives.
Mrs Broomhead attended the Churches Together meeting on 5th September and reported they want to work together with the parish council who are thanked for all their help given.
d)Grant Thornton – Annual Return 2013/14.
The external auditor’s Grant Thornton have advised the audited Annual Return for Blaby Parish Council for the year ended 31st March 2014 is concluded. Grant Thornton have advised that “On the basis of our review in our opinion the information in the annual return is in accordance with proper practices and no matters have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met”.
1)The external auditor has found the following matters that need to be addressed but do not affect their audit opinion:-
Financial Regulations
Blaby Parish Council has Financial Regulations in place. These were adopted in May 2012 and last reviewed in September 2013. However, the financial regulations do not follow the NALC model because they do not refer to the following matters:
- There is no reference to the checks undertaken to ensure that all PAYE and National Insurance legislation is followed
- There is no reference to the current recommended travel expense rate by HMRC
- The reference to contracts is ambiguous and does not make clear the Council’s procedures.
- There is no reference to the checks made to ensure the Council has the legal power to make any proposed purchase before the issue of an order.
2)The external auditor’s fee is £1,000.00 + VAT.
RESOLVED: Pay the fee of £1,000.00 + VATfor the external auditor Grant Thornton UK LLP.
540 / 7. Authorisation of the Council’s Accounts.
All members have been issued with a copy of the September accounts.
The Play Inspection Company Ltd / £215.82 / Independent Playground Inspection.
SLCC / £114.00 / Staff Training – Health, Safety & Wellbeing.
RBL Poppy Appeal / £34.00 / 2 x Poppy Wreaths (S.137)
Sharnford Horticultural Ltd / £7,680.00 / 1 x Stiga Park Pro 21 4WD Ride on Mower.
Grant Thornton UK LLP / £1,200.00 / External Auditors Fee 2013/14.
ICCM / £192.00 / Cemetery Law & Compliance Training Course.
Broker Network Ltd / £6,158.69 / Council Insurance Renewal.
Broker Network Ltd / £763.20 / Citroen Berlingo & Nissan Cabstar - Vehicle Insurance Renewal.
LSPS / £200.00 / Skip hire for allotments.
H M Revenue & Customs / £1,860.41 / PAYE/NI Month 5 (August 2014).
Blaby District Council / £880.00 / September 2014 Rates – Leicester Road.
Blaby District Council / £144.00 / September 2014 Rates – Cemetery
Blaby District Council / £18.00 / September 2014 Rates - Oakfield Park.
Espo / £70.59 / Stationery & Cleaning Materials.
The Fuelcard Company UK Ltd / £178.32 / Petrol/Diesel.
CSL Business Machines / £91.50 / Photocopying charges for 21.8.14
Cooleraid / £18.96 / Supply of bottled water.
Pitney Bowes – Purchase Power / £15.54 / Franking Machine Rental - 02.10.14 –
Milners Bakers / £301.50 / Catering Services.
R & R MOT Centre Ltd / £52.00 / Nissan Cabstar MOT
Online Playgrounds / £11.84 / Play equipment spares.
Dulux Decorator Centres / £99.35 / Oakfield Changing Rooms Maintenance.
Fibrous / £25.80 / Memorial plaque for Philps.
St Andrews Services / £35.00 / Citroen Berlingo MOT
DVLA / £225.00 / Nissan Cabstar Road Tax – 12 Months
Sharnford Horticultural / £119.58 / Maintenance for cutting equipment & water bowser
Sapphire & Steel / £7.20 / Engraving of Allotments Competition Shield
Dancover / £523.26 / 1 x - 4m x 8m Marquee.
Makro / £62.42 / Assorted Items.
Microsoft / £118.08 / Renewal of Office 365 – Small Business.
Listers / £65.25 / Assorted Accessories for the Civic Centre.
Salaries: Month 5 (August 2014) / £7,727.96
Expenses: / £40.50
LCC – Pensions (August) / £2,297.94
BNP Paribas – Photocopier Rent & Annual Administration, 11.9.14 – 10.12.14 / £310.62
Avensure (September) / £132.00
GPS Telecoms Ltd (31st August 2014) / £28.20
RESOLVED: The August accounts are agreed to be a true record. Proposed by Cllr. S Coe, seconded by Cllr.A Tailby-Bates and passed unanimously.
541 / 8. Correspondence:
All correspondence has beenissued to Members.
a)Publications Received during August2014 - Noted.
b)Village Areas Needing Attention Received During August 2014 - Noted.
- Newsletter- Issue 8 - Noted.
- LRALC – Round Robins 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29thAugust 2014 - Noted.
- Recording of Meetings.
- Training Information -Noted.
- Blaby Branch Meeting – Agenda & Minutes.
Mr Fear gives his apologies for this meeting and Mrs Broomhead willbe attending.AGREED:The manager is to confirm Mrs Broomhead’s’ attendance & Mr Fear’s apologies.
- Councillor Induction Dividers.
- Development & Member Support Questionnaire 2014.
AGREED: The manager is to complete this survey.
d)Blaby District Council
- Local Council Voice Newsletter – August 2014- Noted.
- Blaby Plan Consultation.
- Community Safety Consultation.
- Chairman’s Civic Service – Sunday, 12th October 2014.
AGREED: Mrs Tailby-Bates and guest would like to attend on behalf of the council.
e)Local Works – The Right for Parish Councils to Sell Electricity.
AGREED: Confirm to Local Works that the parish council supports this proposal.
f)Leicestershire Police Intercultural Evening.
The Chief Constable extends a warm invitation to join him for the Annual Leicestershire Police Inter-Cultural Social Evening to be held at Leicestershire Police Headquarters on Wednesday, 1st October 2014 at 7.30pm.
AGREED: Mrs Broomhead & Mrs Tailby-Bates are to attend this event on behalf of the council.
g)RCC Community Action Seminar 2014.
An invitation for this year’s RCC Community Action Seminar which is to take place on the 2nd October from 5pm – 8pm at County Hall, Glenfield- Noted.
542 / 9. Correspondence Received After Issue of Agenda: For Information Only.
a) Leicestershire Street Lighting Energy Savings Scheme – Annual Review ‘Part-night’ Lighting Scheme: Blaby
Leicestershire County Council agreed to undertake a review of the scheme approximately one year after its implementation. An annual review has already been carried out by the Emergency Services and LCC accident investigation unit and their comments are listed below.
The Police commented that there were presently no policing issues in relation to the Part Night Lighting Scheme. The LCC Accident Investigation Unit stated that there had been no injury accidents during the part night lighting operational hours since the scheme was implemented.
Any additional observations to those listed above, comments are required by the 4th October - Noted.
b)National Citizen Scheme - Celebration
This summer over 600 local 16 & 17 year olds have participated in NCS and have achieved amazing results. Blaby Parish Council are invited to attend the Wave 1 Graduation night to see the teams receive their hard-earned certificates and to hear about their projects. The presentation is to take place at the Showcase Cinema, Leicester City on Thursday, 18th September at 7pm- Noted.
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- Chairman’s Time.