STEP 1: Click on “My Assignments” tab in the My Learn360 area. The assignments
you’ve created will appear on your page.
STEP 2: To distribute an assignment, check the box next to
the assignment you want to distribute and click on “assign” underneath the
assignment you want to distribute.
STEP 3: Click on “Create New Distribution” in the orange box above the name of the
assignment. (See Below)
STEP 4: The system is structured to allow multiple students to use a single Username and
Password to complete an assignment. To enable this procedure to work, APT has created a generic student Username and Password for every school in Alabama. Every student in a particular school may use the same generic Username and Password to enter the database and complete an Assignment. If this option
is selected, on the page entitled “Create a New Distribution for Assignment,”
the teacher must check the box which says “check this box to assign your
assignment to a single username ….” (See Below)
*****An important reminder—if every teacher in the school builds assignments and uses the same school generic student username and password, when the students log in to receive the assignment, they will see all the assignments created by all teachers in the school. To help the students locate the individual assignments, the teacher needs to put his/her name and an assignment name or number in the Title box when building the assignment. For example: K Mitchell Math Assignment 1. The teacher also needs to make sure he/she creates a start and stop date for the assignment and removes the assignment once all students have completed it. (If you want to create your own classroom student generic username and password, so your students only see your assignments and not all those created in the school, then see instructions below under Important Reminder.)
STEP 5: To distribute to student users who will use the same Username and Password,
select Username from the dropdown menu and then type in the generic student
Username and click “Search.” (See Above) This generic Username can be the
generic school student Username or one an individual teacher has created.
STEP 6: When the Username appears, check the box in front of the name and then click
the white arrow in the orange box to move the Usernameinto the right-hand
box. (See Below)
STEP 7: When the Username appears on the right-hand side, check the box next to the
name in the right-hand box and click “Distribute Assignment” below
the large box on the left-hand side. Each time you distribute an assignment, the
number of assignments in the My Distribution box will increase.
You have now distributed your assignment to your desired group of users.
Important Reminder
If you prefer to have a generic student username and password for just your own class or classes, and not use the school’s generic student username and password created by APT, then you can create your own generic username and password for your students by going to the My Groups tab and then Add a User. Make the student Username and the Password the same. For example: kmitchellstudent1 (See Below)
If you create your own generic student username and password, Make Sure to Record it for future reference. There is no retrieval method if a generic student username and password created by a teacher is forgotten.
Once you have created your own student Username and password, you will follow the same steps to distribute the assignment to them as outlined in Steps 5-7.