I Want That Man
Song: I Want That Man, By Deborah Harry
Album: Most of All, The Best of Deborah Harry (available on iTunes)
Choreographed By: Simon Ward and Jo & John Kinser, Feb 2010
Step Description: 2 Wall 64 Count Intermediate Line dance with 2 Restarts
Start 32 counts in on the Vocals (0:16)
1-9Side, Rock Step, Side Close 1/4, Step Full Turn, Step Lock Back
1-2-3Step Rt to Rt, Cross/rock Lt over Rt, Recover weight back on Rt
4&5Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt to Lt side making 1/4 turn Lt (9.00)
6-7Step Rt fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn Lt taking weight onto Lt (3.00)
8&1Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Lock Lt in front of Rt, Step back Rt (9.00)
10-17Rock Step, Step Lock Fwd, Point Fwd - Side, Behind Side Cross
2-3Rock/step Lt back, Rock/recover Rt fwd
4&5Step Lt fwd, Lock/step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt fwd
6-7Touch Rt toe fwd, Point Rt toe to Rt side
8&1Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt side, Cross/step Rt over Lt
18-25Rock Step, Behind Side 1/4 turn, Rocking Chair
2-3Rock Lt to Lt, Rock/recover side Rt
4&5Step Lt behind Rt, Make 1/4 Rt stepping Rt fwd, Step Lt slightly fwd (12.00)
6-7Rock Rt fwd, Rock/recover Lt back
8-1Rock/step Rt back, Rock Lt fwd
26-32Step 1/2 turn, Stomp Rt Fwd, Stomp Lt, Stomp Rt Up, Hold, Ball Cross
2-3Step Rt fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn Lt taking weight Lt (6.00)
4-5Stomp Rt fwd, Stomp Lt to Lt side
6-7Stomp Rt to Rt side (Stomp Up) weight stays Lt, Hold
&8Step Rt beside Lt, Cross/step Lt over Rt
33-41Rt Toe Strut, Cross Lt Toe Strut, Rock, Recover, Cross, 1/4 Turn
1-2Touch Rt toe to Rt side, Drop Rt heel weight Rt
3-4Cross/touch Lt toe over Rt, Drop Lt heel weight Lt
5-6Rock Rt to Rt, Rock/recover weight Lt
7-8Cross/step Rt over Lt, Make 1/4 Rt stepping back Lt (9.00)
42-49Step, Turn, Step, 1/4 Chasse Step, Cross/rock, Recover, Chasse Step
1-2-3Make 3/8 turn Rt stepping Rt fwd (1.30), Step Lt fwd, Pivot 1/2 turn Rt (7.30)
4&5Make 1/4 turn Rt stepping Lt to Lt (10.30), Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt to Lt (10.30)
6-7Cross/rock Rt over Lt, Rock/recover weight Lt
8&1Step Rt to Rt, Step Lt beside Rt, Step Rt to Rt
Restarts Here on Count 1 on walls 2 and 4.
50-56Cross Point, Cross Back, 1/2 Turn, Rock Step
2-3Cross/step Lt over Rt, Point Rt toe to Rt (still facing 10.30)
4-5Cross/step Rt over Lt, Step Lt back squaring up to (12.00), 1/8 Rt
6-7Make 1/2 turn Rt stepping Rt fwd, Rock/step Lt fwd (6.00)
8Rock/step Rt back
57-64Back, Back, Coaster Step, Fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt (Prissy Walks)
1-2Step Lt back, Step Rt back
3&4Step Lt back, Step Rt beside Lt, Step Lt fwd
5-8Walk fwd Rt, Lt, Rt, Lt (cross legs slightly while travelling forward, walk with attitude)
Walls 2 (back wall) and 4 (front wall) you will restart after count 48& (Straighten up to new wall)
Jo – Simon –