STEM Planning Group Meeting
December 1, 2010
Discussion Notes (Cheryl Kleckner)
“An approach to teaching that emphasizes the natural interconnectedness of the four separate STEM disciplines. The connections are made explicit through collaboration between educators resulting in real and appropriate links built into instruction. The common element of problem solving is emphasized across all STEM disciplines allowing students to discover, explore, and apply critical thinking skills as they learn.“
Notes from discussion of the above proposed draft definition of STEM:
- Add “and lifelong learning” to the first sentence and “curriculum, and assessment” to the second sentence.
- Incorporate the student goals into this definition.
- STEM processes are similar across the content areas.
- Emphasis the connections or interconnectedness and being explicit about this focus
- Tie to the Essential Skills and critical thinking
- Replace “links” with “context”
- Add “equitable” to “access”
- Include outside of school learning
- Define STEM careers
- Tie to US ED priorities
- Perhaps “High quality STEM education” should be replaced with “Interconnected STEM education”.
Notes from discussion ofaSTEM Education Framework:
- Include rural and beyond the metro areas
- Bandwith issues in rural areas
- Change “audience” to partner
- Include “post secondary” partner to capture both IHE and CC
- Describe resources needed in the following areas: existing, can take from other places, new additional needed.
- To prioritize, use the filters of:
- Sufficient (vs. necessary)
- Focused (vs. “boil the ocean”
- Understandable (vs. comprehensive)
- Suggested component titles
- Effective Instruction (includes teacher prep and PD)
- Effective Leadership (includes effective policies)
- Effective Learning Environments
STEM Planning Group Meeting: Discussion Notes (Dec. 1, 2010) Page 1
- Effective Learning Opportunities (includes outside of school, in school, e-learning, home school)Community Partners, Communication, and Networking
- Coherent Standards and Content
- Evaluation
- Resources
Suggestion for the Summit:
- Bring in national speakers for the Summit to inform us about the national landscape for funding and requirements
- How do we maintain communication and networking beyond the Summit?
Suggestions for the Drupal site:
- Post the list of the names, emails, and institution of the STEM Planning Group
Notes for January meeting:
- Catch up those who were not at the first meeting, so we don’t have to spend time doing this at the January meeting. Make assignments of readings and review of materials to prepare for January meeting.
STEM Planning Group Meeting: Discussion Notes (Dec. 1, 2010) Page 1