Sent on behalf of Jackie Pye - Managing Director of R Shop


Here is our update from the bulk buy project (R Shop).

Since the last email, I went along to present our project to the Kent Tenants Conference at the Ashford International Hotel. Although I was nervous, it went really well and I received some great feedback.

We had a visit from the Department for Children, Schools & Families (DCSF) who wanted to come and see how our project is doing. They were very impressed with the progress we have all made and look forward to hearing more about it.

Sherry is making a scrapbook of our story and project and we will continue to add more to it. I am just about ready with the business plan. A meeting has been arranged with Jason (from Business Link) for this Wednesday to help with the cost sheets etc. and to show what we have done so far. I will then be presenting this back to the SILK Team.

We have designed our logo and we are waiting for the artwork which we can then start to use on our correspondence. We are hoping to get a stamp made up of the logo to use on bags and other items. Keep you posted on that.

Our Facebook group continues to grow and you can keep up to date with what is going on by visiting Parkwood Bulk Buy.

On toour most recent weekly meeting which was attended bymyself,Jo,Vicky,John,Sherry,Zoe,and

Susannah Ireland and Tony Wegg from Adult Education who will be assisting the team with knowledge of how to use the pc and what help we can get from it in order for us to help promote ourselves etc...

A visit was made to the youth club that is held at the healthy living centre just to mingle in and chat to the group on what they buy with what money they had and on any ideas and it was quite helpful!

We have decided our next part of research willbe dedicated to the elderly to see how this project couldhelp them too.

Zoe has shown a mock up of what the saving card could look like and its looking pretty hot!

The team have been asked to put forward a couple of paragraphs about how the project has helped them so far as weare going to be mentioned in a book that is being writtenwhichis fab news!

We have been kindly toldthat weare able to use the MHT resource centre in Shepway to print up any fliers which is great because this will initially help with the start up costs. Also a list of items was given to Vicky for the open day(5 Dec - more details to follow soon)of what we will need to keep track of orders etc ...

This is my 1st update- please feel free to give me any ideas on how to stop rambling on!

And canI just say thanks to everyone involved in this project its been great so far and will get better ...

Jackie Pye
Managing director for R Shop