STELAR Faculty Grant for Academic Technology and Online Learning
Name: ______UST ID Number: ______
College/School: ______
Department: ______
Email: ______Phone: ______
Faculty Status: [ ] Tenured [ ] Tenure Track [ ] Adjunct [ ] Other
Course Prefix, Number and Title: ______
Course Start Date: ______
* If the course start date is moved to a future semester, course development work may move to a future cycle as well.
Number of sections typically offered each semester: ______
How often will this course be offered: ______
Have you or another faculty member previously taught this course in a blended or online format? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Please complete each section in 200 words or fewer.
Describe how this course meets one or more of the stated priorities for funding online course development.
Describe the course in your own words (do not use the catalog description) and what makes it a meaningful experience for students.
What innovative ideas do you have for the course, if any? Are there things you can accomplish online with this course that you cannot in a classroom?
If you are proposing a SoTL project as a part of this project, briefly explain it here. Outline your timeline, research approach, measurements taken, and possible peer-reviewed dissemination venues.(Please feel free to contact STELAR in advance of submitting your proposal for more information about this section.)
Faculty Grant for Academic Technology and Online Learning, Page 2
Please Print Name, initial each section and sign.
I understand that I am the person primarily responsible for the development of my online or blended course, and that STELAR staff will serve as coaches and consultants to help me learn and use the technology, and to help me understand and incorporate tested online pedagogical and course design principles.
Name: ______
By submitting my application for thisgrant, I agree to:
______Work with STELAR Staff to develop an online course that follows documented best practices of online teaching, including:
- Measurable learning outcomes
- Alignment between learning outcomes, instructional materials, activities, and assessments
- Learning activities that appeal to the diverse needs of learners
- Transparent teaching
- Active learning strategies
- Accessibility guidelines
______Follow STELAR’s online course development process and adhere to agreed-upon project deadlines and meet regularly with my assigned instructional designer.
______Submit my completed online course to STELAR Staff for a peer-based quality assurance review. Note: Final grant payment will not be made until the course is reviewed and designated as having met benchmark standards. Review criteria is based on the Quality Matters Rubric.
______Serve as a mentor to future course development grant awardees for one semester.
______Present my online course at the Annual STELAR Faculty Showcase Event.
______Make the completed course available to my College or School, so that it may be taught by other faculty in the future.
______Allow other faculty to have access to a sample version of my developed course, as a model for future work.
Signature & Date of Applicant
Signature & Date of Department Chair, Program Director or Dean