
Business German

Germ 307 -- Fall 2012

TR 9:30 – 10:45am, Capers 213

Instructor: Fr. Dr. Emm

Office: Capers 223B

Office Hours: MWF 9-11amand by appt.

Contact: 953-6806;

Course Description:

Wirtschaftsdeutsch (Business German) introduces learners to professionally oriented German language and culture. The course reviews and expands students’communicative and cultural competency through role-play, presentations, class discussion, listening comprehension, reading and writing assignmentsfocused on everyday workplace scenarios, economic policy and business culture. Special emphasis will be placed on corporate responsibility and Germany’s “green” economy. This course is conducted in German.


Upon successful completion of this course, a student will gain:

  • the basic skills for applying to and working at German companies (telephone calls, interviews, etc.).
  • a dossier of application-relevant materials, including a Lebenslauf (German-style resume) and a letter of application.
  • increased awareness of the role of German businesses in the U.S.
  • the ability to describe and discuss important aspects of German business culture.
  • the ability to discuss ethical and environmental issues associated with global business culture.

Assignments and Assessment

% of final course grade / Assignment
10% / Teilnahme: Class participation includes coming to class prepared (i.e. completing all homework), as well as checking emailfor announcements. Your class participation grade will reflect your performance (answering questions, being prepared when called on, being a team player in group work, asking questions, and avoiding English) as well as more physical aspects such as being present and punctual, staying awake and focused in class, and not leaving the classroom during the 75-minute period.
15% / Vorträge:6 short presentations practice workplace-relevant scenarios and oral skills.
10% / Auseinandersetzungen: 3 prepared and structured discussions on issues in German business culture.
15% / Schreiben: 8 practical short writing assignments. (Emphasis on quality over quantity)
10% / Arbeitsbuch: brief grammar, vocabulary and reading exercises practice chapter material. Turn in the workbook (AB) at midterm and at the final. Activities must be corrected in a different colored pen using the key at the back of the workbook for full credit (100%). Activities not corrected receive 60%. Incomplete activities receive no higher than 50%.
10% / Unternehmensporträte: 4 worksheets profiling a German business in the U.S.
10% / Midterm: covers chapters 1-4 and 6, taken in class.
10% / Final:covers chapters 7-10, taken on the final exam date scheduled by The Citadel. (Saturday, December 8th at 1300)
10% / Dossier: A professional portfolio that assembles final versions of the writing exercises (Schreiben) into a practical resource for working and living in Germany.

General Course Policies


Attendance is mandatory. Official Citadel attendance policy will be followed: Students must provide documentation of an effort to reschedule guard duty when it conflicts with class, and tests shall not be missed due to guard duty. Furthermore, for any student, “absences, whether excused or unexcused and in excess of 20% of the class meetings can, at the discretion of the professor, result in a grade of F in the course".


All homework is listed on the Semesterplan below, and is due on the date it is listed.Remember: Your success in foreign language learning depends heavily on the time spent studying and preparing outside of class.

No late homework will be accepted, except in extraordinary circumstances and by arrangement with

your Professor. (Forgetting, printer problems, guard duty, training exercises, etc, do not qualify as extraordinary circumstances.)

Plagiarism and Translation Programs

All work submitted must be your own.Use of online translation programs is cheating. Prof. Emm, Prof. Frenzel and Prof. Skow are available to help. Consult with your instructor before seeking help from anyone else.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

Use of personal electronic devices is not permitted during class. Such devices include cell phones (including camera phones and smart phones), blackberries, pagers, tablet PCs, mobile presenters, wireless tablets, digital recorders, beepers, palms, IPods, MP3 players, texting calculators, digital cameras, and laptops. (This policy does not extend to medically necessary assistive devices and to approved emergency communications). Texting or otherwise working with your electronic devices in class displays not only a visible lack of attention but also a profound lack of respect for your classmates, for your instructor, and for your learning environment. If you are experiencing a situation that requires you to be in constant electronic contact, you should not be in the classroom. Violating this policy affects your participation grade.


Final Exam

1300,Saturday, December 8th

Changes to the Syllabus

The Syllabus and Semesterplan are subject to change at the instructor’s discretion. Any changes will be announced via email.

Semesterplan: Wirtschaftsdeutsch, Herbst 2012

Turn in all homework on the day it is listed

22. Aug. / Drücken Sie das Syllabus und das Syllabus Quiz aus. Bringen Sie die Textbücher mit. / Kapitel 1: Herzlich Willkommen!
28. Aug. / Unternehmensporträt 1 / Kapitel 1: Fortgesetzt
30. Aug. / Schreiben 1: Terminvereinbarung I (AB S. 16) / Kapitel 1: Fortges.
4. Sept. / Vortrag 1 vorbereiten: Ein Programm vorstellen (AB S. 17) / Vorträge
Kapitel 2: Rund um die Firma
6. Sept. / Schreiben 1: Korrektur / Kapitel 2: Fortgesetzt
11. Sept. / Schreiben 2: Terminvereinbarung II (AB S. 30)
Unternehmensporträt 2 / Kapitel 2: Fortges.
13. Sept. / Vortrag 2 vorbereiten: Die Firmenpräsentation (AB S. 31) / Vorträge
Kapitel 3: Am Arbeitsplatz
18. Sept. / Schreiben 2: Korrektur / Kapitel 3: Fortgesetzt
20. Sept. / Schreiben 3: Unfall-, Krankmeldung (AB S. 46) / Kapitel 3: Fortges.
25. Sept. / Auseinandersetzung1 vorbereiten: „Krankenversicherung“ (Wortschatz AB S. 44-5; S. 47,1b) / Auseinandersetzung: Krankenversicherung
Kapitel 4: Von Haus zu Haus mit...
27. Sept. / Schreiben 3: Korrektur / Kapitel 4: Fortgesetzt
2. Okt. / Schreiben 4: Anfrage (AB S. 60) / Kapitel 4: Fortges.
4. Okt. / Vortrag 4 vorbereiten: Telefonieren I (AB S. 61) / Vorträge
Kapitel 6: Der Mitarbeiter im Betrieb
9. Okt. / Schreiben 4: Korrektur / Kapitel 6: Fortgesetzt
11. Okt. / Auseinandersetzung 2 vorbereiten: „Mitbestimmung und Gewerkschaften“ / Auseinandersetzung: Mitbestimmung und Gewerkschaften
Kapitel 6: Fortges.
16. Okt. / Arbeitsbuch Kapiteln 1-4, 6. / Midterm
18. Okt. / Kapitel 7: Verkaufen, verkaufen, verkaufen!
23. Okt / Unternehmensporträt 3: Marketingplan / Kapitel 7: Fortgesetzt
25. Okt / Schreiben 5: Annahme/Ablehnung eines Angebots (AB S. 106) / Kapitel 7: Fortges.
30. Sept. / Vortrag 5 vorbereiten: Die Produktpräsentation (AB S. 107) / Vorträge
Kapitel 8: Auf der Messe
1. Nov. / Schreiben 5: Korrektur / Kapitel 8: Fortgesetzt
6. Nov. / Kein Treffen
8. Nov. / Vortrag 6: Schaubilder und Grafiken / Vorträge
Kapitel 9: Import-Export
13. Nov. / Unternehmensporträt 4: Unternehmensphilosophie / Kapitel 9: Fortgesetzt
15. Nov. / Schreiben 6: Reklamation
Auseinandersetzung 3 vorbereiten: „Ökologie und Ökonomie“ / Auseinandersetzung: Ökologie und Ökonomie
Kapitel 9: Fortges.
20. Nov. / Kein Treffen
22. Nov. / Kein Treffen
27. Nov. / Kapitel 10: Ich möchte hier arbeiten
29. Nov. / Schreiben 6: Korrektur
Schreiben 7: Lebenslauf / Kapitel 10: Fortgesetzt
4. Dez. / Schreiben 8: Bewerbungsbrief (AB S. 150) / Kapitel 10: Fortges.
6. Dez. / Schreiben 7: Korrektur
Vorstellungsgespräche vorbereiten. / Vorstellungsgespräche
13.00 Samstag, den 8. Dez / Dossier (Inklusiv korrigierte Bewerbungsbrief und Lebenslauf)
Arbeitsbuch Kapiteln 7-10 /  FINAL