Steinman Pacesetter Class- September 2015

Welcome to our Steinman Area Wide Pacesetters Class. I am so excited to have this awesome opportunity of working closely with you over the next 4 weeks. Bet you asked yourself, ‘What’s a Pacesetters Class?’ Well, it’s a step by step ‘how to build your business class’ covering 4 topics in depth, followed by 4 weekly challenge sheets withvarious pointvalues for completing the challenges .

Topics we’ll cover:

  • Inspiration: feeding your daily thoughts with positive words which produce a positive attitude & results.
  • Ability to build activity level: Booking, contacts, and seeing min 10 people a week.(texting game-fishbowls-class introductions-class flip chart-reading your profiles-passing out Look Books-10 referral slip challenge)
  • Becoming more efficient with your time; being ready and available to do the business. (being prepared to show the collection, being ‘attractive’ in the MKT Place-having your car ‘ready’-keeping your business portable and ready to sell on the go-6 Binders to keep organized –MK banking.)
  • Growing your team: sharing notebook, layering prospects, end of the party Qu, prospects packets, keeping a ‘live’ list, and how to take advantage of Septembers 1-30: ‘Get Off to a GLOWING START Promotion’!!!! (offer of 2 starter Kits: $50 vs $85 plus 61% off on initial order with the Skin care bundles!)

Every topic you ‘read and do’ will give you a winner’s advantage as you grow your business, team and mental attitude. Yes, we will cover all topics in 4 weeks.

Here’s what I need from you:

  • That you will join me every Wednesday night at 9:30 pm EST for a 30 min overview of the week’s topics ( 712-775-7100 access: 363631#)
  • You will become a member of the Steinman Area Facebook page: there you will be able to view the 1-2 videos a week and commenton what you’re learning minimum of 1 a week/ somewhere on the FB page, .
  • You willemail me every Sunday with your point totals and comments.
  • The Result: You will grow 30+ New Customers, place a Qualified order ($600+) and sign 1-2-5 min. New Recruit in September.
  • Everyone will receive a gift from me for a min of 1 weeks points turned in, a certificate of completion for turning in all 4 weeks assignment point sheets, and TOP 10 highest points overall will receive as NSD Award from me.

Inspiration: pg 2

Do:Please tape this sheet to your bathroom mirror and Read this aloud every morning.

Award yourself 20 pts per each time read aloud, - 10 pts for every day missed if not read aloud.

Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude

I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I

have responsibilities to fulfill today.

I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have...

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is

getting watered for free.

Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances

encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.

Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.

Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I

can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.

Today I can cry because roses have thorns or I can celebrate that thorns have roses.

Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover

new relationships.

Today I can whine because I have to go to work or I can shout for joy because I have a

job to do.

Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it

with rich new tidbits of knowledge.

Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored

because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.

Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets

to do the shaping.

What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have!

Have a great day...unless you have other plans?

Building ‘Activity Level’: 10 NEW @ Week pg. 3

Did you know that there are 30 times as many ‘orphaned clients’ in the Market place as there is current Beauty Consultants? This is due to all the ‘starts’ that facialed and sold to their first 10 customers, only to get distracted and move on to their next adventure. Our goal is to ‘build’ 10 NEW clients by looking for women that ‘already’love MK and are just missing a great consultant/YOU!

This week we will look at 3 primary ways to attract clients. 1) Becoming more ‘Attract’ tive

2) Passing out 25 Look Books 3) Playing the 10 referral slip game.

1.Becoming more Attract-tive in the Marketing Place. (6-8 New Customers)

Attracting: having people notice you and getting them to ‘ask you’ about what you do.Sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? I believe we walk by great potential clients every day because we don’t ‘advertise’ that we are entrepreneurs! Here’s 7 ways to let others know we are open for business:

  • Wear a Mary Kay pin on your jacket-shirt-jean jacket-Sunday coat, whatever clothing you have on for the day… that MK pin is on the collar. (tip: order 5+ pins and to all clothing you wear daily, so you don’t have to think about reattaching your only pin.20 pts per pin per outfit
  • Wear a Mary Kay Beauty Coat over your work clothes or your jeans with a great pair of shoes (boots, heels, in trend) (available on MK Connections, $49, sizes xxs-3x) store in your car. If you work elsewhere, pop this beauty coat on when you stop at grocery store or school picking up the kids,etc.20 pts per day worn, or 50 pts if you order your BC this week
  • Put your photo on your Mary Kay business cards. People tend to keep cards with photos on them.10 pts per each business card you hand out& get their cell phone #
  • Keep a Mary Kay car decal in the back window of your car. (.75@ order on Section 2, #715000) When you are parked in a ‘safe’ location; church, soccer field, outside work, this decal will catch the eye of all Mk users. Tip: tuck 4-5 business card s under your windshield wiper, see how many are taken when you get back in the car.50 pt if decal in car window
  • String 3-4 strips of Lip samples to a key ring and attach to the handle of your purse. 25pts
  • Tuck 3@ of the eye colorcardsinto your purse w/your business card attached. ( 3 blue eyes #085204, 3 for brown eyes #085208, and 3 for green eyes #085206, 5 for $2) 10 pts for each eye card given out
  • Keep your datebook in your purse… using 2 paper clips to separate the 3 weeks you have available for appts. And the times open for appts are circled in pink.50 pts for each new apt booked

Every time someone comments on your pin, beauty coat, business card, or decal and ‘ask you if you do Mary Kay’… I challenge you to memorize and say, ‘Why YES, I am a Beauty Consultant, but I try NOT to sell it…. because I really prefer to give it away instead!” and if they ask, how does that work, you smile and say “DID you know that every time you want to see ‘whats new’ and share the hour with friends, that for every friend that spends $40 on herself you get $10 FREE…4 friends could mean $40 FREE, 6 Friends could mean $60 FREE,theres NO LIMIT!Could you use $60-100 FREE?”Open up your datebook and ask her if she’s prefer day or night? 20th or 25th? Etc.

Building activity cont……. pg 4

2) Passing out 25 Look Books(25 Look Bks=6 NEW Customers)

Once again, we’re looking to find MK users missing a consultant! Take 25 look Books (you may need to purchase extras from MK girlfriends to complete this challenge) and store them on your front seat. Then take a lined piece of paper, numbering from top to bottom 1 thru 25. The easiest way to do this is to clip the response sheet to a clipboard with a pen. This also gets stored on front seat.

Now every time you leave your car to run ANY errand that involves $$$, grab 1-2 look books and keep in your purse. Then when you pick up cleaning, pay for groceries, pharmacy, in a bank, at the school picking up kids, etc, as you finish paying, say out loud…” and oh by the way this is for you….” (add NOTHING to this phrase, it’s a dangling participle and it invites a response from the person you give it to…)

There are only 3 responses we hear:

1….‘Nothing’ (6-8 times…just smile an walk away)

2…..”Oh Thank you, what’s this?” (6-8 times… response‘It’s what I do continue to chat’)

Or 3….”MK! I use….used to….my mom…do they still have…..” 6-8 times, Ask her if they are currently on a mailing list, if not may you add her to your mailing list, and when was the last time she saw what’s new and had gotten MK for FREE? (…have her put her info on a business card or take out your datebook and pencil a time in to follow up with the new collection to show her.) By keeping track (on the tracking sheet in your car) of the various ‘Nothing-WOW MK’ responses… you are seeing that ‘just throwing the seeds on the ground’ that 25 Look Books a week will produce 4-6 NEW Clients to your customer base! Be sure you have Cleansing cream, mascara and eye makeup remover in your trunk!

5 pts for each Look Book handed out that you track on your sheet (please send tracking sheet to your Director at weeks end)

3.Playing the 10 slip Referral Game(3 completed pks=8+ New Customers)

This is so much fun!!! Download 10 pages the survey sheets on the next page. Cut them up to make 10 slips packs and staple these 10 together. Then take your favorite Eye TRIO or Mascara and find 3 people that work in a place with lots of people and Say, ‘Look at what MK is offering this month!!!You will get_____ for simply having 10 family, friends or co-workers completely fill out these survey sheets! That’s it… get all 10 sheets filled out and you win! (It’s just like Wal-mart or JC Penny’s asking you to fill in the co survey form to win when they hand you a receipt)

Give her only 48 hrs to do this..and when the packs come back ..check out the responses, and if she has 2+ or more that say YES I’d love a facial, ask her if she’d consider inviting these women to her home to get FREE, or should you follow up privately???? Jenny Green would get waitresses to have all the restaurant employees fill out the 10 slips while she ate her dinner… and this lead to great appts! Can be handed out at sporting events, work, golf or bowling leagues, etc. (only cost is the paper and the Whls. on the trio/$6.50)50 pts per each pack out and returned to you in 48 hrs

This sheet is available to you on Facebook and also attached to end of the points sheet…pg 5

Becoming More Efficient pg. 6

Being READY to ‘show and sell’ puts you way out in front of the masses that are hoping and wishing to get going…. This week we will work on 3 ways to be readyand available for the sale!

  1. Keeping a store in your trunk! This is a biggie… look at your trunk as your store! Here’s what you’ll need: a Styrofoam cooler (if you live in the warmer climates you’ll need a standard picnic cooler.) You’ll need a reusable freezer block. In the cooler you’ll store the 6 most sold items: mascaras, cleansing creams, limited # of foundations, eye makeup remover, face primer and moisturizers. Bonus: keep 1 miracle set in the facial bag to roll open and show! You also need 2 ‘cute’ colored milk crates (find at wal-mart for less than $5)

In the 1st Crate You’ll need all your MK supplies: 3-4 class trays in mesh bags ( in the zippered mesh bag, there will be 1 facial tray, a look book, face cloth, applicators, head band, sales ticket and profile) There will be 5 Hostess packets (a MK bag with hostess coaching sheet, a look book, 10 party invites, a color chart, and what she’ll win if she Takes 5 outside orders and 2 bookings at her apt) 5 Prospect packets( in a MK bag you’ll have an agreement, Mkt Plan sheet,and a steps to success brochure)5 outside order envelopes (a 8X11 envelope containing a look book and 5 sales tickets…and the numbers 1-10 with lines on the front of the envelope)

Crate #2:Keep profiles, sales tickets, MK Shopping Bags, flyers for upcoming events, flyers of the Newest Collection, samples and 10 ‘TREAT BAGS’ (little cello bags/found at Walmart with your business card inside, a sample of______, and a piece of wrapped candy, may also tuck in your monthly special…tie up this bag with seasonal colored ribbon)At Christmas this crate would also contain 5-10 stocking stuffer gifts. Prepared Consultants will also store their inventory cases full of asst. products (this insulated inventory case may be ordered on MKConnections)This is such a time saver by having it in the car, plus if your client comes to the trunk, you may easily ‘upsell’ her by showing her something more! Women love to peek into your store on the go! Take photo of your trunk store, 100 points for posting photo on our Steinman area facebook page

  1. Keeping 4-6 Mesh Bags/facial trays stacked on your kitchen counter. Keeping facial trays w/ a beauty book, head band, Q-Tips, cotton balls, applicator, pen, profile and sales ticket all ready and stacked… you are ready for grab and go! No getting stressed out about ‘getting ready for an appt’20 pts for each mesh bag you have ready to go
  2. Keeping a tote with the NEWEST in your car to show: Having ordered a Fall ‘pre-pack’ you are having a MK tote, 2 cross over bags, and 1 of everything NEW to show off, I would add the 3 eyeliner pencils, 4 True Dimension Sheer Lipsticks and my favorite: the 3 trays of Endless Performance foundations and a foundation brush. This is the collection Im showcasing at all the Fall TREND events. I show off the endless foundation on the back of her hand, and when she’s wowed, I then bring out each of the other items. Please Go to Steinman Area Facebookpage and watch Video #5 by Gina Sheltzer.

200 pts for each prepack ordered in Sept and 100 pts for watching video #5

Growing Your Team-Monthly Love Checks pg 7

Hummmmm, sharing this opportunity is the topic that seems to carry the most mystery! If I’I knew the ‘magic key’ I’d be winning the car, stepping up to directorship and collecting NSD check, right? Soooo, what is that magic key? Well over the next 4 weeks, I am going to reveal that key… here is ¼ of the secret….

I believe the 1 of the 4 magic keys is asking the guests at every party and double facial the following invitation,

“ Ladies, please watch me today, and if what I’m doing looks like fun, please ask me how much Mary Kay pays me. Mary Kay would love for every family in the country to know how much they could add to their budget by having a MK business in their home.”

Then listen to that person that gives you ‘that look’ or asks ‘how much do you make?’or ‘feeling’ that darling girl that keeps giving you clues to her curiosity. It’s repeating throughout the party…’how you can’t wait to tell them how awesome your paycheck’ and how everyone ALWAYS wants to know, that you’ll share with them if they can stay an extra 15 min after the party ends.

Then at the end, when you have the hostess and that 1 that asked, or the one you really liked and asked her to stay and listen…. You hand them the party’s receipts and a calculator… ask them to add them up… all the while you’re cleaning up the table. Then you ask them the following 5 Questions:

  • Did I have fun tonight?
  • Did I physically work hard?
  • Did you feel your friends were being pressures or did they leave with what they wanted?
  • If I could show you how to pass each product around like I did tonight, could you learn to imitate me?
  • Ok, how much were the receipts totals?____ WOW! Ok here it is, Mary Kay paid me (1/2 of the total) to do what I did tonight! Amazing huh?

Hand out the paper agreement and say, “ and all MK wants from you to start is to fill out this questionnaire and a form of payment for the $100 starter kit (valued at over $410) and I sign that Im recommending you and I’ll teach you this week how to get your business up and running…is there any reason I couldn’t recommend you tonight?