
Steinert Choir Association

Meeting Minutes

Date: 5/11/10

The Meeting was called to order by Ken Hunt at 7:05. Attendance: 19

Secretary’s Report / Minutes sent out via email. Ken Hunt brought up a correction. Under scholarships, the minutes should read “75% of the total scholarship amount must be brought forward into the next year. Minutes were approved as corrected. Linda Taylor motioned & Sue McStravick seconded.
Treasurer’s Report / Reported by Ken Hunt.
Opening balance as of 4/12/10: $7,240.08
Expenses: None reported
Revenue: Music in the Parks - $9,841.00
Car Wash - $ 699.00
SCA T-Shirts $ 30.00
Ending Balance as of 5/11/10 : $17,810.08
Old Business
/ Car Wash – considering the weather, the car wash was a success, with presales of $264.00 and sales that day of $435, the total amount raised was $699. Hoses were borrowed from Gary Delhagan. For the future, he needs 2 weeks notice. Allentown Auto Body provided the soap . Sandy expressed thanks to all.
Barnes & Noble Fundraiser – took place on April 13th. Only made a profit of $82.97. Check given to Lucia Hunt for deposit.
Trenton Thunder – an enjoyable time was had by all who attended.
Scholarships – Sharon Ridge, scholarship chairperson, reported that 9 applications were received on time. Unfortunately, 3 came in late and were not considered. The choir box was emptied at 4:00 on the deadline date. Five scholarships will be awarded, 3 for $300 ea. and 2 for $150 ea.
Two questions were raised, why do we require SCA membership for scholarships & why don’t all the people who apply get scholarships? Sandy explained that the scholarships are a benefit of membership. They are a big enticement for families to join the organization. There is no set number of scholarships. It is the job of the scholarship committee to determine how the money is given out.
Do to confusion about the scholarship requirements, Sue Haws made a motion to state that in order for a student to be eligible for a scholarship, they must have been a choir member for a minimum of 2 years and there parent must have been an SCA member for a minimum of 2 years as well. Lucy Stewart seconded the motion.
Motion was approved.
Spring Concert - The concert is at 7:00 on May 19th. Students must report at 6:30 in concert attire. Sue Haws is running the snacks with help from Lucy Stewart. Mr. Schneider will get the ice. Karen Coate will run the 50/50. Price of tickets will be 1 for $2 & 3 for $5. Ticket will be pulled before the Beatles medley. Volunteers for 50/50’s & snacks should report @ 6:30. Rehearsal is after school on 5/17.
Uniforms – students not going to Hershey will turn in their shirts during the concert. Volunteers will be on hand to collect them. Those attending Hershey will turn their shirts in after the performance in Hershey.
Maggie Moo Fundraiser – being pushed back until next school year, possibly early September,
Choir Robes – Alicia Graziano made a motion that the SCA purchase 2 choir robes for students to use when they perform in All-state choir. Seconded by Yvonne Peraino. Motion passed.
Bylaw Revision – Revision states: “The SCA shall budget for scholarship awards totaling up to $1,200.00 annually. An amount equal to 75% of the scholarship budget shall be held in reserve and carried forward to the subsequent year.” Motion to accept bylaws made by Carol Smith, seconded by Linda Taylor. Motion was passed.
SCA Elections - Motion to have Sandy Shaw(current vice-president) serve out the last year of her term as President, she will serve only one year. Motion passed. Mary Murphy & Rich Matts were nominated as vice-president & treasurer, respectively.
Motion by Ken Hunt to close nominations. J. Peraino seconded. Motion passed & officers were elected. Officers for the 2010-2011 school year are: President: Sandy Shaw (1 year)
Vice-president: Mary Murphy (2 years)
Treasurer: Rich Matts (2 years)
Secretary: Carol Smith (1 year)
Hershey Trip - a total of 147 people will be attending, 86 performers, 11 concert choir members & 54 family members. Principal Mattis offered the choir $1000 toward the cost of the buses. $150 of that will be used to tip the bus drivers. Discussion followed on how to use the rest of the money. Kim Flood motioned that everyone currently riding the bus get a $9 refund. Yvonne Peraino seconded. Motion was passed. The money will be distributed on the morning of the trip. There are still seats available on the bus. These will be offered to the 24 people not currently riding the bus, at a cost of $21 & on a first come first serve basis.
Long discussion took place on how to use the car wash money to subsidize the trip, whether to support only SCA members or all performers. A vote was take but it was deadlocked. More discussion. Jim Peraino made a motion that the SCA give all performers $10. Kathy Mathews seconded. Motion was passed.
New Business
Future Dates / Mr. Schneider’s Report – the manufacturer has stopped making the shirts that the girls choir wears. Mr. Schneider asked if we wanted to buy up the rest of the stock. Ken Hunt asked Mr. Schneider to contact the company to get a price and see if they will give us a deal.
Mr. Schneider suggested the association start a fund to help pay for students who get selected for the regional & state choirs. Nothing was decided on this issue. The discussion will be taken up at a later meeting.
June 5th – Jet Dedication at Veteran’s park, 8:00am
June 9th – Momma Rosa’s Night, beginning at 5:00 or 6:00.
June 21st – Graduation, maximum of 50 students can perform with the choir.
Next Meeting / Adjourned at 8:45pm. Next meeting June 8th at 7pm in the piano room.

Minutes respectfully submitted by

Carol Smith, Secretary.