IBI-ROOS Executive committee
Galway 6 October 2008
Present : Joel Hoffman, Carlos Ventura Soarez, Glenn Nolan, Gregorio Parilla, Rosa Barciela, Sylvie Pouliquen
Status of the actions
Data Management :
In green action closed, in blue actions in progress and action in red the one that need urgent actions to progress
- A data management mailing list to be created: since February 29th: done
- Each institute to look at the user manual to check the format, QC in case there is suggestion for improvement; SP will send an email to get feedback from data managers for IBI
- DEA to be checked by members, Annex A and B to be updated by members who are willing to sign by end of April 2008; SP will send an email to get feedback from members
- Each observation provider to update the Data Centre Inventory with the FTP site for Puertos and Coriolis to integrate the agreed data into the IBI portal;
- P Gorringe/Eurogoos will also provide the list of FTP sites he is already collecting within Seprise so that the transition is done efficiently.done
- Puertos and Coriolis to work on setting up the IBI Portals;
- Product catalogue to be initiated by Ifremer and filled in by IBI Partners. Thomas Loubrieu to set up the catalogue and that members to fill in the product sheet
Progressing through two projects : two proposals are under way one InterREG called Horizon and an FP7 downstream that will be led by an Irish SME.
Rosa mentioned the UK AlgaeRisk project and we suggested that this work is presented at next IBI meeting.
Observing system
It seems that this work is not progressing while there is easy action to move on in particular on providing the 2 year plans at national level. Glenn accepted to start the work of the Obs System we wish for IBi-ROOS with a map that will be complemented by the IBI members by email and will serve as a discussion document at the annual meeting. This could be one element to provide Hans for the GMES in-situ obs EU working group.
River Discharge:
The goal is first to finish the inventory complementing it but the availability to IBI members. Julien Mader/AZTI has to finish this work ( SP to contact by email)
Then at next meeting , depending of this river data availability, we will have to decide whether or not we need to work on hydrological model for the area
Not progressing because we don’t really know what they want. We should discuss with Dave Miles to see what we could make the link with OSPAR…
Model and downscaling
Progressing according to schedule and submitting new proposal to get funds..
- Continuation of ongoing developments at national level;
- Creation of an interactive atlas of modelled areas at IBI web page (Intecmar); Progressing according to schedule . It will be presented at next annual meeting
- Implementation of OpenDAP for model data exchange in the framework of ECOOP (EUROMISS) and IBI-ROOS (future IBI WMS); Within ECOOP a recommendation document is available ( SP to distribute it to document) and should set up the V0 of our IBI-Roos server for model outputs
- Start operationally the ensemble storm surge forecasting (ENSURF) at ECOOP for the IBI area; Progressing according to schedule
- Development of ECOOP V1 (improving existing applications), with the TOP demonstration phase to be set up by the end of 2008, and preparation of V2 based on existing work of NEMO 1/36. Progressing according to schedule
FP7 : a proposal on Downsteam service on HAB will be set up led by an Irish SME connected to shellfish industry. A three day meeting 19th - 21stOctober to write the proposal to be submitted end December
Fix the location ( Brest or Toulouse) and date of next IBI meeting Action Sylvie Joel Dominique