HELD on Friday 6th October, 7.30 PM at Shah Jahan Mosque Woking
PRESENT: Kauser Akhtar (KA), Imam Hashmi (IH), Karen Holdsworth Canon (KHC), Rashid Ali Laher (RAL), Imam Mahboob Rahman (IMR), Dr Zafar Iqbal
APOLOGIES: Br Juel Ahmed (JA), Mushtaq Deshmukh (MD), Dr Humaira Ahmad (DHA)
- Apologies
KA reported that apologies had been received from DHA, JA and MD
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting (Tuesday 22nd August 2017) were accepted and signed by RAL.
- Matters Arising
RAL said Don Mike is Yusuf Islam’s brother in law and the £250 is the contribution from them. RAL will try again some time in the future to get 5K.
KHC needs to give USB to KA with the financial details. / RAL
- Update from Charity commission – registering as a charity
KHC has contacted the Charity Commission (CC), they have to do due diligence on it and so we wait further to hear from them. We should have heard something within the next 4 weeks. KHC to continue being in contact with the CC / KHC
- Finance
- Finance report: KHC said we now have £5,745 in the SMA Bank account
- Funding Update: KA has applied for funding from Councillors for Governance Training, DZI said we are likely to get 3k from the Muslim councillors and others want to fund something which will benefit the wider community and not just one faith group. In future, SMA members should approach their local councillor.
KA has also applied to the Police and Crime Commissioner for funding to deliver some work around 1. Drug awareness, 2. Hate crime, 3. Media training. Waiting to hear back from them.
- Working with Surrey Community Action on Hate crime (bid put in via Karen):
KHC has put in a bid for £50,000 via Surrey Community Action to do some work around Hate Crime in partnership with SMA. DZI and RAL agreed this was a good move as we are not a registered charity and are not able to apply for these funds; we can put on some events and get some funding from SCA to deliver them. In future, once we are registered, we should apply for funding directly for the SMA. / KA
- Events:
- Carers Awareness event
The event date has now been changed to 15th November due to double booking at Park view centre. Timing remains the same (10 am – 2 pm). There will be interpretation in Arabic, Urdu and Bengali throughout the event. Each SMA member should aim to incite at least 5 people from their respective organisations. KA to send out poster and request.
- Shared Outcomes: A project with the Armed Forces for 14-16 year olds.
DZI, KA and DSN met up with Kevin Abraham from the project Shared Outcomes, which is run by the Institute for State Craft (a registered charity) The project is currently working with three schools in Woking with children aged 14-16 providing challenging experiences, work around self-confidence and teambuilding. It is accredited by the Duke of Edenborough.
It is a structured programme delivered by the army.
They would like to work in partnership with SMA next year, subject to funding – possibly with Muslim community leaders.
Some SMA members can attend one of the days to get an insight. KA to arrange with Joanne Johnson.
- Incident Training event update:
The event is tomorrow (7th October), 69 people have booked on. The event will be followed up with Emergency First Aid and Fire and Evacuation training. / KA
- Website: Alternative support
There has been no progress with the website, KA asked for permission to seek alternative support. KA has made an enquiry via Shahid Azeem. All agreed to go ahead with it at minimal cost (between £100 - £200). / KA
- AGM Planning
AGM changed to Wednesday 31st January as there are too many events already organised for November. The 22nd November date will be used for a Management meeting instead.
- Organ Donation
KA met with the Organ nurse at Frimley Park hospital who is trying to reach out to the BME community to donate. RAL said we should organise a meeting internally with the Imams to discuss their position on organ donation along with a Muslim surgeon to give some insight. RAL said there is a need for bereavement support from the Muslim community. This is something we can look into in the New Year. / KA
- Action Log August 2017
- Addressing Islamophobia: already discussed, SMA could produce a leaflet about First Aid, debrillator training etc and give to each mosque.
- Shared Outcomes: Armed Forces– already discussed
- Carers Event: already discussed
- Future meetings
SMA Management committee meeting,
Wednesday 22nd November, 7.00 pm at Shah Jahan mosque library. Please note, we had a meeting scheduled 15th November, that is now cancelled, and will be on the 22nd instead.
Chair Signature………………………………………………………………………Date………………………………….
Chair name (printed………………………………………………………………)
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