Statistical Assignment # 2 (due week 5)

Using the data set included with the Munro textbook andSPSS,answer the following research questions.

Run the appropriate test for each question and interpret the findings.

Provide the SPSS output data with the written interpretation in a word document.(Use Munro andCronktexts for assistance)

(t-test 20 points each)

  1. SPSS Printout5 points
  2. Meets test assumptions--explain 5 points
  3. Interpret statistical output5 points
  4. State a conclusion 5 points
  1. Does being satisfied with current weight differ significantly from satisfaction with weight at age 18?

  1. Dopeople who nevermarried differ significantly from those are married on the positive psychological attitudes total score (total IPPA score)?

The first item for you to discuss is the results of Levene's Test. This test determines whether the two samples have equal variances or not.

In this particular test, the F-value (test statistic) is 0.211, and the corresponding p-value is 0.646. Since this p-value is greater than alpha (assumed to be 0.05), the decision is to fail to reject the null hypothesis. For Levene's Test, the null hypothesis is that the two samples have equal variances, so failing to reject the null hypothesis means that we have equal variances. (Technically, it means that we do not have enough evidence to say that the variances are different, so we proceed as if they are equal.)

Since Levene's Test showed that the variances are equal, you can ignore the whole second line of results in that particular table. You are only interested in the results for the "Equal variances assumed" line.

The two most important numbers remaining on that line are the t-value, and the "sig" value. For this test, the test statistic value is -2.901, and the "sig" value is 0.004. (To some extent, you really only need the "sig" value...the two values say the same thing, just in different ways).

Since the "sig" value of 0.004 is less than the value of alpha (again, assumed to be 0.05), the decision for this test is torejectthe null hypothesis. The null hypothesis for this test was that there was no difference between the two groups' means, and the alternative hypothesis is that thereisa difference. Since we reject the null hypothesis, we conclude that there is sufficient evidence at the 0.05 level of significance to support a claim that there is a statistically significant difference in the total IPAA scores for those who are married and those who were never married.

Statistics Help For Students.(2008).What are t-tests for independent and paired samples? Retrieved from