The Crisis Intervention Team needs additional CIT Officers. Patrol Officers who are interested in joining the CIT program should read this Information Bulletin in its entirety and submit an application form.

Station Commanders, Station and COACT Supervisors

  • CIT Applications must be completed and returned to Major Robert Vaughn, Crisis Coordinator,no later than May 16, 2011.
  • CIT Application Formsare attached to this bulletin. Please have sufficient copies printed and made available to Uniform Patrol Officers. Please also send copies to COACT units.
  • Please notify officers who may be away from their shift assignment on vacation, sick, OJI,in training, or on TA's and TL’s.

Crisis Intervention Team Training is scheduled for three Training Sessions (40 hours each)

  • July 18-22, 2011
  • October 24 - 28, 2011
  • October 31 - November 4, 2011
  • Training location is the MPDTrainingAcademy
  • If there are more applicants than available positions then successful applicants will be placed on a roster for anticipated classes in 2012.

Note: COACT Officers are to apply throughtheir appropriate Uniform Patrol Stations.

Thefilling of CIT positions will follow the guidelines outlined in this Information Bulletin. The final determination in filling CIT vacancies will be based on the current andprojected need assessment of the Uniform Patrol Division.

  • Officers who are qualified and serveas an active CIT Officer will be compensated with “Hazardous Duty Pay.”
  • Important Consideration for Supervisors: Plan for the possibility of one or more officers attending the one-week training sessions.

CIT Qualifications & Stipulations

  1. Eligible/Qualified Applicants are:

a)Officers that are assigned to a “home” bid position (or temporary position for probationary officers)in the Uniform Patrol Division. Officers must be assigned to an enforcement status and respond to dispatched calls.

b)Commissioned Status: Must be commissioned at least one year and off probationprior tothe first day of the CIT training session attended.

  1. Applicant’s last performance evaluation will be reviewed. Officers without an annual evaluation will be considered based on other recordsanddocuments. Prior experience and education in areas of psychology or counseling may be considered.
  1. Applicants must have a satisfactory record under the provisions of the Department's Sick Abuse Policy. Applicants who have recorded six (6) sick occurrences or more within the past 12-month timeperiod (up to May 16, 2011) and such occurrences have been substantiated or listed as a sick occurrence within the intent of the “Sick Abuse Policy” will be disqualified.
  1. Applicant’s disciplinary record will be reviewed in consideration for selection. In determining whether an officer's disciplinary record is acceptable, only disciplinary action that was administered within the previous three (3) years will be considered. A Deputy Chief(s) will hold a disciplinary review of each applicant. Any pending administrative action(s) may be considered within the scope of this process. Supervisors may be asked to submit comments and recommendations regarding the applicant’s past work performance and CIT suitability. The final decision of the disciplinary review will be under the authority of the reviewing Deputy Chief(s).
  1. Applicants are to participate in an interview process. Applicants may have to attend interviews on their own time without compensation. The CIT Interview Board will consist of at least two current active CIT Officers and the Crisis Coordinator. The CIT Interview Board will rank (score) each applicant's interview.
  1. CIT Applicants will be competing for Station/Shift/Workstation CIT positions.
  1. After meeting qualifications outlined in this bulletin, the final selection of CIT positions will be based on the Department’s need for new CIT Officers according to Stations and Shifts. Filling a CIT position will be in accordance to the ranking of officers during the CIT selection process. Officers that successfully complete the CIT process, but are not selected because of limited (number) positions will be held over for positions in future CIT classes.
  1. CIT Officers must successfully complete the designated forty-hour (40) CIT Training to be CIT certified.
  1. Active CertifiedCIT Officers may bid on any qualifying bid position, but will be subject to the below "CIT Status" stipulation:
  • CIT Status: If a CIT Officer “bids” to a shift that currently has sufficient CIT Officers working, then the bidding CIT Officer may be placed on InactiveCIT status, forfeiting Hazardous Duty Pay.
  • The Inactive Officer may resume Active CIT Status by either filling a vacant CIT opening on their current shift, or bidding to an available shift that is in need of a CIT officer.
  1. CIT Officers are not allowed to hold Work Station positions that prohibit or significantly interfere with the CIT responsibility of answering crisis-dispatched calls citywide. Selection of applicants will be based on an officer's qualifications and the Department’s CIT selection process. COACT Officers are required, as other CIT Officers, to respond to calls that are dispatched according to Communications Policy and Procedure as written for an appropriate Crisis Intervention Team response(citywide response).
  1. All CIT Officers must complete requirements necessary to carry designated CIT equipment – i.e. SL-6 and/or any other designated less-lethal equipment.
  1. All CIT Officers are subject to all CIT crisis calls – citywide.


  • Officers must submit a CIT Application throughthe Station Commander’s Office.
  • CIT Training (40 hours) is scheduled for three sessions in 2011.
  • CIT Interviews will be scheduled forMay/June,2011 – officers will be notified of exact dates.


This bulletin shall remain in effect until revoked or superseded by competent authority.

  • See Attachment: Crises Intervention Team Application 2011

This has been reviewed by the Accreditation Team and does not conflict with any CALEA Standard.

Distribution “A”


(Return to Supervisor immediately)

Application Deadline is May 16, 2011

Name: ______IBM:______

(Print Name - Last, First)

Your Current Assigned Station: ______

Your Current Shift Assignment or work hours: ______

Please indicate if you have received a new Bid Assignment but have not been placed:

New Bid (Station / Shift)

Are you currently on a “TA” or “TL” Assignment(circle one)Yes No

If “Yes” (TA/TL Assignment) Where?______

YourRDO Section (circle one) A B C

Commission date as a Memphis Police Officer:______

Memphis Police Department Class Session (Number): ______

Number of years / months as a MPD Commissioned Officer:______/______

CIT Summary Information

  • CIT Training (40 hours) is scheduled for July 18, Oct. 24 , and Oct. 31, 2011.
  • Officers (Applicants) will be notified as to scheduled interviews (dates and times).
  • Please read Information Bulletin: Crisis Intervention Team Application 2011.
  • Optional: Please write on the back of this page any previous work experiences, college credit, or interest that would be relative to crisis intervention training and/or mental illnesses in general.
  • Application deadline is May 16, 2011.