Staten Island Rotary Newsletter

Meeting of July 8, 2008

Guest speaker for July 15 2008

AssemblyMan Matthew Titone

Pledge- Ted Perednia

Invocation- Dr. Abdul Rehman

Four Way Test- Past President Sam Farag

Song- no song

Seated at the Dais:

President Ralph Santiago

Past District Governor Don Lee

Laurie Karelas

Joe Marchese

Past President Mark Scamardella


Elaine Wilkinson introuduced this weeks guests which included:

Vince Giuffre, Annette Tuzzo, Don Siracusa, Greg Alvarez, Susan Fenley, Dean Balsamini

Club Announcements

On To Bermuda

On to Bermuda trip will be held at the Fairmont South Hampton

8 day trip is October 19-26

$1150.00 per person

5 day trip is October 22-26

$719.00 per person

On to Bermuda Raffle

First prize “On to Bermuda Vacation”

5 days, 4 nights for two at the luxurious Fairmont Southampton

October 22 to October 26 2008

Airfare for two included

Donation $5.00

Book of 5 tickets $20.00

Club to Retain $10.00 per book

Biggest Loser Contest

Results of the biggest loser contest are as follows:

1st- John Tapinis

2nd John Caplan

3rd Nicole Malliotakis


To those who participated

New Member Induction

Lou DeMartino announced that we are inducting two new members

Lou introduced Bob Scamardella who inducted Susan Fenley. Bob presented Susan with her pin and badge.

Lou DeMartino introduced past district governor Don Lee who inducted Ted Perednia. Don presented Ted with his pin and badge.

Both new Rotarians were welcomed

Ocean city trip-

OceanCity golf trip is September 5 2008. Checks are to be made out to McDermott & Thomas Associates

Flyer Below

Get well wishes

The Staten Island Rotary sends get well wishes to Nick LiGreci

Family Night At The Ballpark

Ralph Santiago announced that we are planning a rotary night at the Richmond county ballpark. Detail to Follow.


Nicole Malliotakis ran this week’s successful sunshine. Thanks to Nicole on a job well done.


Rotary speech inspires Islander to head to Nigeria to give polio shots

The special program seen by members of the Rotary Club of Staten Island at their weekly meeting yesterday was powerful enough to motivate one member to trek to Nigeria. For 20-plus years, Rotary International has been one of the leading partners in eradicating the polio virus, having raised more than $700 million and helping to relegate the disease to endemic levels in just four countries. George Camp, a past president of the Rotary Club of Ossining, Westchester County, delivered the presentation, telling members about a recent volunteer trip he took with the Rotary to Bangladesh, to help vaccinate children. Lori Karelas, a nurse from Todt Hill and member of the Rotary Club of Staten Island, was so moved by the talk that she plans to go on the next volunteer trip, this time to Nigeria, in October or November. After previously seeing Camp give a similar presentation in upstate Saratoga Springs, Ms. Karelas said, "Instantly, I felt this was my soul's purpose, it just grabbed me. I think it will be a life-changing experience." Polio cases have declined 99.8 percent since 1988, and today the disease is endemic in only four countries: Pakistan, India, Nigeria and Bangladesh. Rotarian volunteers from all over the world travel to these places, spending one week vaccinating children and a second touring other Rotary goodwill projects, such as hospital and groundwater well construction. Volunteers finance the trips out of their own pockets. During his presentation, Camp recalled the hardships he saw in Bangladesh: The annual per capita income is $150 and 80 percent of the water supply is contaminated by arsenic. Bangladesh's astonishing birth rate of 500,000 per month is also challenging. But he also recalled the positive experiences, saying the people were the nicest he ever met in his life. "Many of the children will actually walk up to you with their mouths open like little birds," Camp said, as they waited to receive the oral vaccination. Through its PolioPlus program, Rotary works with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to inoculate children and raise money. PolioPlus was launched in 1985, and recently received a $100 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which Rotary will match over the next three years.

Make- ups:

If you miss a meeting and wish to make it up, you can attend one of the following meetings:

NorthShore Rotary- Thursdays at 7 pm at the Staaten Restaurant, Forest Ave

SouthShore Rotary- Thursdays at 12:15 at the Marina Grande

Mid Island Rotary- Wednesdays at 7:30 am at the Dakota Diner, Forest Ave

Gateway Rotary- Wednesdays at 7:15 pm at the LakeClub, Clove Rd

Make- up attendance must be recorded properly. All make-up cards must be turned in to Sam Farag. Please do not drop them in the box.

Upcoming Guest Speakers:

July 22- Early onset Diabetes, Carmen Torrado, Jule, MD SIUH

July 28- Club Assembly

August 5- Assemblyman Michael Cusick

August 12- Toastmasters trivia contest

August 19- New York State Senator Diane Savino

August 26- Kamillah Hanks. Executive Director, Downtown Staten Island Council

*Newsletter chair Gladys Schweiger requests that all members notify her of their e- mail address if they haven't already done so. Please e- mail it to .*