State Water Resources Control Board Division of Financial Assistance
Small Community Wastewater Grant Program Questionnaire
We seek your input and comments on the implementation of the upcoming cycle of funding under the SCWG program. Please see the Small Community Wastewater Grant Program Supplement to Questionnaire handout for a description of the program background and key implementation issues.
- Please provide any ideas you may have on how we can maximize the awareness of this funding opportunity to all eligible communities and sewer districts. We also seek ideas on notifying those communities that do not currently have wastewater collection and/or treatment facilities.
- The process of developing the priority list relies on the work of each Regional Water Board in identifying eligible candidates. Please provide any comments you may have regarding the effectiveness of this process and include suggestions on how to improve this process.
- Please provide any ideas on ensuring that the statewide priority list reflects the most serious concerns, issues and priorities facing small community wastewater districts.
- Please provide any ideas and suggestions regarding the proposed system for Project Classification and Project Priority Ranking Systems.
- Please provide any concerns and/or comments on DFA staffs recommendation to create a new priority criteria (Communities Lacking Adequate Sewers or with Population Growth Pressures) for the project priority ranking system.
- Please provide any suggestions on how else to incorporate the priorities required by Public Resource Code Section 30925 into the project priority ranking system.
- We intend to provide outreach to small communities to help ensure that all small communities have an equal opportunity to participate in this funding program. Please provide any suggestions or comments on how to effectively address this issue.
- Please provide any suggestions or comments on how to effectively address Environmental Justice considerations.
- Please provide any comments on the proposed list of eligible/ineligible project costs.
- Please provide any comments you have regarding the maximum amount of funding that may be provided for each community under this program.
- Please provide any comments you have regarding the proposed sliding scale of funding (based on community MHI) that would be used to determine the percentage of total projects costs fundable under the SCWG program.
- Please list any suggestions, ideas or concerns that might be helpful to effectively implement the SCWG program.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. The information you provide will be used to help make this program responsive to the needs of small, economically disadvantaged communities. We would like to receive your comments by April 1st.
Please email your response Rachel Bosworth (). If you prefer, you may fax or mail your response to the following address:
NRWQCB Attn: Rachel Bosworth FAX: (707) 523-0135
c/o SWRCB Small Community Grants Progam
5550 Skylane Blvd., Suite A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Please be sure include your name, organization, address, and telephone number with all mailed in questionnaires.