OCTOBER 14, 2009


PLEAST NOTE: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the agenda or attachments, please contact the Superintendent prior to the meeting.

NOTE: Be advised that the Board may recess into executive session at anytime during the meeting.


ROLL CALL:Mr. Robert AndersonMr. John Ondrof

Mr. Lawrence BongiovanniMr. Richard Vartan

Dr. Richard EvansMr. Jerome Winston

Mr. Joseph MorrisMr. Bruce Young

Mr. Raymond Muszynski


In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Meetings Act the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by posting the date, time and location of said meeting with the Clerks of the Boroughs of Carlstadt and East Rutherford and by mailing notification to the Board’s official newspaper.

A copy of the agenda was attached to the aforementioned notice and is also available on the Becton Regional High School website –


Move to approve the minutes of the following meetings:


Work Action SessionSeptember 2, 2009

Regular Action SessionSeptember 9, 2009

Executive Sessions:August 12, 20097:34 p.m.

August 12, 20098:32 p.m.

September 2, 20099:25 p.m.

September 9, 20097:36 p.m.

September 9, 20098:35 p.m.

Mr. Anderson ___Mr. Morris___Mr. Vartan ___

Mr. Bongiovanni ___Mr. Muszynski___Mr. Winston ___

Dr. Evans ___Mr. Ondrof___Mr. Young ___


Tenzin Deyang


Mr. Nicholas Annitti


Mr. Paul J. Saxton


Presented by Mr. David Mango, Principal



Move that the board approve Motions #B1 through #B10 as before each member:


B1.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the following Resolution No. 137-09-10 as before each member:

RESOLUTION NO. 137 – 09 – 10

Submission of the Comprehensive Maintenance Plan

WHEREAS, the Department of Education requires New Jersey School Districts to submit three-year maintenance plans documenting “required” maintenance activities for each of its public school facilities, and

WHEREAS, the required maintenance activities as listed in the attached document for the school facility the of Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional High School District are consistent with these requirements, and

WHEREAS, all past and planned activities are reasonable to keep school facilities open and safe for use or in their original condition and to keep their system warranties valid,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional High School District hereby authorizes the School business administrator to submit the attached Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional High School district in compliance with the Department of Education requirements. ATTACHMENT#1

B2.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board authorize Nicholas Annitti, Business Administrator, to submit the Annual FacilitiesChecklist, Health and Safety Evaluation of School Building,” to the Executive County Superintendent’s Office for approval. This is a pre-requirement for QSAC. ATTACHMENT #2

B3.That the Board approves the requests of the following dance studios to use the facilities on the following dates in accordance with Policy No. 7510.



Ultimate DanceMarch 12, 13, 14, 2010$16,000.00

Montessori SchoolApril 9, 2010$ 250.00

Ticket to BroadwayApril 10, 11, 2010$13,500.00

Dancers Inc.May 14, 15, 16, 2010$11,500.00

Mariann School of DanceMay 17, 18, 19, 20, 1010$ 3,100.00

Center StageMay 22, 23, 2010$ 5,950.00

Pamela JelotteMay 21, 22, 2010$ 4,200.00

Robyn D’Angelo June 3, 6, 2010$ 4,200.00

D3 DancenterJune 4, 5, 2010$ 4,800.00

Edie’s Dance FactoryJune 10, 12, 2010$ 4,500.00

Starz Performing ArtsJune 18, 19, 2010$ 6,350.00

Dance Art CenterJune 25, 25, 27, 2010$ 7,100.00

B4.That the Board approves the request of the East Rutherford School, Class of 2010 GraduationCommittee to use the gymnasium and cafeteria on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 for their annual volleyball game fundraiser from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. A Certificate of Insurance is required.

B5.That the Board concurs with the actions of the Business Administrator in granting the request of Frances Alberta, St. Joseph School Principal, to use a bus and driver on Monday, October 5, 2009 to transport students, teachers and chaperons to Haven Hill Farm, Vernon, NJ. The fee will be $125.00 and a Certificate of Insurance is required.

B6.That the board approves the request of Chief Larry Minda, East Rutherford Police Department, to use the cafeteria on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to host the annual PBA Senior/Senior Prom. A Certificate of Insurance is required.

B7.That the Board concur with the actions of the Business Administrator approving the request of Chief Larry Minda, East Rutherford Police Department, for the officers to use the gymnasium on Tuesday evenings beginning September 29, 2009 to practice basketball for the annual student police fund raisers. A Certificate of Insurance is required. The officers will be scheduled around school activities.

B8.That the Board approves the request of Robert Kein and Fred Meo, Carlstadt/East RutherfordJunior Wildcats Wrestling, to use the gymnasium on the following Wednesday evenings from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for pre-season practices. A Certificate of Insurance is required.

October 21, 2009November 11, 2009

October 28, 2009November 18, 2009

November 4, 2009

B9.That the Board approves the request of Robert Kein and Fred Meo, Carlstadt/East RutherfordJunior Wildcats Wrestling, to use facility on the following dates and times: A Certificate of Insurance is required.

Meet/Tournament Dates:

January 9, 2010 Saturday6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

January 16Saturday6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

February 6Saturday6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

February 18Thursday5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

February 21Sunday6:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

B10.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the contract with SchoolDude to provide the following technology support services for cost not to exceed $1,500.00 for a nine (9) month prorated beginning 10/01.09 through June 30, 2010.

Maintenance Direct$448.50

Maintenance Direct – setup and unlimited

Online quickstart training$235.00

PM Direct (Preventive Maintenance)$179.25

PM Direct – setup and unlimited online

qucikstart training$100.00

IT Direct $448.50

IT Direct – setup and unlimited online

quickstart training$250.00

Discount (15% first year discount on IMMS

Services, excluding setup and training fees -$161.43

TOTAL $1,499.82

Mr. Anderson ___Mr. Morris___Mr. Vartan ___

Mr. Bongiovanni ___Mr. Muszynski___Mr. Winston ___

Dr. Evans ___Mr. Ondrof___Mr. Young ___

PERSONNEL (Mr. Muszynski)

Move that the board approve Motions #P1 and #P7as before each member:


P1.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the request of Jennifer Mead to take aMaternity leave of absence in the following manner:

Four (4) week disability leave beginning January 15, 2010

Twelve (12 week under the New Jersey Family Leave Act.

Three (3) weeks additional unpaid child-rearing leave.

P2.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Michele Ferris to take an unpaid leave of absence to commence on October 12, 2009 until October 23, 2009 under the New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFMLA). Letter Attached

P3.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the following substitute teacher for the 2009/10 school year:

Justine Hediger

P4.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board appoint Edward Suri to the supplemental position of Football-Assistant for the 2009/10 school year at a stipend of $5,299.

P5.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board appoint Dennis McSweeney to the supplemental position of Boys Soccer 1st Assistant for the 2009/2010 school year at a stipend of $4,552.00.

P6.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the services of James Bononno in administrator CPR/AED training to our district coaches and volunteer coaches at a rate of $40.00 per coach (approximately 20 coaches $800.00). All coaches are required to be trained with CPR/AED this is not optional and must be completed immediately.

P7.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the employment of John Solimine, substitute bus driver at the hourly rate of $19.00, effective November 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 pending completion of medical examination. Criminal history review has been completed.

Mr. Anderson ___Mr. Morris___Mr. Vartan ___

Mr. Bongiovanni ___Mr. Muszynski___Mr. Winston ___

Dr. Evans ___Mr. Ondrof___Mr. Young ___

EDUCATION (Mr. Vartan)

Move that the board approve Motions #E1 and #E26 as before each member:


E1Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approves the following

District Goals for the 2009 – 2010 school year:

  1. To develop the Regional office of Curriculum and Instruction. The Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional Board of Education’s and its Administrator’s, recognizing the need to educate all students of the Carlstadt and East Rutherford communities on a Pre-K thru 12 continuum, support the formation, development and implementation of the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Office of Curriculum and Instruction. The mission of this office is as follows:
  • Develop a scope of sequence of content objectives for Pre-K thru 12 grades in the Carlstadt-East Rutherford Regional School Districts
  • To improve curriculum development articulation and implementation and
  • To explore the development of successful instructional practices through professional development activities
  1. Writing across the curriculum, utilizing the core contents standard that exists in our English 9 thru 12 programs, we will develop in-service training for staff in writing across the curriculum to improve the writing skills of all students in 9 thru 12. As an outgrowth of this particular program, we will develop an instructional handbook in English for writing across

the curriculum to be used as a resource guide for all students and staff. Additionally, students in grade 11 will demonstrate an average growth of 10% (HSPA) over their corresponding language art test scores in grade 8 on the state assessment data utilized.

  1. Students in grade 11 will demonstrate in math an average growth of 10% (HSPA) over their corresponding test scores in grade 8 on the State Assessment Data.
  1. To develop and implement an emergency response and general communication program so the school district can effectively communicate to all of its constituencies, students, parents and staff, areas of general information and also areas of emergency response.
  1. Student Handbook – Develop a student handbook for all students in grades 9 thru 12, that will be used as both their resource guides outlining the school rules, procedures and Board Policies, regarding the operation of the school district and expectations of student behavior. The handbook would also be an assignment guide where students would be able to keep track of their assignments and establish a time management program for their different activities.
  1. Develop an online preventative maintenance program for the district in order for the facility to maintain all of the operational needs of all mechanical equipment that exist in the building.
  1. Develop an online maintenance work order system to be utilized by staff and faculty in fulfilling the operational needs of the physical plant.
  1. To implement a student information system (Genesis), that provides staff with a web based student data information program for recording attendance, grades, student discipline and all basic information as it relates to our student population. This program will also provide a parent porthole and provide parent access to student records and attendance on a daily basis.
  1. Develop a college handbook for students who are in the process of making application to college that will assist them as a resource guide in development of that application and processing it as well.
  1. District Website – Develop a district website that provides parents and staff with current information regarding district operations and programs and assist the district in establishing an effective communication program.

E2.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board approve the request of Dana Milazzo and Kathryn Scalera to take fifty (50) Student Council and Cheerleading students to the Annual Children’s Holiday Party, Meadowland Racetrack, East Rutherford, NJ on Monday, December 14, 2009 to provide a day of fun for 1,400 under-privileged children. Two (2) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($170.00). Transportation is requested of the Board.

E3.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Victoria Bonfrisco and Kathryn Scalera to take twenty (20) Journalism and Newspaper students to NBC Studios, NewYork , NY, on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 to expose students to broadcast journalism. Two (2) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($170.00). Transportation is requested of the Board.

E4.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Michele Ferris, Gianfranco Maucione and Kyle Mendelsohn to take seventy (70) Supplemental Math students to Bergen PAC, Englewood, NJ on Thursday, November 19, 2009 to expose students to a mathematical production. Three (3) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($255.00). Transportation is requested of the Board.

E5.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Bill Carr to take fifteen (15) APUSH, AP US Government and Politics and Debate students to Yale Model Congress, New Haven, CT to participate in a federal government simulation. The trip will depart on Thursday, December 3, 2009 and return on Sunday, December 6, 2009. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. Transportation is requested of the Board.

E6.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Kristen Hopper and Wilma Tripodi to take Italian 1, 2 and 4 students to Ellis Island on Friday, October 23, 2009 to prepare students for a class project on Italian immigration. Two (2) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($170.00). Transportation is requested of the Board.

E7.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Karen Cucci to take thirteen (13) Geometry A students to William Paterson University on Friday, November 13, 2009 to attend the Math Fair. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. Transportation is requested of the Board.

E8.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Dawn Savincki to take one hundred (100) art, crafts, drama, music and creative writing students to Bergen Community College on Friday, May 21, 2010 to attend the Teen Arts Festival to expose students to fine/performing arts activities. The trip will depart Becton at 8:15 a.m. and return at 2:45. Transportation and a registration fee of $350.00 are requested of the Board. Five (6) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each ($510.00).

E9.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Linda Dumansky to attend the BLS for Healthcare Provider class for CPR certification renewal, on Friday, November 13, 2009. A registration fee of $65.00 is requested of the Board.

E10.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Gina Annitti and Myrta Defendini to attend the computer workshop entitled, “The New Microsoft Office 2007”, presented by Bergen County Educational Technology Training Center, Rochelle Park, NJ. Gina Annitti will attend the workshop on Thursday, October 15, 2009 and Myrta Defendini will attend on Monday, January 18, 2010. Two (2) substitutes will be needed at a cost of $85.00 each ($170.00). A registration fee of $60.00 each ($120.00) is requested of the Board.

E11.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Jonna Calvanico to attend the Director of Guidance meeting on Friday, September 11, 2009. There is no cost to the Board.

E12.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Jonna Calvanico to attend the Financial Aid Workshop, Bergen Community College, on Tuesday, October 27, 2009. There is no cost to the Board.

E13.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Joseph Zelanis to attend the workshop entitled “Students as Digital Learners in 21st Century Learning Environments”, on Wednesday, October 28, 2009. One (1) substitute’s will be needed at the cost of $85.00. There is no registration fee.

E14.that the Board approve the request of Angela Gonzo to attend the 29th Annual Bilingual/ESL Conference, William Paterson University, on Friday, December 4, 2009. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. A registration fee of $135.00 is requested of the Board.

E15.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Donna Holland to attend “AP French Language and Composition for Teachers” conference, on Saturday, November 7. 2009. A registration fee of $200.00 is requested of the Board.

E16.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Kyle Mendelsohn to attend the seminar entitled “Practical Guidance on Section 504 in New Jersey”, in Parsippany, NJ, on Friday, November 13, 2009, to aid in my participation on the I&RS committee. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. A registration fee of $178.00 is requested of the Board.

E17.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Donna Edone to attend a two (2) day seminar sponsored by Gear Up Tax on Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24, 2009 to receive updates on payroll, taxes, W-2 forms, 1099’s and tax law. There is no cost to the Board.

E18.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Amanda Colangelo to attend the Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator workshop sponsored by the Bergen County Educational Technology Training Center, Tuesday, November 24, 2009, Rochelle Park, NJ. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. A registration fee of $60.00 is requested of the Board.

E19.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Marc Caprio to attend the College Board’s Fall Counselor Workshop at Seton Hall University on Thursday, October 1, 2009 and the ACT College and Career Readiness Workshop at Ramapo College on Friday, October 16, 2009. There is no cost to the Board.

E20.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Belinda Cannarozzi, Kyle Mendelsohn, James Serafin and Janine Tokarski to attend the workshop entitled “Using Differentiated Instruction to Support Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms (K-12), sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Education, Special Education Programs. The workshop will take place at Mercer County Technical School, Pennington, NJ on. Tuesday, October 27, 2009, Wednesday, October 28, 2009, Wednesday, December 9, 2009, Tuesday, March 16, 2010. A registration fee of $60.00 each ($240.00) is requested of the Board. Four (4) substitutes will be needed at the cost of $85.00 each for each conference date ($1,360.00).

E21.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Michael Cantatore to attend the AP Physics workshop on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at Stuyvesant High School, New York City. A registration fee of $200.00 and travel expenses in the amount of $13.00 (bus and subway) is requested of the Board. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. ATTACHMENT ##

E22.Upon the recommendation of the Superintendentthat the Board approve the request of Kathryn Scalera to attend the conference entitled “What’s New in Young Adult Literature and How to Use it in Your Program (Grade 6-12), sponsored by Bureau of Education Research, on Wednesday, January 13, 2010, Newark Airport’s Holiday Inn, Newark, NJ. One (1) substitute will be needed at the cost of $85.00. A registration fee of $199.00 is requested of the Board.