State of Play INSPIRE and NSDI

Draft Questionnaire for the Detailed Survey 2009-2010

(Final version 3.0 – 30/10/2009)

Title of the proposed survey: Coordination, funding and sharing measures

Focus of this survey is on the current status of INSPIRE implementation and the implementation process. The survey aims to collect information on the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive, the set-up of coordination structures and specific INSPIRE bodies (and their responsibilities), the way they work and the way tasks are distributed amongst the stakeholders. The survey also collects information on the strategy developed for a smooth implementation of INSPIRE, the measures taken to fund specific aspects related to the set-up of INSPIRE components (e.g. budget for coordination body, for implementing Implementing Rules on Metadata, for harmonising and transforming existing data sets) and the measures taken to improve data and service sharing, including the encountered or expected problems.

  1. Transposition status of INSPIRE
  • What is the status of the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive

Draft text

Final text

Final text voted (only if the Directive is transposed in law)

Final text published

  • Does there exist sub-national legislation related to INSPIRE too (e.g. at the level of the regions, provinces)?
  • Please provide the document(s) or give a reference where to find it.
  • What were the major problems to overcome during the transposition phase? Which were the articles of the Directive that caused the biggest headaches and why?
  • Was the transposition incorporated in existing legislation? Were (or will) any other existing laws/decrees/… changed due to INSPIRE? If so, which ones? If not, is there a need to do so?
  1. Implementation Strategy
  • Is there a strategy document regarding the INSPIRE implementation? Please provide this (these) document(s)?

On organizational issues?

On technological aspects?

  • Is there an implementation plan (different from the strategic document(s)) that describes the implementation steps?
  • Who has been involved in developing this strategy (Please tick all the relevant boxes)?


National government

State (provincial) government

Local government

Utility and public services


Public and private institutions

Commercial and professional users

No one

Not applicable

Others, specify …….

  • Is the funding policy defined for INSPIRE implementation? Are there specific funds foreseen for the implementation? If so, how much?

Is the funding (Please tick all the relevant boxes):

For the coordinating body/structure

For metadata creation

For data harmonization or transformation

For service development

For setting-up registers

For other components of the infrastructure (e.g. monitoring and reporting): …..

  • What are the sources of the funding (Please tick all the relevant boxes)?

International governments

National government

State government (Regional)

Provincial (Kreis)

Agency budget

(Inter)national grant/project

Private sector donations

Not relevant (no basic funding)

Others, please specify

  • Based on your experience, what is the key strategy that you would recommend for the implementation of INSPIRE?
  1. Coordination and Cooperation
  • Is there a specific coordinating structure/body established to implement INSPIRE?



If there is no coordinating structure (yet), why is this so? What are the main obstacles in setting-up such a structure?

  • Is an existing organization appointed to take the lead or to act as coordinating body?


  • How many stakeholders are involved in the coordination? Can you also list them or give a reference to a document/portal where this information can be found? Which of the following sectors are involved:

Private sector



Other: ………………………………………….

Which of the following levels of authority are involved in the coordination?




Other: ………………………………………….

  • Which organizations of your country are the most active in complying with INSPIRE? Which initiatives did they take to cope with INSPIRE?
  • Which professional sector of your country has been the most influential in the preparation of INSPIRE implementation?
  • Where do you think there are still ineffective structures/operations?
  • Did you observe organizations (both public and private) that changed their internal structures and activities in order to cope with INSPIRE? Can you give examples? Did you also observe changes in management or policies within organizations (can you give examples)?
  1. Measures to improve data and service sharing
  • Have specific measures been taken – or are already present to improve access to and sharing of spatial data? Can you list and explain these measures? Did you encounter problems when preparing these measures, or do you expect such problems?
  • How is access to spatial data sets falling under one of the 34 INSPIRE themes regulated? (tick all that may apply) Is this the same for all themes? Is this specific for certain data sets / data providers / data user types? Explain with examples to indicate specific policies and/or indicate general trends in the country.

Unrestricted public access

Unavailable for external use

Selective / limited by policy

Ad hoc/ by individual request

Other (please specify)

  • Have any of the following measures been taken. Explain them:

Giving on-line access to the public for INSPIRE data sets

Elimination of existing restrictions when using the data

Set-up of standard agreements/licenses for all or groups of stakeholders, including a description of the use conditions

Changes in pricing mechanisms (e.g. making data sets for free)


  • Are any of the reasons that can be invoked - according to the Directive – to limit public access to certain data sets currently applied? Can you give examples of such data sets?

Which of the reasons (Art. 13 of INSPIRE Directive)

Confidentiality of the proceedings of public authorities

International relations, public security or national defence

Course of justice

Confidentiality of commercial or industrial information

Intellectual property rights

Confidentiality of personal data

Protection of information provided on a voluntary basis

Protection of the environment

Did this change recently (or will this change) with the implementation of INSPIRE?

  • Do any of the following restrictions to data sharing between public authorities currently apply for certain data sets? Can you give examples of such data sets?

International relations

Public security

National defence

Course of justice

  1. Other questions
  • Do you have a national geo-portal, in the sense of a single entry point to data and services, for INSPIRE? Is this portal only addressing INSPIRE or the broader NSDI (if any difference exists)? How frequent is the website updated? (daily, weekly, monthly, twice a year, yearly, …) What is the number of data sets that can be




  • Which initiatives/changes to cope with INSPIRE have been completed? Which ones are still on hold (and why)? Are there any uncertainties that you are confronted with (which ones)?
  • What is the main success that INSPIRE has achieved so far for your country?