TEL.# 508-675-8202

Michael C. Ward, Principal

Kathleen Cobb, Vice Principal

September 24, 2013

Dear Families and Friends:

THANK YOU to all the family and friends who attended the Open House. It was a great outcome. The Spencer Borden Staff is extremely proud to have had the chance to meet and see you doing your part by being part of your child’s education.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, the only day on which we collect money for lunch. The prices are for five days: Lunch $7.50, Reduced lunch - $2.00, Milk - $1.25. Breakfast is free for everyone, just show up! If you received free or reduced lunch last year, you will continue to receive it this year, until the Lunch Forms are processed.

Thursday, September 26th will be Picture Day! Please bring in the picture order form envelope on Thursday. If you need an extra envelope we have some in the office. Also, it is a Dress Down Day for students on Picture Day.

Wednesday, October 2nd is International Walk to School Day. If families are interested, Mr. Ward and staff will be meeting with students at the old Highland School at the corner of Robeson Street and Stanley Street to participate in this event. The walkers will leave promptly at 8:00 A.M. in order to get to school on time. Hope to see students there!

On Thursday, September 26th there will be two Dreambox Informational Sessions for Parents from 3:30 – 4:30 P.M. and then again from 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. This will be an evening in which parents can have their questions answered and learn what it is like to navigate through the Dreambox Math Computer Program.

The first PTO Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 17th in the cafeteria. The meeting will begin at 5:30 P.M. We hope to see many family and friends attend the meeting.

Dismissal Time is 2:52. The Spencer Borden School will not allow students to be dismissed from school unless there is a doctor’s appointment scheduled or if there is a family emergency. If your child does have a doctor’s appointment please bring in the appointment card to show proof of the appointment.

Candy Sale will kickoff on Friday, October 4th. The Spencer Borden School has two major fundraisers: Candy Sale and the Cookie Dough Fundraiser in the spring. The fundraiser will begin on Monday, October 7th and will run through Monday, October 28th. Top three sellers will receive great money prizes! Please help Spencer Borden raise money for school projects, events, resources, etc. Thank you to all that participate.

Please help us to keep your children safe! At the end of the day, please wait behind the white line/cones on Chestnut Street for your children’s teachers to dismiss your children to you. If you start crowding near the exit, teachers cannot see where your children are going.

On Small Street, please wait on the walkway near the playground or on President Avenue, not the door. Please do not enter the building at the end of the day (unless there is an emergency), as this can cause confusion at dismissal time. Teachers will bring the children out to you.

Spencer Borden is a peanut-safe school. The Spencer Borden highly recommends that students do not bring any food products that contain peanuts due to the number of peanut allergies in the building. Additionally, if a classroom has a student with a peanut allergy then that classroom is a peanut free classroom. A letter has been sent home to all families and friends to inform you if your child’s classroom is peanut free. Please do not send any peanut/nut containing products for your child to eat during snack in the classroom.

Please submit your Box Top Summer Collection (200 Box Tops) to be eligible for the Pizza Party.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concern about school policies, please feel free to contact the school at 508-675-8202.


Michael Ward and Kate Cobb