FEBRUARY 27, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Mertens (Ramsey), Gail Pearson (Cavalier), Sharon Hendrickson (Towner), Judy Allmaras (Eddy), Phil Langerud (Ramsey), Jolene LaVallie (Rolette), Lois Jacobson (Eddy)

MEMBERS ABSENT: Dwain Brown (Benson),, Shelly Kallenbach (Benson),

Scott Ramsey (Rolette), Verna Martz (Towner), Dawn Roppel (Cavalier)

STAFF PRESENT: Perry Lundon, Executive Director, Llanny Duhamel, Deputy

Director, Marlene Young, Secretary/Fiscal Aide, Janet Hannesson, CSBG Program Coordinator

CALL TO ORDER: Perry Lundon, Board Chair, called the meeting to order with seven (7) members present, constituting a quorum.

APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 14, 2009 BOARD MINUTES: Lois Jacobson motioned to approve the November 14, 2009 board meeting minutes as presented. Gail Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT:The report was had been previously sent out. Phil Langerud had a couple questions that were clarified by Perry.

WEATHERIZATION REPORT: Lanny reported that production is going quite well. The goal for completions for the 6 month period was 73 homes and 85 homes were completed. The production never was a problem,problem; it waswill be spending the money within the timeline. Adam Berger has just been hired. ThateWx department currently employs a makes the total of fourteen (14) employees for weatherization at fourteen (14)with seven (7) new employees hired as a result of ARRA funding. There has been difficulty in doing overtime.

The problem is that if there isn’t a foreman to work overtime, the new employees can’t work without supervision. If there was the ability to do overtime, there would also be more money spentThere was some discussion about future use of overtime during the upcoming peak productive season.

ATTENDANCE REPORT/ NCAP TRAINING CONFERENCE: In addition to the NCAP Training Conference report previously mailed Perry handed out a report on the NCAP Training and the ND Statewide Housing cConference that he attended.

CSBG STATISTICAL INFORMATION: Janet Hannesson, CSBG Program Coordinator, handed out a report ofdocuments containing statistical information for Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). A comprehensive report has to be submitted to the stateDCS each year. The report is based on client data that is entered into the tTracker system of services to clients servedas services are provided to the various households and individuals receiving assistance. The iIncome eligibility guidelines for CSBG were temporarily increased

from the historical amount of125% of the poverty levellevel to 200% of poverty level.The board was provided statistical information and Janet answered a few questions about the services and assistance provided by the agency.

The food donations use to be tracked by an estimated dollar amount, but now all food donations are tracked by pounds. The donations for the food pantry this year was 22,507 pounds with the dollar amount being figured at $1.00/lb. The food donations that go out are also tracked by pounds.

FY2010 CSBG APPLICATION & BUDGET:The board had been sent CSBG application documents for review prior to the meeting. Perry noted that since the mailing a fiscal adjustment had been made and that minor adjustment was added to the out of state travel budget line item. Sharon Hendrickson made a motion to approve the submission of the amended (minor fiscal adjustment) FY2010 CSBG Application & Budget as presented. Judy Allmaras seconded the motion. Motion carried.

SPACE ALLOCATION PLAN:The board had been sent the proposed space allocation plan for their review. Bill Mertens made a motion to approve the Space Allocation Plan as presented. Jolene LaVallie seconded the mo0tion. Motion carried.


  1. CAPLAW Conference-Savannah, GA June 15-18 (2 staff/board -possibly Dorothy Weigel & Scott Ramey)
  2. NCAP Convention, Boston, MA September 1-3 (Executive Director & 2 staff/board

Judy Allmaras made a motion to approve the out of state travel requests presented. Gail Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

BOARD RESOLUTION:MUTUAL OF AMERICA:This resolution is required for the maintenance of our Retirement Program. Sharon Hendrickson made a motion to approve the resolution as presented. Lois Jacobson seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Perry would like to see as many board members as possible attend the conference in Grand Forks. This is a state conference that is held every other year.

NCAP CORPORATE CONTRIBUTION: DPCAA has historically contributed corporate funds to NCAF. Sharon Hendrickson made a motion to contribute $750.00 from the DPCAA Ccorporate account to NCAF. Gail Pearson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Respectfully SubmittedRespectfully Submitted



Perry LundonPhil Langerud/President

Executive DirectorAbsence of Secretary/Treasurer