State of Michigan Homeland Security Grant Program
Revised 3/22/10
ACJ Page 2
Submit To: Performance and Reporting Unit; / EMHSD Tracking NumberACJ Number
1.A- Subgrantees Name: / 1.C- Date Sent:
1.D- Subgrantee P.O.C. / 1.E- P.O.C. Phone Number
2.B- Grant Program & Year:
This form is to be used as official documentation for the allowable activities of vehicles purchased with Homeland Security Funds. Subgrantees are required to comply with all HSGP allowability guidelines. Submitting this form certifies that the subgrantee will monitor vehicle use for compliance. Any violation of the guidelines shall result in funds being returned to EMHSD.
ODP Federal Grant states: The recipient also agrees, when practicable, any equipment purchased with grant funding shall be prominently marked as follow: “Purchased with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.”
5.A- Vehicle Make:
5.B- Vehicle Model: / 5.C- Vehicle Year:
5.D- Description of Planned Intended Use(s) :
For the purposes of the Homeland Security Grant Program, the definition of a vehicle is: A means of transportation specifically used for the transport of CBRNE terrorism response equipment and personnel to the incident site.
Such forms of transportation include: Mobile Command Post Vehicle , Hazardous Response (HAZMAT) Vehicle, Prime Movers for Equipment Trailers, 2-wheel personal transport vehicle (for transporting fully suited bomb technicians to the hot zone), All-terrain, multi wheeled Vehicles, Deployment Vehicles, Authorized trailer (MCI, DECON, Shelter), & Authorized Marine Vessels
CBRNE Vehicles purchased with HS funds can not be used as “General Use Vehicles”.
General use is defined as: administrative and general use for a department and are unauthorized program expenditures. Examples of, but not limited to, general use vehicles include: Police Squad Cars (Patrol/Detective), Administrative Vehicles, Executive Transportation.
“Prime Movers” for the purpose of this policy can only be used when moving a trailer or other equipment to and from an event or training. They can not be used for administrative purposes.
Fire apparatus and non-CBRNE tactical/armored assault vehicles are not authorized.
Licensing, Registration and maintenance fees are not allowable with grant funds.
Routine upkeep (i.e. gasoline, tire replacement, routine oil changes, monthly inspections, grounds and facility maintenance etc.) is the responsibility of the Subgrantee and may not be funded with preparedness grant funding.
This form shall be submitted with the Allowable Cost Justification form when determining allowability.
HSGP Purchased Vehicle Information
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