Authoritative Prayer

Some thoughts on "Authoritative Prayer" for folks learning how to take authority in Jesus Name in prayer – (Matthew 10:1, Luke 9:1)


1) I encourage you to practice taking authority in prayer in Jesus name, in order to cement the victories that have been won by the cross and will be enforced by your testimony and confessions (Revelation 12:10-11)

2) It may often not be enough for you to simply "pray" like you are used to doing, regarding the issues that are hindering and entangling you. I encourage you to step out in faith and speak words (in prayer) with the authority of Jesus Christ as his ambassador (2 Cor 5:20) and fellow worker (2 Cor 6:1), by the power of the name and blood and cross of Jesus Christ (acts 3:16 and 16:18)

3) Praying "low key" (simply because that may be your personality) may not "affect" the kingdom of god and kingdom of darkness as much as you desire when compared to actually "using" authority in your speech when speaking/praying (Mark 1:22-27, Luke 10:19-20)

4) I recommend that you go "outside the box" in prayer and speaking with authority and begin to "cry out" with conviction...... and not simply pray in a casual tone and way. God may be trying to teach you how to cry out and "fight" in prayer! (Proverbs 2:36 and Hebrews 5:7-10, Genesis 32:26, psalms 9:12)

5) All the "electrical cords" (sin that entangles) have been cut by your confession and repentance (acts 3:19). however, I strongly encourage you to now drive away all footholds and strongholds that have potentially "attached" to you (and keep them driven away by your continuing prayers) or they may easily "reattach" to you at some juncture, and begin to "hold you" again (over 20 times in the gospels evil spirits are said to have been "driven out")

6) After driving away the influence (sinful thoughts/feelings/lies/fears/actions), the freedom that god promises will come by faith (john 8:32 and 36, Luke 4:18, Romans 8:21, 2 Cor 3:17, Galatians 5:1, James 1:25)

7) There may be no movement in the invisible world until you step out in faith in authoritative prayer (john 17)

8) When you are willing to take authority in prayer, "they" (all influence") will be disabled and destroyed, which is the will of god (Hebrews 2:14, 1 john 3:8)

9) In conclusion, your "fighting" in prayer will be to

a) By faith use the word of god in prayer against all "holds/strongholds" (2 Cor 10:35)

b) Pray with conviction and humility to turbo charge your prayers (Matthew 28:18-20)

GO FORTH !!!!!!