Funds for Assessment, Remediation & Retention

March 30, 2012 2



California Community Colleges
system Office
1102 Q street
Sacramento, Ca 95811-6549
(916) 445-8752 /


DATE: March 30, 2012

TO: Presidents/Superintendents

Directors of Associate Degree Nursing Programs

Chief Instructional Officers

FROM: Ray York, Dean, Industry Partnership Practices

Nursing & Allied Health Unit

Workforce and Economic Development Division

SUBJECT: Announcement of Availability of 2012-13 Allocation Funds for Assessment, Remediation and Retention Grants for Associate Degree (ADN)/Registered Nurse (RN) Programs

Materials will not be mailed

NOTE: This e-mail pertains only to those colleges that do not currently have Capacity Building or Enrollment Growth and Retention Grants for ADN/RN Programs

SYNOPSIS: The Chancellor's Office intends to allocate funds to colleges with Associate Degree (ADN/RN) programs that do not currently have Capacity Building or Enrollment Growth and Retention Program grants. This program has been authorized by the State of California to increase enrollments and provide retention activities for nursing students enrolled in community college nursing programs. Funds are available for assessment, remediation, and retention activities and/or for enrollment growth. The intent is to continue the community college response to the nursing shortage by increasing the enrollment capacity of, and student retention in, community college nursing programs and, ultimately, increasing the number of, licensed nurses. To receive these funds, colleges with ADN/RN Programs are required to submit applications for how the funds will be used to increase enrollments and/or improve retention. Colleges with attrition rates of more than 15% may use funds for assessment, remediation, and retention. Colleges with attrition rates of less than 15% should focus the funds on expansion of program enrollments. This Allocation of Funds for Assessment, Remediation & Retention for nursing funds solicitation is not a competitive process, but does require a Letter of Intent to Apply and an application.

To receive these funds, applicants must submit the required Letter of Intent to Apply by 5:00 p.m. on April 16, 2012. The completed application must be submitted on or before 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2012. The purpose of these funds is to provide assessment, remediation, and retention activities to increase the retention of students enrolled in the ADN/RN programs or to expand enrollments and, ultimately, increase the number of licensed nurses. The funds are to be used to continue the implementation of an assessment, remediation, and retention program. Additional funds will be provided in subsequent years to continue the enrollment growth and retention program, dependent on continued state funding.

The forms identified above for submission may be found at the website provided below by March 30, 2012:

A copy of the approved grant agreement with the Executive Vice Chancellor’s signature will be mailed to the district. Funds for these agreements will be paid through the apportionment or claims process. For audit purposes, districts must retain a copy of the agreement, the application, the RFA specification and the Nursing and Allied Health and Workforce and Economic Development Legal Terms and Conditions for five years. Collectively, these documents constitute the legally binding agreement to perform the specified work.

ACTION REQUESTED: Submit the Letter of Intent to Apply by April 16, 2012. Follow the Application Instructions to submit the required forms. Submit six copies with original signatures in an ink color other than black. Submit the application packet by May 31, 2012. For additional information or clarification, contact Helga Martin at or by telephone at (916) 322-1773.

All forms except for the Face Sheet, Application Budget Summary, Work Plan Cover Page, and Statement of Assurances may be emailed to . Mail six (6) copies of the signed Face Sheet, Application Budget Summary, Work Plan Cover Page, and Statement of Assurances forms to the following address:

Helga Martin
Chancellor's Office
1102 Q Street, 4th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95811-6549

Attn: Associate Degree Nursing (RN) Programs

cc: Nursing & Allied Health Program Unit Staff