AFCO Form 103

Revised 10/05

PPQ = 50

Application for RAF Commission, RAF Sponsorship or
Non-Commissioned Aircrew
Supplementary Information

Notes about completing this form are contained on the last 2 pages.

Part 1 ~ Personal Details
q Surname q Forenames (in full)

q URN (Official use only) q AFCO/SCLO (Official use only)

Part 2 ~ Entry Details
q Which type of entry are you applying for? Please state Aircrew categories and/or
(you may tick more than one box) Ground branches for which you are applying
Commission (See Note 1)
Branch/Category / Terms of Service
Commissioned Warrant Officer
Bursary/Cadetship (See Note 2)
DTUS Engineer Bursary
Sixth Form Scholarship
University Placement Scheme (See Note 3)
Defence Sixth Form College
Non-Commissioned Aircrew
Note 1. Recent school leavers who wish to be considered for the In-service Degree Scheme please tick box
Note 2. Cadetships are only available for Medical and Dental Branches
Note 3. Placements are only available for Engineer and Administrative (Catering) Branches.
Part 3 ~ Service Liability
q Please give details of any liability for service with any force, including national service overseas.

It is the responsibility of the person(s) receiving the information in this questionnaire to adhere to the principles of the 1998 Data Protection Act.

Part 4 ~ Activities and Interests During Your Time at School
q State the activities and interests (including sports, hobbies, outward bound courses and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme) in which you have participated, specifying any positions of responsibility held up to the end of the 6thform study equivalent. Dates and duration of participation are required for each activity.
In School / Outside School
Part 5 ~ Service with Youth Organizations
q Give details of service with youth organizations eg, CCF (RN, Army or RAF section), ATC, Scouts/Guides, etc, please include period of service, rank attained and qualifications gained:
Part 6 ~ Activities and Interests Since Leaving Secondary Education
q State the activities and interests (including sports, hobbies) in which you have participated, specifying any positions of responsibility held since you completed 6thform studies or equivalent. Dates and duration of participation are required for each activity.
Arranged by University / Firm / Service / Outside University / Firm / Service
Part 7 ~ Flying Experience
Record of Flying Hours
Powered Aircraft / Gliding / Remarks
(Aircraft Types, CCF/ATC Flying, Private Expense, etc)
Service / Civil
Pilot Dual
Pilot Solo
Date of Last Dual/Solo Flight
Licences, Certificates held
Have you been awarded a Flying Scholarship: Yes No
Part 8 ~ Flying Training
q Please give name and address of Flying Club, School or Squadron where trained, and who awarded the Scholarship:
Part 9 ~ Professional Membership
q Please give details of membership of professional institutions or exemption from graduate examinations (including class of membership, date attained and registration number, if applicable):
Part 10 ~ Medical
q If you have been medically examined under arrangements made by the Ministry of Defence, please give particulars with dates:
Part 11 ~ Retirement Pay or Pension
q Are you in receipt of any retirement pay or pension, or disability retirement pay or pension in respect of former service in HM Forces? If so, please give details.
Part 12 ~ Directorship
q Are you a director of any company or acting in an advisory capacity to any corporation, company or private undertaking? If so, please give details.
Part 13 ~ Selection
q If invited for selection tests at the OASC:

What period of notice is required?
Please state dates in the next 6 months when
you will be unable to attend
If a travel warrant is required to attend the OASC,
please state your nearest railway station
q If selected for training:
When would you be available for service?

What period of notice would be required before joining?
Part 14 ~ Declaration
This is to certify that:
q I declare that the particulars given above are to the best of my knowledge and belief correct.
I understand that to withhold any material fact will automatically cancel my application.
q I understand that I do not have to accept any offer of service which may be made, and that the Royal Air Force can refuse my application without giving a reason.
q I understand that no guarantee is given that I will be accepted into the Royal Air Force.
q I have been warned not to give up my employment until I receive written confirmation of my selection for the Royal Air Force.
q I understand that I may only apply for early exit from the Service under normal premature voluntary release rules, or if I have strong compassionate reasons.
q I am free from financial embarrassment and am able to meet all my financial commitments.

Date Signature
Part 15 ~ Data Protection Act 1998
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is committed to ensuring that all your personal data including that of a sensitive nature is used with your consent, respect for privacy and only for the limited, clearly stated purpose within the form/ or as stated below. This also accords with our legal obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Information of a sensitive nature is defined as information about your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs or beliefs of a similar nature, trade union membership, physical or mental health condition, sexual life, criminal record, pending court proceedings or sentence or any alleged offence and will only be used within the MOD. This information is used for statistical, administrative and security reasons. As applicants often reapply after unsuccessful applications, it is our policy to retain personal information within the MOD until it has been dormant for 3years, at which point it will be destroyed. Information held on successful applicants will be retained on personnel files.
By signing this form you are confirming that you understand the above and that you agree that your personal data including that of a sensitive nature can be used as stated.
DECLARATION/AFFIRMATION By signing this declaration:
I confirm that the information I have given is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I confirm that I understand the purpose of the above and the reasons for the collection of my personal date, including sensitive personal data, and agree to my personal data being used as stated.

Date Signature
Part 16 ~ Certificate of Undertaking
(This particular undertaking does not apply to parents or guardians of applicants for the Defence Sixth Form College)
Undertaking of Parent or Guardian (Please give full name, please print in capitals)

the parent/guardian with responsibility for
who is a candidate for a Royal Air Force Sixth Form Scholarship, give my permission for him/her to attend the Officers and Aircrew Selection Centre.
I declare that it is his/her intention to remain at school and to do his/her best in GCE 'A2' level (or equivalent) studies so as to qualify for entry to officer service subject to the continuing requirements of the Royal Air Force. I understand that these are the conditions of the award of a RAF Sixth Form Scholarship, and will give him/her every assistance and encouragement in this direction.
Should the Ministry of Defence consider that he/she has failed without good reason to give of his/her best to gain his/her 'A2' levels (or equivalent), or should he/she, having gained them, decided not to join the Royal Air Force, or voluntarily withdraw from training, I accept the responsibility to reimburse the Ministry of Defence any monies disbursed by them during the tenure of his/her Scholarship.
Signature of Parent or Guardian / Signature of Witness / Address of Witness
To be signed in the presence of a witness / Name of Witness
The witness is to be over the age of 18 years, who is not related to either the applicant or the consenting parent/guardian*.
Certificate by Applicant (Please give full name, please print in capitals)

hereby apply for a Royal Air Force Sixth Form Scholarship.
I have read and understood the nature of the undertaking made by my parent/guardian* above.
Date Signature
* delete as applicable
Part 17 ~ Continuation Sheet
Additional Comments
Date Signature
General Instructions
1. Read through each form thoroughly before beginning to complete any of them.
2. Completion of the forms must be in black ink in the applicant's own handwriting. DO NOT TYPE.
3. All questions are to be answered. Blanks are not acceptable, so 'NIL', 'Not applicable', 'Not known', etc should be inserted as necessary.
4. All forms are to be signed and dated.
5. For specialist branches it is helpful to have a breakdown of subjects covered by the degree/diploma and curriculum vitae showing experience. For technical qualifications (eg City and Guilds or TEC), we require the Course Number, dates of the course, and a summary of subjects in the syllabus (a copy of your TEC result sheet should be attached to this form). Intermediately qualified candidates for the Engineer Branch must include photostat copies of their educational qualifications with their application forms when they are returned to the AFCO.
Instructions For AFCO Form 103
6. List all the branches in which you are interested, in order of preference. Ensure that you enter the correct branch or Non-Commissioned Aircrew category title. You will then be able to take all appropriate aptitude tests.
7. Commissions are of 2 types:
a. Permanent Commissions (18 years' service or age 40, whichever is the later).
b. Short Service Commissions (12 years for aircrew and 3, 4, 5 or 6 years for ground branches as detailed in the appropriate PAM(Air)).
Instructions For University Sponsorship Forms
8. Form 7153A should be completed by Bursary and Medical/Dental Cadetship applicants entering university the following autumn; the normal closing date for the receipt of applications to the AFCO is 30 September.
Criminal Justice And Court Services Act 2000
9. The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 requires people working with children under the age of 16 and vulnerable persons (physically disabled, sick or those with severe learning disabilities), as either employed personnel or volunteers to undergo disclosure checks by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).
10. Enhanced Disclosure Certificates will be sought following acceptance at OASC for candidates applying for the following branches: Ops Spt (Prov & Sy); Medical, Dental, Med Spt, Legal, Chaplain, PMRAFNS and Admin(PEd).
11. Do NOT sent your application forms direct to the Officers and Aircrew Selection Centre. Please bring or post them to the Armed Forces Careers Office / Senior Careers Liaison Office, University Air Squadron or other RAF agency from which you received this application form.
The Royal Air Force diversity policy is to treat all personnel fairly irrespective of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or social background. The policy goes further than the mere elimination of unlawful discrimination. It recognizes and values individuals from diverse backgrounds who bring fresh ideas, perceptions, skills and attributes. This enables the Royal Air Force to Recruit from the widest possible base, helping to achieve and sustain our manning needs and maintain operational capability.