State in a Bag Project

Checklist of Requirements

Outside of Bag

____ Name of state boldly and artistically printed

____ Motto/nickname of state

____ Map of state including capital city

____ The year it became a state

____ Neatly designed and colored

____ Your name

Inside of the Bag

____ 6 items

____ Items cover topics of history, resources, tourism, geography, economy, and sports (1 item for each)

____ At least 5 items need to be 3D

____ Object ID slips need to be neatly and accurately filled out

____ Your name on each slip


____ Introduce your state

____ Show your items and tell how they relate to your state

____ Eye contact with audience

____ Closing

Object ID Slip

Object: ______

Description of Object: ______

How does it relate to your state? ______

What topic is it related to? (history, resources, tourism, geography, economy, sports)


Name & State: ______

Object ID Slip

Object: ______

Description of Object: ______

How does it relate to your state? ______

What topic is it related to? (history, resources, tourism, geography, economy, sports)


Name & State: ______

Friday, April 25, 2014

State in a Bag Project

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I think that we all enjoyed our PYP Unit, “Where We Are In Place and Time!” Studying space has been full of great adventures, and I think that we learned more about space than we could have ever imagined! Our next PYP unit will cover “Who We Are,” “I am an American.” I look forward to exploring the United States, its symbols, famous presidents, monuments, geography, and land marks. To kick off our unit, I am asking you to start exploring one of our great states! I will assign each student one of the 50 states, and they will create a “State Bag” that includes information about their state. Attached to this note is a detailed checklist of everything that needs to be included in the bag. The state bag will be made out of a PAPER grocery bag. You can put handles on it, make it into a back pack, satchel, or whatever you please. Please just keep it in the bag family. The checklist list specific instructions on what is to go on the inside and outside of the bag. This checklist will be used to grade the projects. I hope that this project gives your student an excuse to learn about a new state, research, and express their creativity. This project will be due, Friday, May 9th. This will give you two weeks to complete your project. For each day that it is late, there will be a deduction of 10 points. I look forward to exploring what it means to be an American and seeing the great 50 states!


Your state is: ______