2010 State Chapter Annual Report

Due date is February 2, 2011.

State Chapter Name: Michigan Chapter Women’s Council of REALTORS®

Contact Name: Angie Ridley

Phone Number: 810 744 4600 E-Mail:

Mail: WCR, 430 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611


Questions: Call Martha Rusk @ 800-245-8512.

Purpose of the State Chapter

Women’s Council state chapters, regardless of size, have as their core purpose to:

·  Enable local chapters to provide consistent value to members by delivering systems and coaching

·  Serve as a resource and model of excellence in operations for local chapters

·  Reflect and reinforce the WCR mission, vision, values and goals in communications, services and operations

There are four essential roles for all state chapters to fulfill their purpose: Educator, Communicator, Leadership Developer and Liaison to Industry.


The state chapter provides orientation education to local chapter leaders, reinforcing the principles and practices delivered at Leadership Academy. The state chapter is in part accountable for the performance of the LCP and her team, and should model effective chapter operations in how the state is run and in the actions, behaviors and messages of its leaders.

State chapter programs/meetings always include: 1.) sharing of chapter management ideas/solutions among local leaders and between state and local leaders, and 2.) tangible opportunities for networking and relationship building.

1. List date(s) of State Membership Meetings.

Attach Agendas and Minutes.

Jan. 22, 2010

Agenda and Consent Agenda for meeting Jan. 22, 2010, click here , approved Jan. 22, 2010
Minutes from Jan. 22, 2010 for review..., click here , approved May 7, 2010 with corrections, see minutes from May 7, 2010.

May 7, 2010

Agenda and Consent Agenda, please click here approved with corrections, see May 7, 2010minutes
Minutes from May 7, 2010, click here

Sept. 29, 2010

Sept. 29, 2010 Agenda with Consent Agenda, click here

Sept 29, 2010 Minutes and Committee Reports, click here

2. List date(s) of State Governing Board Meetings.

Attach Agendas and Minutes.

Jan. 22, 2010

Agenda and Consent Agenda for meeting Jan. 22, 2010, click here , approved Jan. 22, 2010
Minutes from Jan. 22, 2010 for review..., click here , approved May 7, 2010 with corrections, see minutes from May 7, 2010.

May 7, 2010

Agenda and Consent Agenda, please click here approved with corrections, see May 7, 2010minutes
Minutes from May 7, 2010, click here

Sept. 29, 2010

Sept. 29, 2010 Agenda with Consent Agenda, click here

Sept 29, 2010 Minutes and Committee Reports, click here

3. List date of State Orientation for 2010 Local Chapter Officers.

Attach Agenda or List of Goals and Objectives. 10/23/2009

Leadership Day Agenda, click here

The Goal: To provide tools and communication for each chapter to be successful with membership while providing personal skills to succeed in business.

Number of local chapters in state 11
Number of chapters with officers in attendance 9

4. Rate your system for identifying and assisting distressed local chapters.

Circle or Highlight One: Excellent

Please provide details.

At the beginning of the year we became a MasterMind Team with a plan of action.

Our officers visit all the chapters Business Resource Meeting and Governing Board Meetings. We discuss face to face, by phone calls and email “What is going on with the chapter?” We are on a mission to meet the members to enforce the importance of WCR.

If we have a distressed chapter, our officers go in as a team to assist the chapter. We have found the most important part after diagnosis is “following through”. The officers have to stay on top of issues to assist all chapters. Communication.

5. State chapters facilitate sharing of ideas and solutions to issues and challenges faced by local chapters (includes both sharing among chapters and individual support from state to local).

List/describe activities that facilitated idea sharing and solutions.

At all our meetings we have a time period set aside for chapters to “MasterMind” with each other discussing chapter issues and successes. We have our chapters teach each other how to succeed. We share programs, ideas and tips for raising money. Membership growth was the most discussed this year.

When our officers attend Governing Board meetings of chapters, we share ideas of what we have seen work at other chapters. I personally do videos through out the year about programs I have attended and how to help chapters. I am attaching a couple of the videos…
My visit to the Lansing Chapter WCR Meeting 01/14/2010

Lake Pointe Women's Council of Realtors Successful Calendar Kick off

Northern MI Womens Council of Realtors Chapter Pre-Show for Bra's for Cause! Belly Dancers...

LakePointe WCR Installation featuring Beth Graham and the Robbin Barne's Team...

Just a few…


The state chapter is a partner with local chapters in furthering the WCR mission and routinely communicates key messages supporting the mission, vision, values and goals of WCR.

6. State Newsletter

Circle or Highlight One: Electronic

Sent to members 5 times/year

Our communication went far beyond a simple newsletter. We kept our members posted of information through video, twitter, Facebook, Skype and blogs.

Example of videos:

Craig Witt EXIT Realty Women's Council of Realtors

Angie's Michigan Women's Council of Realtors Achieve and

Angie Ridley in DC May 15, 2010, 10:58 AM

SEO, Transaction Mngmt, E-Sign, Angie Ridley's

MI WCR, A year it has been... Angie Ridley

7. State Web site address displays the Women’s Council logo and mission statement.

Circle or Highlight One: Yes

8. Do you have links to local chapter Web sites on the state Web site?

Circle or Highlight One: Yes

9. What system do you have in place to follow up with chapters when local web sites are out of date?

Preventative medicine is what we practice.

At the Leadership Days, 2008, 2009 and 2010 we have sections dedicated to the websites for our leadership. They are taught and then there is a question an answer period.

If there becomes an issue, we email, phone call and / or face to face communicate. If they need assistance, then we provide the assistance.

Leadership Development

The state chapter provides mentoring and coaching support to local chapters and their leaders. In all of its activities, the state chapter provides networking opportunities, forums, etc. for local leaders to learn from each other, share information, work on issues of concern, etc. The state chapter is part of the leader identification and cultivation process for local, state and national leadership opportunities.

10. Provide name of National Focus Chair for 2011 (appointed by 2011 State Chapter President). Laurie Koelling

11. Did the 2010 National Focus Committee review and submit resumes for consideration for national appointment? Yes

Liaison to Industry

The state chapter represents WCR in the REALTOR® community and with related organizations.

12. List dates and topics of performance management educational programs or PMN Designation courses held at state meetings.

091610 “Effective Negotiations” at Middleton Training School.

13. List names of state officers who are state REALTOR® association Committee Chairs or Directors. Robyn Walker

14. List date(s) of programs/trainings the state held that are designed to encourage participation by WCR members at all levels of the industry.

Attach agenda or program details.

Our goal was to bring back what we learned from National and State Conferences.

01/22/2010 Stewart Title came to the state meeting and taught the HUD 1 Settlement Statement. Federal change affects everyone. On agenda in number 1.

05/07/2010 Northern MI Chapter taught other chapters before the actual meeting, how they put together “Northern MI WCR Open House Tour Day”. The Northern Chapter has grown rapidly over the year because of this program. Seeing homes, having your listing seen is a definite benefit of the member while growing the chapter. On agenda in number 1.

09/16/2010 “Effective Negotiations” at Middleton Training.

09/29/2010 I, Angie Ridley, had a class before the meeting began. I taught Docusign (e-signatures). This is a benefit to the member’s career and home life. Docusign causes less stress, running and allows for more home life. On agenda in number 1.

15. List Web site links on State Web site to related organizations, i.e. state association, women’s organizations, etc.

/ WCR National
/ American Business Women's Association
/ Business and Professional Women/USA
/ Professional Women's Organization
/ Michigan Professional Women's Network

Chapter Capacity:

16. Please attach the chapter’s 2010 budget.

Approved Budget Jan. 22, 2010, click here
Current Budget through Sept. 17, 2010,click here

Chapter Feedback:

17. This is your opportunity to provide feedback on anything related to the state chapter. Feel free to “toot your horn” about activities in your state, tell us what assistance your state needs, etc.

The Michigan Chapter Women’s Council of REALTORS® ROCKS! We are more than a team. We are Masterminds with a mission of providing our chapters and individual members with life skills. We want the membership to know who we are and so we can help them. Our members fuel our local chapter leaders and the local chapter leaders fuel the state chapter leaders.

Education and Communication is priority. We bring back what we learn. If we go to a meeting, we make sure we teach what we learned at National or State Conventions. Our team knows that our membership is why we attend the events and we have to bring it back. We bring back WCR skills, ideas and programs…we bring back personal business skill building tools. We are membership helpers, chapter assistants and program instructors.

Example: I have taught Docusign all over MI because I learned the program at a national WCR conference. I teach Social Networking to members because I learned about it at a national meeting. Laurie and Robyn are teaching what they learn as well. We are freely giving back.

Communication is the key to providing education. We provide education in many ways. Videos, in-person, by newsletter, blogs, Facebook, twitter and more.

Personally, I can’t put into words the way I feel about this chapter. I try, words can’t describe this membership. Family, business partners and just so much more.