Coastal Christian Fine Arts and Enrichment Program
Dear Parents, 1/3/2017
It is hard to believe that half the school year is over and we are now entering 2017. As we begin Session Three our hope is that these classes will continue to be fun, help to enhance our students’ creative/imaginative abilities and encourage and inspire them in areas of their personal gifting and talents.
Session Three will begin the week of Monday, January 9th and will conclude the week of January 30th. Each session consist of four classes. The cost is $60 a session. Checks can be made to Coastal Christian School and can be placed in the SAE drop box in the school office. Please include your child’s name and the class they signed up for in the memo section of the check.
Sign-ups will begin January 4th. There will be a table set up in the school court yard (that I will be manning) before and after school. Parents, please sign up for your children, printing your child’s first and last name and age. There will be sign up clip boards for each class.
Session Thee Class Offerings are as follows and will start the week of January 9th:
MONDAY: Vocal Ensemble: This choral class will focus on vocal harmony and will 3:10 – 4:10 be taught by Michael Nunez.
Ages 10+
TUESDAY: Chess/Backgammon: Students will be taught how to play the games of 3:10-4:10 Chess and Backgammon. These games require strategic thinking Ages 8+ and will help to increase skill and efficiency in problem solving.
WEDNESDAY: Dramatic Monologue: Students will learn how to reveal a character’s 3:10-4:10 thoughts and feelings in a dramatic situation by using excerpts from Ages 10+ plays, poems, and stories.
THURSDAY: Fun/Hands-On Science: Through hands on experiments student will 3:10-4:10 gain a greater appreciation of the laws of matter/physical science.
FRIDAY: Building Bird Houses: Students will learn how to build a variation of bird 3:10-4:10 houses/bird feeders that are ascetically appealing and pragmatic in Ages 9+ function. All materials will be provided.
COST: $60 per session (for a total of four classes). Checks can be made out to: Costal Christian School and placed in the SAE drop box in the school office.
*In anticipation of the MLK holiday we will offer a Vocal Ensemble replacement class on February 13th and a Fun/Hands On Science replacement class (due to Open House 2/2) on February 16th .
Sincerely, David Bartholomew (Fine Arts and Enrichment Director)