DATE October 16, 2012

TIME: 10:00 a.m.

LOCATION: 500 N. Calvert Street

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland 21202

PRESENT: Harold Norris Chairman, Consumer Member

Gregory Restivo, Vice Chairman, Industry Member

Kevin McLeod, Industry Member

Brian Wodka, Industry Member

Karl Kraft, Chief Boiler Inspector

Rick Sanders, Industry Member

ABSENT: Loretta Johnson, Consumer Member

OTHERS: Gae Herzberger, Administrative Aide

Steven Smitson, O & P Licensing


Chairman Norris called the regularly scheduled Board of Stationary Engineer’s business meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


The Board welcomed Mr. Rick Sanders, Industry Member, to the Board of Stationary Engineers. Mr. Sanders introduced himself and stated that he looks forward to serving on the Board.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Sanders and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2012, business meeting as amended.

OLD BUSINESS: Continuing Education

Mr. Wodka reviewed with the members how several other boards within the Division have regulated their continuing education programs. Some boards accept online courses and others only accept credits for classroom courses. The Board discussed establishing a process for course providers to obtain board approval for CEU credits; requiring that an accredited course provider administer an examination at the conclusion of the course; and that the Board refer to the Board of Education for continuing education requirements.

Mr. Wodka and Mr. Sanders agreed to collect further information for the Board’s review.

Mr. Kraft suggested that a list be made available on the website of all approved providers. Providers on this list will include those who have presented a syllabus of courses for the Boards review and approval.


Mr. Smitson reminded the Board to expect to see applications from former employees of RG Steel who worked in the power plant there. The Department has prioritized processing these applications and evaluating them to ensure that employees receive credit for any qualifying experience in order to be able to sit for a licensure exam.



Mr. McLeod distributed a Work Summary Data Sheet for the Board’s review. The updated data sheet will assist applicants with documenting their qualifying experience, including job duties, responsibilities, specific equipment, and horsepower, and the largest piece of equipment, as well as the supervisor’s signature and date.


The Board reviewed the examination statistics submitted by PSI for the month of September 2012, and the cumulative statistics. Below are examination results:

Stationary Engineers / Candidates tested / Passed / Failed / Pass %
Grade 1 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 0%
Grade 2 / 0 / 0 / 0
Grade 3 / 8 / 3 / 5 / 38%
Grade 4 / 15 / 6 / 9 / 40%
Grade 5 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 33%
Totals / 31 / 10 / 21 / 32%


The members requested that PSI provide additional statistics regarding exam questions that are most frequently answered incorrectly. In addition, the Board would like to meet with a PSI representative early next year to review the exam materials.


American Trainco, a course provider, submitted its course overview for the Board’s review. Following a discussion, the Board agreed to table this matter until the next meeting.


The Board discussed the joint meeting with the Board of Boiler Rules and looks forward to continuing to work together.

It was discussed that the inspectors may file complaints and report violations to the Board and may submit a quarterly inspection report.


Mr. Restivo suggested that the wording on the examination application be changed regarding the requirements for each grade to start with the lowest exam being grade 5 to the highest exam being grade 1 for clarification.


Motion (II) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Wodka and unanimously carried by the Board to of Stationary Engineers to enter into Executive Session at 11:45 a.m., in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, 500 N. Calvert Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205-3651. This meeting was permitted to be closed pursuant to State Government Article Annotated Code of Maryland § 10-508 (a) (8). The purpose of the session was to consult with Counsel regarding an applicant for licensure.

Motion (III) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Wodka and unanimously carried to return to the public meeting.

Motion (IV) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Sanders and unanimously carried to accept the findings of the Executive Session.


The Board approved one application to take the 1st Grade Stationary Engineer’s examination.

The Board approved one application to take the 3rd Grade Stationary Engineer’s examination

The Board approved one application to take the 4th Grade Stationary Engineer’s examination.

The Board approved one application to the 5th Grade Stationary Engineer’s examination.


Motion (V) was made by Mr. McLeod, seconded by Mr. Restivo and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 p.m.


Harold Norris, Chairman Date

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_____ Without Corrections