More than I am

Head Boy and Head Girl Report
This week has been really exciting because it was our school book day! On Monday afternoon Dan Worsley came to visit our school and told us how books are made. He also told us two of his books that he had written (Impossible Tales and Eric Appleby.) On Tuesday Mrs Wilson did a hand ball tournament with a few children. On Thursday we all dressed up as our favourite book characters. Thank you mums and dads for dressing your child up. We all had a great time on Friday afternoon when we played lots of games with Year 3 and our parents who came in after school.
Poppy and Thomas

Stars of the Week: Jack Kerby, Ella Bamber, Blake McKenzie, Davis Versinnis, Madison Padgeon, Daniel Reddy, Chloe Stone, Tom Threlfall and Ollie Buckley. Well done everyone!

Birthdays Happy Birthday toLeo Parkes-Christian, Jessica Mercer-Taylor, Sam Edmondson, Thomas Edmondson, Polina Melehova, Kia Clark, Eden Chambers-Baxter and Ewan Lees.

Attendance: Congratulations to Year6–98.6% attendance!

Book Fair–The book fair will be in school for the last night next Tues. Final chance to bag a book!

Art Club – Due to Miss Hosker’s absence there will be no Art Club till further notice.

Netball Club-Next week Wednesday 4th May there will be no netball club-back to normal the following week.

School Council-the next school council meeting will be on Wednesday 18th May 3:20 - 4:15pm.

Summer Uniform – Now that the sun is shining and the days are getting warmer it’s time to be thinking about the summer uniform, polo shirt, grey shorts & grey socks or summer dresses and white socks. Please make sure that your child wears either black shoes or black/brown sandals. The heels of sandals must not exceed 5cm and must be sensible in order to ensure health and safety around school.

Text–to-Parents – During this week you should have received a text from school as we trial the system. If you haven’t received a text we must not have your up-to-date mobile number. Please check your contact details with Mrs Parkinson as we are going to text the stars of the week from next week and we wouldn’t want you to miss the good news!

Year 3 Games Afternoon - Thanks for all the support with the Y3 games afternoon. The year 3 children certainly had such fun planning and making the games and we know that everyone enjoyed playing them.

Trinity Hospice

Three of our staff will be taking part in the 10K fundraising for Trinity Hospice. This is a very worthy cause and if anyone would like to make a donation please leave it with Mrs Parkinson in the school office. Thank you

PTA meeting – Please come along and support the school by being part of the PTA. The next meeting is being held at Starbucks (Ribby Leisure Village) 5.30-6.30pm on Tuesday 17th May 2016. Coffee and Cake will be available. This is to discuss the Summer BBQ. We need all the support we can get to keep our fundraising/social activities going. Without your help there is a danger that not a lot happens and that would be such a shame for our children and you as parents.

Diary Dates

Mon 2nd May / School Closed – May Bank Holiday
Weds 4th May / Worship – Year 3
Weds 4th May / Year 5 Trip to Rossall Planetarium Centre
Weds 11th May / No Worship
Mon – Thurs 9 – 12th May / SATs week for Year 6.
Mon 16th May / Road Safety training starts for all KS1 & FS pupils.
Tues 17th May / 5.30pm PTFA Meeting at Starbucks, Ribby Hall Village
Weds 18th May / Year 1 Worship
Friday 20th May / Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration in school.
Tues 24th May / Orienteering Festival Y5/6 at Carr Hill
Weds 25th May / Worship Y4
Thurs 26th May / Y6 – Leavers Barn Dance 6.30 – 8.30pm
Fri 27th May / School closes for half term 3.20pm
Mon 13th June / School opens 8.50 am
Saturday 18th June / National Cheer Leading Competition in Manchester
Tues 21st June / Y3/4 Dance Festival
Thurs 23rd June / Teddy Bears Picnic KS1 – Themed Lunch
Mon 27th June / Start of Health Week
Tues 28th June / Y6 Rounders Competition
Thurs 30th June / Year 2 Worship in church
Sports Day
Friday 1st July / Heart Beat workshops in school
Mon 4th July / Visiting Author – Dan Worsley – in school.
Tues 5th July / Y5/6 Outdoor Athletics Competition
Weds 6th July / Music Concert in Church, Cornets, Clarinets, Recorders, Guitars
Fri 8th July / PTFA BBQ
Weds 13th July / Y6 Leavers production in church
Thurs 14th July / Wesham’s Got Talent
Mon 18th July / 4pm Foundation Stage Graduation – in church.
Weds 20th July / Stars of the term – in church
Fri 22nd July / Leavers Service in church
School finishes for the summer holidays 1.30 pm

Best Wishes Mrs Astbury