
While participating in any Starlings COLA Volleyball Club function, you will always be serving as a representative of our organization. In order to maintain our high level of expectations of respect and discipline, we have created these policies to ensure that our club members, family members, and our club staff are treated in a fair and respectful manner.

We expect that all members of our organization will abide by these rules and policies. Our primary goal is to ensure that each player can participate in a positive, yet, demanding and challenging environment. Our club philosophy is to make sure that parents’, coaches, and administration work together in unison to help teach our athletes characteristics of discipline, perseverance, and determination. A unified relationship between the coaches and parents is essential.

We demand that all participants in our organization follow these rules and policies. Any deviation from these core values may result in suspension and/or dismissal from Starlings COLA Volleyball Club.


The Starlings Volleyball Clubs, USA was begun by Byron Shewman in 1995. The former USA Men’s Volleyball Team member sought to establish a volleyball/academic program that would largely serve girls from low-income families. Olympian Kim Oden joined Shewman and co-founded the first club when eight girls arrived to practice in San Diego, California in 1996. From this modest beginning, the Starlings have expanded to 34 cities and Native American Reservations throughout the United States. Over 2500 girls participate and the program is rapidly expanding.

Mission Statement

To provide the equal opportunity for girls—from diverse

socioeconomic backgrounds—to train and compete at USA Volleyball’s Junior Olympic level; to encourage teamwork, health, positive life skills, and academic achievement; to establish member clubs throughout the nation that are community-based and self-sustaining.


Starlings philosophy follows ASEP’s (American Sport Education Program) basic principle. It is simply,

“Athletes First, Winning Second.”

Given this philosophy, it logically follows that success will be measured in terms of players’ personal development and personal enjoyment, not wins and losses.

Success = Personal Development + Personal Enjoyment

General Rules

1. All players must follow all rules established by Starlings COLA Volleyball Club personnel and facility officials at all tournaments, practices, and accommodation sites. This also applies during transportation to and from competition sites.

2. We recognize the primary importance of education in the young athlete's life. Those athletes unable to maintain a satisfactory standard of academic achievement (as determined by the athlete and her parents) will be suspended and or playing privileges revoked. Parents, Coaches, and Administration will work together in helping achieve academic goals.

3. Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug usage before, during, or after any club related activity will result in immediate notice of parent(s) and will be further reviewed to determine suspension and/or dismissal from the Starlings COLA Volleyball Club.

4. Attendance is MANDATORY. Your playing time will be affected if you do not attend all practices. However, you may attend make up practices.

Starlings COLA 24 Communication Rule

Parents and/or any relatives must wait 24 hours prior to approaching any coach or administrator. No parent is allowed to communicate with any coach or administrator regarding playing time, game strategy, or any other issues that will not affect the safety of the players. We ask that there be a 24 hour span before any communication to ensure that all parties involved will be reacting in a positive and constructive manner.


At the Starlings COLA Volleyball Club, we will strive to create a positive environment for not only the players of the organization, but also for the parents and coaches.

1. We ask that parents act accordingly at tournaments regarding playing time, game strategy, officiating, and score keeping. In order for your daughters to have a positive experience, we must treat others with the same level of respect we desire.

2. Yelling at the referees is not allowed at our club by any of your family members. Although it is an accessible method of releasing stress, we ask that parents do not yell at the officiating crew.

3. Yelling at the linesperson will not be tolerated. The linesperson is a player. We expect that parents treat other daughters with the same respect you demand for your own. Please allow the coaching staff to work with the officiating crew.

4. Please be courteous to other Starlings COLA parents and spectators. If you have an issue with any problems, please follow the problem resolution protocol. The club administration will work with you to assist in helping your daughter achieve her goals.

5. If any parent, family member or friends disrupt the volleyball environment, they will be asked to leave the playing site. Thereafter, there will be a one tournament suspension for any disruptive party from attending a future tournament. If this issue persists, the player may be asked to leave the organization if the family member or friends of the family causes undue stress or disruption to the team and other families.


All training is accomplished at practice. An athlete's inability to regularly attend practice not only affects the performance and success of the entire team, but also destroys the continuity of training each coach tries to establish in teaching the necessary volleyball skills. Playing time and or playing privileges may be revoked if excessive amount of practices are missed. The coaches and administration will determine the consequences of missed practices.

The only way we can succeed at this primary objective is to ask each and every athlete to adjust her personal schedule around our training and competition schedule. It is the only way we can hope to accomplish any of the goals we set for ourselves and our program.

1.MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND PRACTICE REGULARLY! The nature of our program demands regular attendance at all practices and tournaments in order to benefit the individual player and team

2. If you miss one (1) practice in the week of preparation for a tournament, you must sit out one (1) set. Your coach will determine when this will occur. Any other missed practices will result in further consequences. You may be able to make up practices during the week or week prior.

3. If unable to attend practice, each player has the responsibility to contact her respective coaches at least 24 hours before the scheduled practice. In the case of an emergency, please notify someone as soon as possible (coach, assistant coach, or director).


Comment on constructive criticism:

All comments or remarks (constructive criticism) concerning your volleyball performance must never be taken personally. Those comments are directed to you, the volleyball player, and not you the person.

Purpose of Practice:

1. Provide an environment in which the individual and the team can discover their maximum potential.

2. To ensure that the proper techniques are trained by each player at Starlings COLA.

3. To mold a group of individuals into a “team”.

4. To assist in accomplishing set goals by each player.

Practice Attitude:

1. We must make the maximum use of this time we spend in practice. Quality work, not quantity produces the best results! Therefore, you must always come to practice mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to work hard! Playing time will be earned at practice.

2. To work hard is a privilege. It is important to know the coaching staff will work only with those who want to work hard.

3. Always pay attention and follow directions. When uncertain as to what has been said or what is to be done, make sure you find out.

4. Never allow yourself to settle for anything less than your best. Be a perfectionist. “Good Enough” is never good enough.

Practice Rules:

1. Practice will always start on time.

2. There is no sitting down in practice, unless so instructed by the coaching staff.

3. Coaches will coach and players will play. Players will not coach. Coaches will not play.

4. Any overt display of displeasure or frustration will not be tolerated. That player will be taken out of a drill, asked to site down, or dismissed from practice. We cannot afford losses of emotional control during competition.

5. Any taping will be done prior to practice.

6. When shagging balls during a drill, never allow a ball to roll through the practice area, especially during hitting or blocking exercises.

7. If you must leave practice for any reason, notify the coach.

8. In any drill, if you do not “go” for the ball, you either will start the drill over or be taken out of the drill. There is NEVER a reason for a lack of effort

9. When other teammates are in a drill, you must be encouraging. It is a great show of team work.

10. If you know you are going to miss or be late to practice, notify your coach at least the day before. Individual coaches will determine a team policy regarding missing practice.

11. Players must report illness or injury to the coaching staff immediately upon detection.

12. Should you feel the need to use the restroom, do so before practice or during a break. If you have problem with this, see your coach.

13. At the conclusion of practice, all player will round up all balls. At that time, an inventory will be taken. Any missing volleyball will be charged to everyone participating in that practice. Volleyballs are a major expense of running our program. Take the responsibility and keep an eye out for them.

Competition Rules:

1. Players are responsible for picking up after themselves during each tournament and competition. Players will abide by all rules and regulations of the playing site. Treat each competition site as though it was our own facility.

2. The captain will be in charge of running the pre-game stretch and warm-up.

3. During the match, players who are on the bench must be ready to go into the game at all times.

4. Only the captain will talk to the officials, and then only in a previously specified manner.

5. During each tournament, coaches will assign officiating assignments to the players. Each player is responsible for a certain assignment.

6. Each team is responsible for all game equipment issued to the team. Should any item be lost or stolen, the team will be required to pay for each of the missing items.

Fees and Payment Policy

Operating costs for the Starlings COLA Volleyball Club are met through payments by individual club members. Team fees are approximately $750 for the season and includes SCVA tournaments and Starlings Nationals. Additional mandatory fundraisers are a must in order to keep expenses at a minimum.

Fees collected will be used to cover the following expenses:

1. Gym Rental

2. Uniforms

3. Individual registration to USA Volleyball.

4. Tournament fees (two tournaments per month).

5. Insurance.

6. Team and club equipment (balls, tape, first aid, etc).

7. Administrative supplies

8. Coach and Administration Reimbursement.

9. Rooms and food for Starling National tournament

Individual or Team Problem Resolution Protocol

1. Identify the issue/problem with your daughter.

2. The Player must communicate to the coach regarding the issue in a pro-active manner, and create productive solutions to the problem.

If issue is not resolved, the parent and player will meet with the coach to discuss the issues and possible alternative resolutions (outside of practice and competition times).

4. If issue persists, parent must schedule a meeting between parent, coach and director (and/or assistant director).

We ask that these four steps be followed. As an organization, we encourage that each player take initiative in developing positive problem solving skills. Please recognize that these steps have been implemented to encourage a positive and productive, professional relationship between the coach and player. Prior to any coach-parent or coach-parent-administration meeting, we will confirm that all steps have been followed.

General Refund Policy

Refunds are only granted in the event a player decides to not play before the 1st tournament and before and equipment has been ordered. Refunds after this point are only granted in an emergency situation that will prevent a player from continuing the season (injury or an unforeseen hardship).

Closing Comments

In any group activity, such as athletics, there must be supervision, leadership, and a disciplined effort by all to accomplish our goals. Otherwise, most of our united strength will be dissipated, pulling and fighting against each other. Discipline and compliance are essential in any activity on and off the court, and will foster Team Work. Your coach is very interested in you as an individual. But they must act in what they consider to be the best interest of the team, for either the moment, or the future. Your participation and commitment to our program will not only benefit you as a volleyball player, but will most assuredly extend into other facets of your life.

Additional Websites

also on Facebook at: starlings cola



Parent Contract

I (we), the undersigned parent or guardian of ______, have read and fully understand the above policies of Starlings COLA Volleyball Club. I agree to abide by the stated policies, knowing that they have been formulated solely for the benefit of the athletes participating in Starlings COLA Volleyball Club. Any deviation from the club policies may result in suspension or dismissal from the Starlings COLA Volleyball Club.

A. I agree to support and cooperate with the coaches and staff as outlined in the club rules.

B. I agree to pay on time and in full, as scheduled, in the payment program. Also, I am aware that if withdrawing from the program, I must do it in writing and will be responsible for the remainder of the fees for the year.

C. If withdrawing from the program, it must be done in writing and you must clear all financial responsibilities.

D. I understand that breaches of Club Policy or regulations by any participant(s) may result in suspension or expulsion from the organization, and forfeit fees or refunds. In addition, the participant(s) will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by SCVA and USA Volleyball.

E. Participants must satisfy Academic Standards, outlined by their schools. No refunds will be authorized for this type of withdrawal.


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date


Signature of Parent/Guardian Date

( )______( )______( )______

Home Phone Mother’s Cellular Father’s Cellular