Tuesday 21st March 2017 – 1730 – PUFFINS
MINUTES: / ACTIONS:Welcomes & Apologies:
In Attendance: JP, RT, II, NK, ES, SB
Apologies: JPE, LB, JW, MV
Also in attendance: Tish Broome, Emily Gray
Governor Vacancies:
Tish Broome used to be a Governor a few years ago – she is the Manager at Starcross Pre-school, SEN lead – she has submitted information to the Governing body in relation to becoming a Co-opted Governor.
Proposed -JP Seconded- ES
All in favour
Emily Gray is a parent of children at school, she has a financial background and legal background and therefore would like to be considered as a Co-opted Governor.
Proposed-RT Seconded- NK
All in favour
School Development Plan:
II has asked Governors to compare this to last years and it just solidifies what we as a school have been doing. This is just a summary of what we already know, because of the regular feedback and because of the visits that Governors have been doing on a regular basis to the school and the classes.
Pg 2: Results:
KS1 – These were slightly below the national average in a number of subjects. Since then a lot of time and money has gone into assisting the children in reaching expected standard.
KS2 – Attainment was really good in a number of subjects. We were moderated by the Local Authority and they were extremely stringent. Our progress in reading and handwriting is ongoing and a lot of work is still happening within these subjects.
You will see from the report that last years Targets are written in bold.
We are in a much better position than we have been in the past. TV has been instrumental in developing the library and improving Phonics across both KS1 and KS2. SB has also been assisting with this.
Talk for Maths and Counting to Calculating are things we are using to assist with Maths, these are all things that we are having to pay extra for.
Beyond monitoring Course: II and RH have attended this course, which was very worthwhile. TV is going to attend the next one. These courses have helped us to look at and change the way we are observing lessons, the way we feedback to each other and the way in which we support each other.
Closing the Gap: Pupil Premium
We have reports from EVERY teacher saying that every child IS making progress and there is evidence to support this, which is shown very clearly in the childrens books. Year 1 are also using the same system but in a slightly more simplistic way.
As a school, we will be measured on the Partnerships we have with other agencies and other organisations. One example of this is “Somerset Literacy Network”, who are fantastic.
If you as Governors have not had a chance to see examples of this, please go and look in the childrens books, there are huge improvements in the handwriting and the presentation of their work. They are very proud of what they are achieving.
The new Marking System is working well, the children can see clearly any mistakes etc. and staff can clearly see any editing.
Pg 6: II explained that there were concerns regarding the new intake of children in reception, but the EYFS Leader indicates that we should be looking at a minimum of 70% of the children making a good level of development by the end of the year.
Pg 7: Academisation
We are to have a separate action plan which is to be drawn up by the Governors at the next meeting.
Pg 8: Targets
Interventions to be used if required regarding the way Phonics are taught
Maths teaching is continuing and is to be more standardised, for example, to ensure that the same language is being used.
We also must ensure that we continue to track the progress of the disadvantaged children.
NK asked if the Attendance Data was to be included in the SDP?
II stated that they now have new reports which are generated on a half termly basis, these are very detailed and therefore can quite easily be added to the SDP.
II asked the Governors is they were happy or if there were any questions?
All governors agreed that the report was clear, concise and they were able to understand the report, therefore no questions.
PR4 – II explained that in order to stop the children climbing on the small wall within the small playground we are going to build a small “lollipop” fence.
PR7 – Pre-school are currently looking at a new dedicated entrance to their building – this will be commissioned and paid for by the Pre-school.
The Wallace and Gromit room is looking amazing and is a wonderful environment to be in.
TB explained that the Pre-school would love to become more involved in some of the projects within the school grounds, such as the Nature Area, they may also be able to assist with some of the funding for these projects.
This is another way of showing that we are working in partnership with other organisations.
Health & Safety:
The Gable end of the building still needs to be resolved, there has been some remedial work, but DCC to be contacted regarding assistance with paying for this.
Fire doors are to be replaced and renewed as and when possible.
Governors were expressing an interest in the Safer Recruitment Training – SB and NK have signed up.
The Playground area needs to be resurfaced. We will need to try and get some assistance with the funding for this. Lottery Funding may be an option.
Swimming Pool:
The Swimming Pool will continue to be commissioned for use. TB asked if there was any reason why the Pre-school would not be able to use it? II explained that as long as the staff in charge had the right qualifications and followed all procedures he did not see this as an issue.
TB asked what would happen if there was an issue with the Pre-school Building – II explained that this would be covered by DCC and would go directly to them.
II is to send the whole document for the SDP to the Governors attention / Please fins attached the SDP alterations and changes as set out in this report
II to ensure this data is added to the SDP